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Psychological dysfunction associated with distress or impairment in functioning that is not a typical or culturally expected response
psychological disorder
PhD, conduct research into the causes and treatment of psychological disorders and to diagnose, assess, and treat these disorders. 1. _________ tend to study and treat adjustment and vocational issues encountered by relatively healthy individuals, and 2. ________ usually concentrate on mo…
1. Clinical and 2. counseling psychologists
MD, investigate the nature and causes of psychological disorders, often from a biological point of view; make diagnoses; and offer treatments. Emphasize drugs or other biological treatments, although most use psychosocial treatments as well.
MN, MSN, PhD; specialize in the care and treatment of patients with psychological disorders, usually in hospitals as part of a treatment team.
Psychiatric nurses
LPCC; investigating the basic determinants of behav- ior but do not assess or treat psychological disorders.
Professional clinical counselors
MA and MS; provide clinical services by hospitals or clinics, usually under the supervision of a doctoral-level clinician. Name two professions.
Marriage and family therapists
_______ the study of changes in behavior over time
developmental psychology
_______ is the study of changes in abnormal behavior over time
developmental psychopathology
_______ includes not just childhood and adolescence, but adulthood and old age
Life-Span psychopathology
What is the treatment for etiology, which is the cause or development of psychopathology.
drugs and/or psychosocial treatment
What are the 4 humors of mental illness and and their affects?
Sanguine: blood, cheerful and optimistic, insomnia and delirium caused by too much blood in the brain Melancholic: black bile, depressive Phlegmatic: phlegm, apathy and sluggishness Choleric: yellow bile, hot tempered
What is the ID?
Id Pleasure principle (Not Janet Jackson's) Illogical, emotional, irrational
What is the Ego?
Ego Reality principle Logical and rational
What is the Superego?
Superego Moral principles Balances Id and Ego
Name the 7 coping strategies
1. displacement (i.e., redirecting anger on a less threatening object or person); 2. denial (i.e., refusal to acknowledge some aspect of objective reality or subject experience that is apparent to others); 3. rationalization (i.e., concealing true motivations for actions, thoughts, or f…
According to Carl Rogers, what is the most important thing for a therapist to build?
unconditional positive regard, a therapeutic/foundational relationship, trust and repore
What is Mary Cover Jone's phobia?
Preexisting phobia extinguished by exposure and modeling (not evolutionary or innate fears)
What influences helped define psychopathology and scientific emphasis?
Multiple, interactive influences: Biological, psychological, social factors Scientific emphasis: Neuroscience Cognitive, behavioral sciences
Miguel recently began feeling sad and lonely. Although still able to function at work and fulfill other responsibiliy- ties, he finds himself feeling down much of the time and he worries about what is happening to him. Which of the definitions of abnormality apply to Miguel's situation? …
(d) distress
Three weeks ago,Jane,a35-year-oldbusinessexecutive, stopped showering, refused to leave her apartment, and started watching television talk shows. Threats of being fired have failed to bring Jane back to reality, and she continues to spend her days staring blankly at the television screen…
(c) dysfunction or (b) impairment in functioning
Maria should recover quickly with no intervention necessary. Without treatment, John will deteriorate rapidly. (a) presenting prob- lem, (b) prevalence, (c) incidence, (d) prognosis, (e) course, and (f) etiology
(d) prognosis
Three new cases of bulimia have been reported in this county during the past month and only one in the next county. ______________ (a) presenting prob- lem, (b) prevalence, (c) incidence, (d) prognosis, (e) course, and (f) etiology.
(c) incidence
Elizabeth visited the campus mental health center because of her increasing feelings of guilt and anxiety. ______________(a) presenting prob- lem, (b) prevalence, (c) incidence, (d) prognosis, (e) course, and (f) etiology.
(a) presenting problem
Biological,psychological,and social influences all contribute to a variety of disorders. ______________(a) presenting prob- lem, (b) prevalence, (c) incidence, (d) prognosis, (e) course, and (f) etiology.
(f) etiology
The pattern a disorder follows can be chronic,time limited, or episodic. (a) presenting prob- lem, (b) prevalence, (c) incidence, (d) prognosis, (e) course, and (f) etiology.______________
(e) course
How many people in the population as a whole suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder? ______________ (a) presenting prob- lem, (b) prevalence, (c) incidence, (d) prognosis, (e) course, and (f) etiology.
(b) prevalence
Supernatural causes;evil demons took over the victims' bodies and controlled their behaviors. ______________ (a) bloodletting; induced vomiting; (b) patient placed in socially facilitative environ- ments; and (c) exorcism; burning at the stake.
(c) exorcism; burning at the stake
The humoral theory reflected the belief that normal functioning of the brain required a balance of four bodily fluids or humors. ______________ (a) bloodletting; induced vomiting; (b) patient placed in socially facilitative environ- ments; and (c) exorcism; burning at the stake.
(a) blood letting; induced vomiting
Maladaptive behavior was caused by poor social and cultural influences within the environment. ______________ (a) bloodletting; induced vomiting; (b) patient placed in socially facilitative environ- ments; and (c) exorcism; burning at the stake.
(b) patient placed in socially facilitative environments
Treating institutionalized patients as normally as possible and encouraging social interaction and relationship development. ______________ (a) behavioral model, (b) moral therapy, (c) psychoanalytic theory, and (d) humanistic theory.
(b) moral therapy
Hypnosis,psychoanalysis-like free association and dream analysis, and balance of the id, ego, and superego. ______________ (a) behavioral model, (b) moral therapy, (c) psychoanalytic theory, and (d) humanistic theory.
(c) psychoanalytic theory
Person-centered therapy with unconditional positive regard. ______________ (a) behavioral model, (b) moral therapy, (c) psychoanalytic theory, and (d) humanistic theory
(d) humanistic theory
Classical conditioning, systematic desensitization,and operant conditioning. ______________ (a) behavioral model, (b) moral therapy, (c) psychoanalytic theory, and (d) humanistic theory.
(a) behavioral model
In the treatment of mental disorders video: 1. _________ patients are sprayed with water to stimulate them. 2. _________ used on patents with schizophrenia, the patent was given insulin to make their blood sugar drop, slip into a coma, and experience a convulsive reaction. 3. _________…
1. Hydrotherapy 2. Insulin therapy 3. Metrosol therapy 4. Lobotomy
What is Freud's psychosexual development theory?
a sequence of phases a person passes through during development. Each stage is name for the location on the body where id gratification is maximal at that time.
fear v. phobia 1. ________ emotion of an immediate alarm reaction to present danger or life-threatening emergencies. 2. ________ psychological disorder characterized by marked and persistent fear of an object or situation.
1. fear 2. phobia
One Dimensional or Multi? Single cause, operating in isolation Linear causal model Ignores critical information
One Dimensional model
One Dimensional or Multi? Systemic Several independent inputs that become interdependent Causes cannot be considered out of context
Multi-Dimensional model
What are genes?
Determine physical characteristics. e.g. weight
Dominant vs Recessive 1. _______ only require one to determine a trait 2. _______ must be present in pairs to determine a trait
1. Dominant 2. Recessive
Give an example of a phenotypical gene.
eye, hair/skin color
_______ Inherited tendency to express traits/behaviors Genetic
What causes stress?
Life events or contextual variables Environmental
Combining diathesis and stress yields what?
Activation under the right conditions
What makes up the CNS and PNS?
CNS Brain and spinal cord PNS Somatic and autonomic branches
Name the lobes of the cortex. 1. Sight and sound recognition, long-term memory storage 2. Touch recognition 3. Integrates visual input 4. Thinking and reasoning abilities, memory
1. temporal 2. parietal 3. occipital 4. frontal
What is the function for neurotransmitters?
production, uptake and reuptake
What do agonists do?
activates neurotransmitters, excitatory
What do antagonists do?
blocks receptors
Glutamate vs. GABA 1. _______ excitatory 2. _______ inhibitory What are they used for?
1. Glutamate 2. GABA Used for anxiety, e.g. Benzodiazepines, anzyolytics
What is serotonin?
regulates behavior, moods, thought processes
What is dopamine?
is the "switch function" in brain circuits, interacts w/other neurotransmitters, implicated in schizophrenia/parkinson's disease
The structure of neurons themselves, including the number of receptors on a cell, can be changed by ________ and ________ during development.
learning, experience
T/F you do not have to participate to be a victim of, to be affected by.
True, learned exposure, we learn by observing
One-dimensional models ignore critical information? T/F
Poly-genetics influence is the norm not the exceptions? T/F
Diathesis stress model=pre-disposed, exposed, expressed? T/F
Stressor(s) are necessary for expression of non-dominate poly-genetics? T/F
The brain and spinal cord make up the _______.
There are four lobes that make up the cerebral cortex? T/F
The hardest part of the skull is over the _______ lobe?
Neurotransmitters are packed in _______?
Eye color is a phenotypical expression of a gene? T/F
A correlation can establish a ________ between variable but not ________.
relationship, causality
In multi-dimensional models causes cannot be considered out of context? T/F
Contextual factors are important to the Diathesis Stress Model? T/F
Loss of an animal is considered to be one of the top three stressful life events? T/F
Judy had a phobia of ________?
Predisposition means you will develop the disorder or behavior? T/F
The endocrine system controls ________?
There is a homosexual gene? T/F
When several ______ inputs become _______?
independent, interdependent
Name one of the four components of development of phobia?
behavioral, biological, social, emotional/cognitive
Blue eye color is a dominant gene? T/F
F, brown
PNS: _________ nervous system
The space between the axon terminal and the receptors is called the ________?
Emotion has 3 important and overlapping components:
behavior, cognition, and physiology
What is health disparity?
something that is unavoidable and unjust
The fact that some phobias are more common than others (such as fear of heights and snakes) and may have contributed to the survival of the species in the past suggests that phobias may be genetically pre wired. This is evidence for which influence? ______________ (a) behavioral, (b) biol…
Jan's husband,Jinx,was an unemployed jerk who spent his life chasing women other than his wife. Jan, hap- pily divorced for years, cannot understand why the smell of Jinx's brand of aftershave causes her to become nauseated. Which influence best explains her response? ______________ (a) b…
Nathan,age 16,finds it more difficult than his 7-year-old sister to adjust to his parents' recent separation. This may be explained by what influences? ______________ (a) behavioral, (b) biological, (c) emo- tional, (d) social, and (e) developmental.
A traumatic ride on a Ferris wheel at a young age was most likely to have been the initial cause of Juanita's fear of heights. Her strong emotional reaction to heights is likely to maintain or even increase her fear. The initial development of the phobia is likely a result of ____________…
a (initial), c (maintenance)
The first 20 pairs of chromosomes pro- gram the development of the body and brain. T/F
F (first 22 pairs)
No individual genes have been identified that cause any major psychological disorders. T/F
According to the diathesis-stress model, people inherit a vulnerability to express certain traits or behaviors that may be activated under certain stress conditions. T/F
The idea that individuals may have a genetic endowment to increase the probability that they will experience stressful life events and therefore trigger a vulnerability is in accordance with the diathesis-stress model. T/F
F (gene-environment correlation model)
Environmental events alone influence the development of our behavior and personalities. T/F
F (complex interaction of both nature and nurture)
Movement,breathing,and sleeping depend on the ancient part of the brain, which is present in most animals. ______________ (a) fron- tal lobe, (b) brain stem, (c) GABA, (d) midbrain, (e) serotonin, (f) dopamine, (g) norepinephrine, and (h) cerebral cortex.
Which neurotransmitter binds to neuron receptor sites, inhibiting post synaptic activity and reducing overall arousal? ______________ (a) fron- tal lobe, (b) brain stem, (c) GABA, (d) midbrain, (e) serotonin, (f) dopamine, (g) norepinephrine, and (h) cerebral cortex.
Which neurotransmitter is a switch that turns on various brain circuits? ______________ (a) fron- tal lobe, (b) brain stem, (c) GABA, (d) midbrain, (e) serotonin, (f) dopamine, (g) norepinephrine, and (h) cerebral cortex.
Which neurotransmitter seems to be involved in our emergency reactions or alarm responses? ___________ (a) fron- tal lobe, (b) brain stem, (c) GABA, (d) midbrain, (e) serotonin, (f) dopamine, (g) norepinephrine, and (h) cerebral cortex.
This area contains part of the reticular activating system and coordinates movement with sensory output. ______________ (a) fron- tal lobe, (b) brain stem, (c) GABA, (d) midbrain, (e) serotonin, (f) dopamine, (g) norepinephrine, and (h) cerebral cortex.
Which neurotransmitter is believed to influence the way we process information, as well as to moderate or inhibit our behavior? ______________ (a) fron- tal lobe, (b) brain stem, (c) GABA, (d) midbrain, (e) serotonin, (f) dopamine, (g) norepinephrine, and (h) cerebral cortex.
Morethan80% of the neurons in the human central nervous system are contained in this part of the brain, which gives us distinct qualities. ______________ (a) fron- tal lobe, (b) brain stem, (c) GABA, (d) midbrain, (e) serotonin, (f) dopamine, (g) norepinephrine, and (h) cerebral cortex.
This area is responsible for most of our memory,thinking, and reasoning capabilities and makes us social animals. ______________ (a) fron- tal lobe, (b) brain stem, (c) GABA, (d) midbrain, (e) serotonin, (f) dopamine, (g) norepinephrine, and (h) cerebral cortex.
Karen noticed that every time Tyrone behaved well at lunch, the teacher praised him. Karen decided to behave better to receive praise herself. ______________ (a) learned helplessness, (b) modeling, (c) prepared learning, and (d) implicit memory.
Josh stopped trying to please his father because he never knows whether his father will be proud or outraged. ______________(a) learned helplessness, (b) modeling, (c) prepared learning, and (d) implicit memory.
Greg fell into a lake as a baby and almost drowned.Even though Greg has no recollection of the event, he hates to be around large bodies of water. ______________(a) learned helplessness, (b) modeling, (c) prepared learning, and (d) implicit memory.
Juanita was scared to death of the tarantula, even though she knew it wasn't likely to hurt her. ______________(a) learned helplessness, (b) modeling, (c) prepared learning, and (d) implicit memory.
What we______________is strongly influenced by our social environments.
The likelihood of your having a particular phobia is powerfully influenced by your ______________.
A large number of studies have demonstrated that the greater the number and frequency of ______________ relationships and ______________, the longer you are likely to live.
social, contacts
The effect of social and interpersonal factors on the expression of physical and psychological disorders may differ with ______________.
The principle of______________is used in developmental psychopathology to indicate that we must consider a number of paths to a given outcome.
Dr. Swan listened carefully to Joyce's speech pattern, noting its speed, content, and continuity. He noticed no loose association but did hear indications of delusional thoughts and visual hallucinations. ______________ a) appearance and behavior, (b) thought processes, (c) mood and affec…
Andrew arrived at the clinic accompanied by police, who had found him dressed only in shorts although the temperature was 23°F. He was reported to the police by someone who saw him walking slowly down the street, making strange faces, and talking to himself. ______________ a) appearance a…
When Lisa was brought to Dr. Miller's office,he asked if she knew the date and time, her identity, and where she was. ______________a) appearance and behavior, (b) thought processes, (c) mood and affect, (d) intellectual functioning, and (e) sensorium.
Dr. Jones viewed as inappropriate Tim's laughter after discussing his near-fatal incident and noted that Tim appeared to be elated. ______________a) appearance and behavior, (b) thought processes, (c) mood and affect, (d) intellectual functioning, and (e) sensorium.
Holly's vocabulary and memory seemed adequate, leading Dr. Adams to estimate that she was of average intelligence. ______________a) appearance and behavior, (b) thought processes, (c) mood and affect, (d) intellectual functioning, and (e) sensorium.
___,___EEG to show electrical activity in the brain of someone who has seizures R (reliable) or NR (not reliable) and V (valid) or NV (not valid)
___,___Rorschach inkblots R (reliable) or NR (not reliable) and V (valid) or NV (not valid)
___,___Structured interviews with definite answers R (reliable) or NR (not reliable) and V (valid) or NV (not valid)
___,___Sentence completion R (reliable) or NR (not reliable) and V (valid) or NV (not valid)
In the texbook, what was the case for Frank and Brian?
Frank-OCD, Brian-HOMO
How is a test reliable? 2 types.
Test-retest, within individuals, test has to be consistent. Inter-rater, have to agree on something between observers.
How is a test valid? 2 types.
concurrent, continues to have the same outcome. predictive, able to predict the diagnosis of an individual.
The value of an assessment depends on what?
reliability, validity, standardizaton
What 5 things make up a Mental Status Exam?
1. Appearance and Behavior 2. Thought Processes 3. Mood and affect 4. Intellectual functioning-ability to put together sentances to be cognitively linear 5. Sensorium-refers to our general awareness of our surroundings
What 4 things make up a Physical examinations?
1. Toxicities- responsible for mood disorders 2. Medication side effects 3. Allergic reactions-cause psychotic breaks 4. Metabolic conditions-emotional instability within an individual
What are the A,B,C's of observation?
Antecedents, Behavior, Consequences
What are the differences between a PET, CAT, MRI, fMRI? 1. ________, Strong magnetic field, Improved resolution 2. ________, X-rays of brain, pictures in slices 3. ________, Injection of radioactive isotopes React with brain oxygen, blood, and glucose Reveal metabolic deficiencies 4…
1. MRI 2. CAT 3. PET 4. fMRI
What were the problems with the DSM before 1980?
Low precision Based on unproven theories Poor reliability
What are the consequences of diagnosing (stigma, labeling)?
Negative connotations Stigmas Reification
In a treatment study, the introduction of the treatment to the participants is referred to as the ______________.
independent variable
After the treatment study has been completed, you find that many people in the control group received treatment outside of the study. This is called a ______________.
A researcher's guess about what a study might find is labeled the ______________.
Scores on a depression scale improved for a treatment group after therapy. The change in these scores would be referred to as a change in the ______________.
dependent variable
A relative lack of confounds in a study would indicate good ______________, whereas good generalizability of the results would be called good ______________.
internal validity, external validity
A researcher changes the level of noise several times to see how it affects concentration in a group of people. ______________(a) case study, (b) correlation, (c) ran- domized clinical trials, (d) epidemiology, (e) experiment, and (f) single-case experimental design.
A group of researchers uses chance assignment to include participants in one of two treatment groups and uses published protocols to make sure treatment is applied uniformly. ____________________(a) case study, (b) correlation, (c) ran- domized clinical trials, (d) epidemiology, (e) exper…
A researcher wants to investigate the hypothesis that as children go through adolescence they listen to louder music. ______________(a) case study, (b) correlation, (c) ran- domized clinical trials, (d) epidemiology, (e) experiment, and (f) single-case experimental design.
A researcher is interested in studying a woman who had no contact with civilization and created her own language. ______________(a) case study, (b) correlation, (c) ran- domized clinical trials, (d) epidemiology, (e) experiment, and (f) single-case experimental design.
A researcher wants to know how different kinds of music will affect a 5-year-old who has never spoken. _______________(a) case study, (b) correlation, (c) ran- domized clinical trials, (d) epidemiology, (e) experiment, and (f) single-case experimental design.
Sort them out by CS (cross-sectional designs) and L (longitudinal designs) Benefits: 1. ______________Shows individual development 2. ______________Easier 3. ______________No cohort effects Limitations: 4. ______________Cohort effects 5. ______________Cross-generational effect 6. …
1.L 2. CS 3. L 4. CS 5. L 6. CS
______________After participants are told the nature of the experiment and their role in it, they must be allowed to refuse or agree to sign an informed consent form. T/F
______________If the participant is in the control group or taking a placebo, informed consent is not needed. T/F
______________Research in universities or medical settings must be approved by the institution's review board regarding whether or not the participants lack the cognitive skills to protect themselves from harm. T/F
______________Participants have a right to concealment of their identity on all data collected and reported. T/F
______________When deception is essential to the research, participants do not have to be debriefed regarding the true pose of the study. T/F
The more the findings of a research program are __________, the more they gain in credibility.
________ are important to the research process, and ethical guidelines are spelled out by many professional organizations in an effort to ensure the well-being of research participants.

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