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Tort (def)
civil non-contractual wrong for which a court will give a remedy
Someone sues for torts in order to get ____.
Punitive Damages
above damages, used to punish wrong-doers for the pain and suffering caused. BIG MONEY
Tort Liability Scale
No Harm--> Negligence(accidental harm) --> Carelessness (speeding) --> Recklessness (don't care whether you hurt or not--> Intentional
3 requirements of Intentional Tort
1. Act (done by D to P) 2. Intent (intention was to hurt) 3. Causation (caused harm)
4 Intentional Torts:
1. Assault 2. Battery 3. False Imprisonment 4. IIED
threat of harm
Battery is a criminal offense involving unlawful physical contact, distinct from assault in that the contact is not necessarily violent.
False Imprisonment
confining or restraining the Plaintiff to a bounded area.... The longer you are held the more DAMAGES you get
4 Major Defenses of Intentional Torts:
1. Consent 2. Self-Defense 3. Defense of others 4.Defense of Property
making hurtful remarks that injure the Plaintiff (monetarily probe) that are untrue!........ this tort can happen intentionally or recklessly... something must be lost
permanently recorded defamation (newspaper, magazines,tv)
just spoken (NOT RECORDED)
Proof Standard for Defamation
P must show that D knew or recklessly disregarded the truth of what was said
Defamation Defenses
1. Consent 2. Truth 3. Privilege
2 types of Defamation Defense Privileges:
1. testimonial privilege - when a witness 2. spousal privilege- protects harmony of marriage; cannot testify against spouse
Negligence case must show 4 things:
1. Duty (obligation by D to P) 2. Breach (not fulfilling the duty) 3. Causation (factual and legal cause of harm) 4. Damages
2 Main Defenses of Negligence
1. Contributory or Comparative negligence 2. Assumption of Risk
Contributory Negligence
P was NOT fault free! - Defense: Doctirne of Last Clear Chance: if P can show that D had the last clear chance to avoid the accident and did not then P gets damages
Comparative Negligence
P needs to have less than 50 % of fault
Equal Employment Opportunity Act; : cannot discriminate against someone on race, color,religion, sex, or national origin
- Bonafide Occupational Qualification: means that if there is a requirement for job to discriminate its okay
If someone feels they have been discriminated against they can sue for ___ or ____.
1. Disperate treatment- "you didnk hire me because im ..." 2. Disperate impact- "you didnt fire me because you dont hire anyone who is ..."
Discrimination sue process
Step 1 : P has to prove discrimination Step 2 : D needs to prove that discrimination is necessary for job Step 3 : P has to show there is an alternative to the discrimination
2 types of sexual discrimination
1. "Quid Pro Quo" - sexual favors for job benefits 2. Hostile Environment - what the D is doing is creating a hostile environment
EX: Violations
Parking Tickets
Punishable by 1 year or less in jail or fine
punishable by over 1 year inn jail and or fine or death
Elements of a Crime
1. Actus Reus- guilty act or omission 2. 3. Concurrence of 1 and 2 4. Caused harm
3 main defenses in Criminal Law
1. Insanity 2. Infancy or Minority (under 7 years old) 3. Intoxication
Fraud Crimes
1. Forgery - making or altering of false instruments with intent to defraud (signing blank check) 2. Uttering- Using that false instrument for gain with full intent
Theft Crimes
1. Embezzlement 2. Larceny 3. Robbery 4. Burglary
taking property of another while being in lawful possession of the property (Bank teller taking money out of own drawer)
taking property and carrying away anothers by trespass with the intent of keeping it
taking property from person or presence by force or intimidation n(your person, your home, your car)
breaking and entering of another with intent to commit a felony therein
MODIFIER: they tried and failed! has intent and act

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