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Catabolic |
To break down
Anabolic |
To build up
Chemosynthesis |
Use of sulfur and other elements to survive in harsh climates by bacteria
Chlorophyll |
Green pigment found in cyanobacteria and the chloroplasts of algae and plants
Melanin |
Primary determinant of skin color; also found in hair
Keratin |
Make up the outer layer of human skin. It is the key structural component of hair and nails
Xanthophyll |
A yellow or brown pigment that causes the changing of colors of leaves in the fall
Countershading |
Organisms are darker dorsally and lighter ventrally
Asymmetry |
No definite body shape
Radial symmetry |
Extremities radiate out of central body like spokes in a wheel
Bilateral symmetry |
Could divide the body into two mirror images
Autotroph |
Organisms make their own food
Heterotroph |
Organisms capture their own food
Mixotroph |
Can have both autotrophic and heterotrophic tendencies
Saprobe |
Consumes dead organisms
Symbiosis |
An intimate relationship between two or more organisms
Parasite |
An organism that lives in or on another host organism at the expense of the host
Vector |
Carriers of parasites (mosquitoes - malaria, rats - plague)
Ectoparasite |
Live on the host, can serve as a vector
Endoparasite |
Live within the host
Commensal |
Live in or on a host, is not dangerous nor beneficiary to host
Mutuals |
Organisms live together to benefit each other
Sessile |
Fixed in place, immobile
Planktonic |
At the mercy of the tides and winds
Nocturnal |
Active during the night
Diurnal |
Active during the day
Crepuscular |
Active at dawn and dusk
Fauna |
Flora |
Regeneration/reconstitution |
The ability to regenerate lost extremities/body shape
Father of Taxonomy |
Carolus Linnaeus
Hierarchy of taxa |
Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Archaea |
Ancient/extreme bacteria
Bacteria |
Modern bacteria
Eukarya |
Eukaryotic cells
Extremophiles |
Bacteria that live/thrive in harsh conditions
Acidophiles |
Bacteria that live in acidic environments
Halophiles |
Bacteria that live in salty environments
Thermophiles |
Bacteria that live in hot environments
Methanogens |
Bacteria that produce methane
Chlorophyta |
Green algae
Rhodophyta |
Phaeophyta |
Brown algae
Myxomycota |
Slime mold
Apicomplexa |
Parasites in their adult form
Bryophyta |
True moss
Pterophyta |
Lycophyta |
Lycopodium (Christmas trees/wreaths)
Sphenophyta |
Horse tails
Ginkophyta |
Ginko trees
Cycadophyta |
Gymnosperm |
Angiosperm |
Flowers (monocots/dicots)
Zygomycota |
Bread mold
Ascomycota |
Claviceps |
Penicillium |
Aspergillus |
Basidiomycota |
Proifera |
Cnidaria |
Ctenophera |
Sea walnuts
Platyhelminthes |
Flat worms (tapeworm)
Molluska |
Mollusks (clams, scallops)
Gastropoda |
Single-shelled (slugs)
Nematoda |
Roundworms (hookworms, pinworms, heartworms)
Annelida |
Segmented worms (earthworm, leech)
Arthropoda |
Arthropods (insects, crustaceans, arachnids, chilopods, diplopods)
Chilopods |
Diplopods |
Echinodermata |
Spiny skinned animals (starfish)
Chordata |
Fish, amphibians, mammals, birds, etc.
Agnatha |
Jawless fish (lampreys, hagfish)
Gnathostoma |
Jaw opening (frogs, dogs, humans, birds, etc.)
Chondrichthyes |
Cartilaginous fish (sharks, stingrays, etc.)
Cetacea |
Dolphins and whales
Osteichthyes |
Bony fish (anchovies, catfish, guppy, etc.)
Sarcopterygii |
Lobe-finned fish. Coelacanth is believed to be the transition animal between fish and common land animals
Tiktaalik |
Transition animal between fish and common amphibians
Amphibia |
Toads, salamanders, frogs
Reptilia |
Turtles, lizards, geckos, alligators
Aves |
Birds of reptilian ancestry. Fast/slow twitch is predetermined through inheritance
Archaeopteryx lithographica |
Transition animal between reptiles and common birds
Mammalia |
Furry creatures, provide milk for their young
Prototherians |
Ancient mammals, some reptilian characteristics such as egg laying (platypus, spiny anteater)
Metatherians |
Pouched mammals (marsupials): kangaroos, wombats, wallabies, tasmanian devils, opossum, etc.
Eutherians |
Placenta use, dominant mammals on planet (humans, etc.)
Rodentia |
Beavers, squirrels, rats, etc. Constantly growing teeth
Insectivora |
Insect-eating. Shrews, mole, etc.
Carnivora |
Cats, dogs, bears, humans, etc.
Lagomorpha |
Chiroptera |
Sirenia |
Manatee, sea cows
Artiodactyla |
Even-toed grazing animals (camels, hippos etc.)
Perissodactyla |
Odd-toed grazing animals (zebra, horse, rhino, etc.)
Xenartha |
"Alien joints" (armadillo)
Primates |
Humans, monkeys, chimps, etc. Defining factor is opposable thumbs
Human lineage |
Eukarya, animalia, chordata, vertebrata, mammalia, eutheria, primates, hominidae, homo, sapiens, sapiens