Berkeley MATH 1A - Syllabus

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MATH 1A SYLLABUS PEYAM TABRIZIAN Welcome to Math 1A This is the syllabus for the course Here you can find all the info about office hours grading etc as well as an outline for the course Instructor Peyam Ryan Tabrizian E mail peyam math berkeley edu or tabrizianpeyam hotmail com Office 830 Evans Class meeting times This course meets for 8 weeks June 20 August 12 MTWTF from 10 10 am to 12 pm in 285 Cory Unlike what the schedule says there will be no separate discussion section instead I will mix lecture and discussion together You are not required to come to class but you are responsible for the material you re missing Office Hours MTWTh 12 1 pm in 830 Evans and by appointment I really enjoy holding office hours so don t feel ashamed to e mail me to set up an appointment with me I will also hold an extra office hour from 12 to 1 pm the Thursdays before the exams Waitlist I have no control over the waitlist The person you should contact is Barbara Peavy Her office is 967 Evans and her e mail is peavy math berkeley edu Important Dates Friday 06 24 Deadline to withdraw or add drop with refund Friday 07 01 Deadline to withdraw or add drop without refund Monday 07 04 Holiday Independence Day no class Friday 07 29 Deadline to change grading option Friday 08 12 Last day of classes Final Exam Date Monday June 20th 2011 1 2 PEYAM TABRIZIAN Online resources you can use www math berkeley edu peyam This is the most important resource It contains handouts all the homework assignments a schedule practice exams and study guides bspace berkeley edu Use this to check your grades I will also send important announcements which you should receive in your e mail inbox www piazzza com This is a really cool and interactive forum tool Whenever you have a question post it on this site and I or one of your classmates will do my best to answer it Plus we can have chatroom like discussions which will be especially useful before the exams Recommended equipment Colored pencils because I will be using a lot of colored chalk during lecture and because they make your notes easier to read Textbook The textbook of the course is Stewart s Single Variable Calculus Early Transcendentals for UC Berkeley ISBN 978 1424 05500 5 You only need it to do the homework assignments and to review anything that confused you in lecture So if you photocopy all the homework problems from a friend you don t even need to buy the textbook On the exams I will NEVER ask you anything that is in the book but not on the homework or that I haven t covered in lecture Prerequisites The official prerequisites are Three and one half years of high school math including trigonometry and analytic geometry plus a satisfactory grade in one of the following CEEB MAT test an AP test the UC CSU math diagnostic test or Math 32 Precalculus but basically if most of Chapter 1 is review to you then you should be fine If this course is too difficult for you consider taking Math 16A an easier and more applied version of calculus intended for business humanities majors or Math 32 Precalculus MATH 1A SYLLABUS 3 What people make you believe this course is about The official description includes An introduction to differential and integral calculus of functions of one variable with applications and an introduction to transcendental functions We will cover the following topics I Review of Precalculus Functions Trigonometry Exponents Inverse Functions II Limits and Derivatives III Differentiation rules IV Application of differentiation V Integrals VI Applications of integration What this course is really about The truth of the matter is that in a couple of years you will probably forget all about calculus so teaching you differentiation techniques cannot be the real purpose of this course that would be pretty inefficient Instead the true goals of this course are twofold First as Steve Krantz puts it in his book How to teach Mathematics I am really teaching you about mathematical discourse and critical thought Just like in rhetoric philosophy or politics mathematics has its own language and way of thinking How does a mathematician deal with an unknown problem What methods does he she use What does he she do when a given method doesn t work Getting acquainted with all those different types of discourses is what your college education is really about Second my own goal for you is to offer you a glimpse of the beauty of mathematics through this course Calculus is a gorgeous and exciting subject and I will try my best to share its beauty with you I also want to show you that math is not a random bag of magic tricks but actually makes sense 4 PEYAM TABRIZIAN Grading Homework 10 due on Tue Th graded on completeness Midterm 1 20 07 01 Midterm 2 20 07 15 Midterm 3 20 07 29 Choice between Classic Final 30 08 12 almost not cumulative OR Final Deluxe 50 08 12 cumulative replaces your lowest midterm score The reason that there are 3 midterms is to reduce your workload less to study for each exam and to get rid of unpleasant hard topics related rates MVT optimization so that you won t ever have to see them again not even on the final The Classic Final covers sections 5 1 5 5 6 1 6 5 like a fourth midterm as well as 2 3 2 6 3 1 3 6 and 4 1 The Final Deluxe covers everything we learned in this course Course Grades A 85 100 B 70 85 C 40 70 The above scale is a guarantee i e you are guaranteed to get some sort of an A with an 85 no matter how everyone else is doing At the end of the course I will also curve the class but not the usual bell curve and your final grade will be the maximum of the grade based on the above scale and the grade based on curving the class So depending on how everyone else is doing it is entirely possible to get an A with just a 70 How to ace the exams All you have to do is do your homework seriously look at the study guides and do the mock exams which I ll post on my website If you re running out of time just do the mock exam and if on the other hand you have a lot of time on your hands do some of the practice exams on my website and reread your notes There will be no surprises on the exams MATH 1A SYLLABUS 5 Homeworks Homeworks are due at 1 pm in my office 830 Evans on the given due date in the schedule below You can find the homework problems on a separate document or on my website You are allowed to work on your homework with your friends but remember that on the exams you …

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Berkeley MATH 1A - Syllabus

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