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-One type of story -A traditional story that has meaning to a group or culture
What to find in a myth
Where do I come from? What happens after death? How should I live?
Bronze Age
-The Mycenaean Age (mainland Greece) – The Minoan Age (Island of Crete) – Linear B (script on clay tablets, pp. 439-54)
Dark Age
No records
750-479: Archaic Period
– Homer, Iliad, Odyssey – Hesiod, Theogony, Works and Days – Some Homeric Hymns
479-323: Classical Period
Three tragedians from Athens •Aeschylus • Sophocles • Euripides
323-31: Hellenistic Period
Alexandria, in Egypt
31 BC-5th Century AD: Roman Period
Vergil • Ovid
Mythical Place
-Sky / Mt Olympus = abode of the gods -Human world = where we live -Underworld = land of the dead, the house of Hades
Physical Geography
Parthenon ect.
Etiological myths
myths that explain how something originated or where it came from.
Hesiod Theos+Gonos = birth of gods
Goddess of the Earth and mother of all
the attribution of human characteristics to non- human things or beings ex. Gaia
Eros (Cupid)
Causative agent, makes things happen
1st generation
Gaia + Ouranos Their Kids: Titans (12), Cyclopes ( 3), Hundred Handers (3)
Goddess of: Beauty Love Sex Came from the genitals of Ouranos when they were tossed into the sea
2nd generation
Cronos and Rheia 6 olympic gods were their kids
6 Olympic Gods and Goddesses
Hestia (hearth and home) Symbol: hearth and fire Hera (marriage women and birth) Symbol: pomegranate and peacock feather Demeter (agriculture and harvest) Symbol: Cornucopia Hades (underworld) Symbol: drinking horn and scepter Poseidon (sea and earth shaker) Symbol: Trident horses Ze…
Third Generation
Gods v Titans Zeus frees 100 handers and cyclopes makes him thunderbolts Gods win and titans go to tartaros
Loses to Zeus and tried to kill him, is the god of monsoons and volcanos
Zeus and Metis
Prophecy says that he will have smart children Gives birth to Athena from his head
Goddess of protection and wisdom Symbol: Owls / Olive tree
god of music, poetry and art Lyre and bow and arrows
Goddess of the hunt, forest and archery Bow, stags
God of war spear, helmet and dog
God of fire and metal working Hammer and anvil only physically deformed god
Messenger of the gods, god of thieves and traders Symbol:lyre and a tortoise
God of wine and theater grapevine and leopard skin Bacchus and Bacchae Women in the woods story
Stole fire from mount olympus to give to the people and then Zeus punishes them by giving them pandora Gold fountain guy picture Chained and then eaten by an eagle everyday until he is saved by heracles
Two Fats trick
Prometheus wants Zeus to pick the bones covered in glistening fat so that the humans can get the nourishing meat under the displeasing bull skin
He is warned by prometheus to not accept any gifts given to him by the gods but does it anyways and Pandora is released to the humans. Works and days
Why is life so hard
a. Golden Age: created by Olympians b. Silver Age: created by Olympians c. Bronze Age: created by Zeus d. Age of Heroes: created by Zeus e. Iron Age (now): created by Zeus?
hope is left inside misery and pain escape
Zeus and Europa
He changes into a bull and takes her to crete
Zeus and Leda
Zeus and Leda changes into swan and she lays two eggs
Zeus and Callisto
He changes into artemis She gets pregnant and then Hera turns her into a bull
Zeus and Semele
Semele wants to see Zeus in his godly form She burst into flames and Dionysus was born
Daughter of Demeter goddess of spring ate the pomegranate and she has to stay in the underworld for a third of the year
building at the center of the Rites
Demter at Eleusis
she was babysitting at the well and the baby is stolen from her Her fertility is withheld and the deal to get persephone back is made
arachne and athena
-weave-off -arachne wins, gets turned into first ever spider -committed hubris
contest between athena and posiedon
competed to be patron god of athens, poseidon offered salt spring and athens provided olive tree, depicted on parthenon
Aphrodite and Adonis
She falls in love with him (mortal) he is killed by a boar now the spring is his rebirth
races for her marriage slowed by golden apples she rejects her place in society raised by bears
Follower of artemis sees her hunting in the woods turns into a deer and then is killed by his own hounds

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