0203 686 01 Special Topic Intel EM64T and VT Extensions Spring 2007 Course Synopsis This course explores some recently implemented extensions to the world s most popular microprocessor architecture dubbed EM64T Extended Memory 64 bit Technology also known as Intel64 for Intel s enlarged e g up to 1TB virtual memory address space with 64 bit integer arithmetical capabilities eight extra general purpose registers and VT x Virtualization Technology for the ubiquitous Intel x86 family of server workstation and laptop CPUs Throughout the course small software component prototypes will be written using the GNU Linux program development tools including assemblers and C C compilers The course is open to graduate students in computer science and to qualified undergraduates or non degree students in cases where the Instructor has granted permission Planned topics include Programming the PC s serial UART for remote access to new machines Review of IA 32 architectural features utilized in application programming Support for multitasking operating systems privilege levels and protection Constructing the processor s 2 level 3 level and 4 level page map tables New concepts of canonical memory addresses and compatibility mode Enabling and then activating Intel s Extended Memory 64 bit Technology Model Specific Registers MSRs and the new fast system call mechanism Responding to peripheral device interrupts and to processor exceptions Multiple processors and the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller Initializing and querying the CPU s Virtual Machine Control Structures Using Linux kernel modules to provide the interface to a Virtual Machine Students are assumed to be familiar with Linux or UNIX and with programming in C C and to be acquainted with the Intel x86 processor family s registers instruction set and assembly language Learning Outcomes You will deepen your knowledge of standard 32 bit Intel Architectures You will become acquainted with Intel s Dual Core 64 bit capabilities You will understand how CPU hardware features support virtual memory You will get some practice in implementing a Virtual Machine Manager You will increase your proficiency with using C and assembler language You will acquire a background for understanding newest generation CPUs You will lay a foundation for pursuing some additional career options Instructor Dr Allan B Cruse Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics Harney Science Center Room H 212 Telephone 415 422 6562 Office Hours Mon Wed 1 30pm 2 20pm Tues Thurs 6 15pm 7 15pm Email cruse usfca edu Website http cs usfca edu cruse cs686 Textbook and Reference Intel Architecture Software Developer s Manual Intel Corporation Volume I Basic Architecture Volume II Instruction Set Reference Volume III System Programmer s Reference Classroom Facilitiy The course meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7 30 9 15pm in the Michael D Kudlick Interactive Computer Classroom HRN 235 Students will need to have individual computer accounts set up for access during these classes Exam Dates Midterm Exam I will be on Thursday February 22 Midterm Exam II will be on Tuesday April 3 Final Exam will be on Tuesday May 15 7 30pm Grading scheme Class Participation Programming Projects Midterm and Final Exams 20 30 50 NOTE Unprofessional conduct such as an abuse of USF computer privileges unauthorized access or a violation of academic integrity plagiarism or fraud will result in the student receiving a failing grade
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