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UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering CE247 DESIGN OF STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES Course Web Site is at http www astaneh net Faculty Abolhassan Astaneh Asl Ph D P E O H MF 10 30 11 30 at 781 Davis Hall GSI Eric Keldrauk O H TBA General Information General Catalogue Description Behavior and design of steel plate girders and shear walls Design of bracings for stability Design of members subjected to torsion Design of composite beams columns and beam columns Behavior and design of shear semirigid and moment connections Concepts used in design of gusset plates and base plates Selection and design of steel and composite systems Required Book Behavior and Design of Steel and Composite Structures by Abolhassan Astaneh Asl 2008 Edition for CE247 This is a textbook in its final stages of preparation for printing Chapters of the book in PDF format which covers CE247 syllabus will be posted on the course web site at www astaneh net throughout the semester for free download of students enrolled in CE247 The lectures will follow this document 2 AISC Steel Construction Manual 2005 This is the latest Steel Construction Manual released by the American Institute of Steel Construction AISC in 2006 and supersedes all other AISC Manuals Students 1 2008 CE247 Policy and Syllabus Jan 29 Astaneh net doc Copyright Abolhassan Astaneh Asl 1987 2008 All rights reserved 1 3 enrolled in steel design courses in U S can purchase this Manual for a student price of 120 The faculty teaching the course sends the student payment to the AISC and receives the copy to be given to the student More details will be provided in class Specification for Structural Steel Buildings 2005 and Commentary This is the most current Specification that governs design of steel structures A copy of this document in PDF format can be freely down loaded from http www aisc org or form the CE247 course page at www astaneh net 4 Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings 2005 and Commentary This is the most current Specification that governs seismic design of steel structures A copy of this document in PDF format can be freely down loaded from http www aisc org or from the CE2472 course page at www astaneh net 3 Other Free Download Documents Used or Referred to in the Course 5 Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for Seismic Applications ANSI AISC 358 05 An American National Standard A copy of this document in PDF format can be freely down loaded from http www aisc org or form the CE247 course page at www astaneh net 6 Sections from FEMA 350 Series reports will be used during the semester The reports can be downloaded free of charge from www fema gov or CE247 course page at www astaneh net 7 Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts developed by the Research Council on Structural Connections and published by the AISC A copy of this document in PDF format can be freely down loaded from http www aisc org or form the CE247 course page at www astaneh net Suggested References 1 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures ASCE Standard number SEI ASCE 7 05 American Society of Civil Engineers Reston VA 2 Connections in Steel Structures IV Behavior Strength and Design Proceedings of a 2000 conference This document can be downloaded free of charge from the AISC web site www aisc org Free Downloads 3 Composite Construction Design for Buildings a book by Viest et al 1997 ASCE McGraw Hill Inc 4 Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details Edited by Akbar Tamboli McGraw Hill Inc 5 Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted Joints Second Edition G L Kulak J W Fisher and J H A Struik Published by the AISC www aisc org Homework Homework assignments will be given during the semester and are due at the beginning of the class on the due date Late homework solutions will not be accepted Please submit your solution to the homework sets on engineering pad paper write neatly and draw the sketches using a straightedge Solutions to homework sets will be posted on the web page http ce berkeley edu astaneh Please make sure we have your e mail address correctly If you did not receive this page via e mail prior to first lecture then we don t have your correct e mail address Please send an e mail as soon as possible to astaneh ce berkeley edu with subject CE247 E mail address Examinations Revised Jan 29 08 There will be two midterms on the date indicated in the next page If for documented personal or family emergencies you cannot take a mid term exam the grade for your missed mid term will be assigned as the same grade as your other midterm grade If you miss a midterm for unjustifiable reasons the grade for missing midterm will be zero The two midterms will be 90 minutes long Friday from 8 20 9 50 and will be open book There will be a Systems Design Project consisting of design of lateral load systems for an eight story building using the steel and composite systems discussed during the last 1 3 of the semester There will be no final exam Grading Weights Homework will count 25 each mid term exam 25 and systems design assignment 30 Prerequisites for CE 247 An undergraduate course in Design of Steel Structures such as CE122 at UC Berkeley 2008 CE247 Policy and Syllabus Jan 29 Astaneh net doc Copyright Abolhassan Astaneh Asl 1987 2008 All rights reserved 2 3 Summary of CE247 Course Content Week Jan 23 Jan 25 Jan 28 Jan 30 Feb 1 Feb 1 Feb 4 Feb 6 Feb 8 Feb 8 Feb 11 Feb 13 Feb 15 Feb 15 Feb 18 Feb 20 Feb 22 Feb 22 Feb 25 Feb 27 Feb 29 Feb 29 Mar 3 Mar 5 Mar 7 Mar 7 Mar 10 Mar 12 Mar 14 Mar 14 Mar 17 Mar 19 Mar 21 Revised Jan 29 08 Mar 21 Mar 24 28 Mar 31 Apr 2 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 7 Apr 9 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 14 Apr 16 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 21 Apr 23 Apr 25 Apr 25 Apr 28 Apr 30 May 2 May 2 May 5 May 7 May 9 May 9 May 12 Day Lecture Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Fr Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri Fri Mon Wed Fri 1 2 3 4 Discussion 5 6 7 Discussion 8 9 10 Discussion 11 12 Discussion 13 14 15 Discussion 16 17 18 Discussion 19 20 21 Discussion 22 23 24 Discussion 25 26 27 Discussion 28 29 30 Discussion 31 32 33 Discussion 34 35 36 Discussion 37 38 39 Discussion 40 41 42 Discussion 43 Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon 44 Topics Course …

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Berkeley CIVENG 247 - Policy and Syllabus

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