60 Cards in this Set
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the management of money (raising, overseeing, investing)
three primary areas of finance
1) corporate finance
3) institutions and markets
Basic Corporate Financial decisions
1) investment
2) financing
3) dividend
financial toolbox
-acctg stmt and ratios
-present value
-risk and return models
-spreadsheet modeling
importance of financial markets
Agricultural, Energy, Gold, Currencies Capital
Debt capital markets
raising money by issuing bonds
equity capital markets
raise capital by issuing stock. allicator of risk capital in economy
Role of capital markets
1)Markets allocate capital
2)Role of government (regulator, investor)
3)Stock price reflect stock values
4)Creating shareholder value
5)Current market issues (financial crisis etc
Four common elements of financial crises
1) excessive investment
2)easy financing
3) govt bailout
4) it will happen again
Warren Buffet Case Study
Brk.A stock = over 100,000 a share..company owns other companies like geico
Buffett likes companies w/ barriers to entry, evaluates companies by profit margin and return on equity
Principle 1 of finance
Higher Returns Require Taking More Risk
Key Number to know – annual stock market return = 10%
principle 2 of finance
efficient capital markets are tough to beat--current stock prices reflect all publicly known info
principle 3 of finance
rational investors are risk averse. higher std dev means more risk
Principle 4 of finance
supply and demand drive stock prices in the short run
fundamentals drive stock price in long run
principle 5 of finance
corporate finance and governance: corp managers should make decisions that maximize shareholder value
princple 6
transaction costs, taxes and inflation are enemies --can reduce real return on investments
principle 7
time and the value of money are closely related
principle 8
asset allocation is a very important decision. money put in stocks bonds or cash
principle 9
asset diversification reduces risk
principle 10
an asset pricing model should be used to value investments
CAPM- indicator to investments on how much they should expect in return on investments
traditional/rational finance
becker, cochran
models of rational individual behavior
free markets- L-T growth
Missed seeing financial crisis coming
rational expectations,
Behavioral finance
thaler, shiller
based on emotions and bias
people can be irratoinal
proof= financial crisis
who believes in traditional finance
investment bankers
Controller duties vs treasurer duties
controller- planning and control, financial stmts, acctg
treasurer- cash and investingm working cpital mgmt- finance
the new corporate finance, elements of new environment
advances in technology
growth in investment
deregulation and growth of global markets
greater econimic volatility and risk
insitutionalization of markets
academic advances in finance
more models applied
key strategic financial decisions for a company
1) working capital mgmt (short term financial.. customers suppliers etc)
2) capital budgeting (investing assets)
3) capital structure (managing debt and equity)
market cap
value on stock market
#sharesxshare price
managements tenets
stake in company
greed is good
dual challenges of management
product/service markets--> creating high value products at competitve rices
capital markets--> privide good return on investments
challenges to shareholder value
-too much focus on market expectations
-short term horizon
-financial crises
-financial scandals
how do you create shareholder value
percent return on investments > cost of capital
corporate governance
system of rules practices and processes by which company directed and controlled
The agency problem
seperation of ownership(stockholders) and control(mgmt)
assets are owned by stockholders but controlled by managers
agency costs
1) small scale--mgmt perks
2)large scale--big things
control mechanisms
internal- board of directors
audited financial systems
stock value based compensation
external- hostile takeovers
proxy contest--gain control of another companies board
shareholder activism large investor buys stock
corporate governance in 80s
solved by hostile takeovers
managerial defense mechanisms
poison pill- making stock very expensive to make unappealing
golden parachutes- provide compensation to top level execs if control changes
white knight- target company finds friendly merger candidate
pac-man- comp a going for b.. b goes for a
green mail- target company purchases acqu…
corp gov in 90s
a lot of ceos fired, mgmt stock ownership
solution was shared governance,,,lining interest of investors and mgmt
global models of capitalism
United states- fluid capital~minority shareholders elect board
japan germany- large equity holders, very few takeovers
rest of world- majority equity owners
problems with scandals becauese tring to keep up with wallstreet expectations
surbanes oxley act--made mgmt accountable for acuracy of financial stmts
after crash housing bubble then big crisis
who is to blame for financial crisis
biggest acctg firm
so that things can be comparable
balance sheet
reports resources of company(assets), liabilities and equity
administrative control
assess financial health of business
resource allocation
money efficiently being used
management stewardship
mgmt doing well?
book vs market value on balance sheet
two sets of books one for taxes one for investors
taxes--excellerated depr
investors- straight line depr
gross profit
net income/#shares
diluted eps~number of shares including those given to execs
Stmt of cash flows
1) three source of cash (oper, inv, financing)
2) most companies source of cash=opp activities
3) primary use of cash for companies = investing
4) companies balance cash inflows and outflows with financing activities--buy stock
5) net change in cash= CFO+I+F
1) depreciation as source of cash
2) what is goodwill= value you pay for a company is more than book value of assets for company
3) deferred taxes-
Common size income statement accounts computed as % of
detect trends, make comparisons
common size balance sheet
expressed as % of total assets...
measure efficiency of managment
ratios most interest of supplier
financial leverage ratios
measure risk on financing.. extent to which firm uses debt to finance stuff
profibility ratios
asses managers performance
valuation ratios
determine value investors place on cmpany
PE ratio= stock price/ EPS ____>driven by expected growth