USF CS 686 - Using HiColor graphics

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Using HiColor graphics Introduction to the 15bpp 16bpp SuperVGA graphics modes 15 bit color format 15 14 13 12 11 10 R R R R R 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 G G G G G B B B B B Each pixel is controlled by a two byte element of display memory according to the format shown above little endian convention Radeon s 15bpp VESA modes mode 0x010D 15 bpp 320x200 mode 0x0193 15 bpp 320x240 mode 0x01A3 15 bpp 400x300 mode 0x01B3 15 bpp 512x384 mode 0x01C3 15 bpp 640x350 mode 0x0183 15 bpp 640x400 mode 0x0110 15 bpp 640x480 mode 0x0113 15 bpp 800x600 mode 0x0116 15 bpp 1024x768 mode 0x0119 15 bpp 1280x1024 16 bit color format 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R G G G G G B B B B B R R R R G Each pixel is controlled by a two byte element of display memory according to the format shown above little endian convention Radeon s 16bpp VESA modes mode 0x010E 16 bpp 320x200 mode 0x0194 16 bpp 320x240 mode 0x01A4 16 bpp 400x300 mode 0x01B4 16 bpp 512x384 mode 0x01C4 16 bpp 640x350 mode 0x0184 16 bpp 640x400 mode 0x0111 16 bpp 640x480 mode 0x0114 16 bpp 800x600 mode 0x0117 16 bpp 1024x768 mode 0x011A 16 bpp 1280x1024 Application programming unsigned short vram vram unsigned short 0xA0000000 For 15bpp color format unsigned short red 0x1F 10 unsigned short green 0x1F 5 unsigned short blue 0x1F 0 unsigned short white 0x7FFF In class exercise 1 Write a bare bones graphics application that draws a border around the screen For each of the seven color combinations named below draw an array of colored boxes that shows all of the 32 possible intensities of that color pure red pure green pure blue blue and green blue and red green and red red and green and blue In class exercise 2 Revise our wfmodel1 cpp demo program so that it uses 15bpp color format instead of 8bpp color format but keep the same 640 by 480 screen resolution

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USF CS 686 - Using HiColor graphics

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