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All But One Motif
The flood stories for example.
Allegory |
Story translated from initial frame of reference to another more acceptable.
Ambivalence of Female
Female is at first supportive of change, then resists it.
Gods taking human form.
Physical evidence to support myths.
Attribute |
Items that usually accompanied gods or goddesses in descriptions.
Cosmogony |
Origin of the world. To Hesiod, equivalent to theogony.
Culture Hero/Bearer
Promethius gave humans the highest level of skills.
Doublet |
Cronus and Rhea are doublets of Uranus and Gaea, that is, they perform the same function.
Dragon Combat
Zeus vs. Typhoeus, Apollo vs. Pytho, for example.
Dynastic Marriage
Arranged marriages based on political, economic or social reasons.
A long, narrative poem celebrating deeds of heroes.
Epiphany |
Gods or goddesses revealing themselves in their true form.
Standard, formulaic descriptive words and phrases attached to certain gods and heroes.
Person whose name is given to something/giving one's name to something.
Explanatory, cause or origin.
Etymological Etiology
Explanation of Aphrodite's name and cult centers, for example.
Explaining the meanings of words. Typhoeus=etymology for typhoon.
Folk Etymology
Working back from name to story of Aphrodite's birth - foam born; also false etymology.
Helper Motif
Gods or heroes need help of someone else, either divine or martal, to accomplish task.
Mistake, missing the mark. Humans becoming separate from gods.
Mortals who are the main subjects of legends.
Hybrid Monster
Combining parts of different animals. Near Eastern practice.
Violence, or by extension excessive pride or boasting.
Hypothetical cultural and linguistic group to which Greeks belonged (as well as most of Europe, Americas, etc.)
Intergenerational Conflict
Cronus vs. Uranus; Zeus vs. Cronus; Zeus vs. Titans
Metamorphosis |
A changing of form. Daphne changing into a laurel tree.
Miasma |
Blood pollution from murdering, from childbirth and menstruation.
Misogyny |
Hating of women.
Belief in a single god.
Common folktale elements.
Oral Culture/Tradition
Stories handed down from one generation to another orally.
Maiden or virgin/birth from a virgin.
A turning around - important element of tragedy - a reversal of fortune.
Belief of many gods.
Potency of the Blood of a God
The blood of a god when spilled always produces new life.
Primacy of Female
Matriarchal phase in early human social development.
Transferring concerns and activities of Greeks onto Olympian gods.
Psychopompos |
Hermes as the guider of souls to the underworld.
A major component of legends. Important element in folktales.
Reversal of Fortune
Element of tragedy.
Riddling Oracle
Were often difficult to interpret and were thus subject to misinterpretation.
Ritual Theory of Myth
Explanation for real rituals (Promethius at Mecone).
Separation of Heaven and Earth
Cronus castrates Uranus; Hittite Anush castrated by son Kumarbi
Shaman |
Like a medicine man or seer (Apollo).
Short Sighted Wish Motif
Wish without considering all the ramifications - e.g. Eos and Tithonius
Stupid Ogre Motif
Uranus and Cronus are tyrannical and are overcome by trickery of their sons.
Succession Myth
Succession of generations overthrowing previous generations leading up to the rise of ultimate god (Zeus, Marduk, Teshub).
The origins of the gods. To Hesiod equates to cosmogony.
Twelve Olympians
Zeus and brothers and sisters and children.
Tyrannical Husband and Father
Uranus and Cronus
Violation of Prohibition (taboo)
Violation always produces punishment.
Woman as Container
Women were considered containers of seed of future generations.
Xenia |
Friendship realtions, reciprocal hospitality. Violation of custom produces punishment.