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amounts (how much water has filled up a bath tub) -units are volume (L)
rate of flow -units need to have time (L/second)
Where does the energy come from to melt the Mummy's snow?
sun's radiation phase change on snow conduction convection absorbing radiation
touching something hotter or colder
something hotter or colder moving by
everything in the universe shines (losing energy and cooling) and absorbs (gaining energy and warming)
water condensing and evaporating
phase change releases/requires energy
unit of energy flow per unit of area:
a Watt is a ____, where a Joule is a:
-J/s, rate of flow -an energy unit/amount of energy, 1 Newton of force over a m of distance
Why is Venus so much hotter than it should be, even though it's at the "sweet spot"?
it has a thick atmosphere with more carbon dioxide that traps heat
why is earth only warmer than it should be?
CO2 and H20 in the atmosphere-greenhouse effect
what are two colors that don't actually exist in the visible light spectrum?
pink and brown
energy _____ as wavelength _____
increases, shortens
all objects with a temperature above _____ emit radiation to the environment (shine)
absolute zero(-273°C)
the earth receives____radiation but shines ____back into space
shortwave; longwave
at _____, tilt keeps a polar region with either 24 hours of light or darkness
at ____, tilt provids exactly 12 hours or night and 12 hours of day everywhere
Why is fort collins warmer than pingree park?
adiabatic cooling-not changing energy content, either being compressed/spread out
why is it warmer in summer than winter?
more sunlight in summer, at less of an angle than in winter
how much more solar input do you get in summer than in winter?
4-5 times
why isn't there forest in northern alaska?
short growing season
why isn't there forest in Sonoran desert, Az?
water limitation, too hot
why only "kinda-forest" in pinyon canyon, co?
limited water, competition
why isn't there forest in Kruger National Park, S. Africa?
fire; warm but enough rainfall
why do trees grow in only certain areas in N. Alaska when light, precipitation, etc kept the same?
soils-more clay in some areas
fundamentals of evolution by nat sel:
-ind diff, these diff. affect survival &rep. -these diff. partially inheritable -diff. accumulate over time and yield new spp. 2 types of diff: genes w/in the old gene pool or novel genes from mutation, hybridization
T/F: for most of earth's history, there were no land plants
examples of early plants:
equisetum(horsetail), ferns, lycopodium(club moss)
gymnosperms: anatomy, pollination, life span, spp.
-tracheids; naked seeds -wind -decades-milennia -750
angiosperms: anatomy, pollination, life span, spp.
-vessels, seeds in vessels -insect -weeks to centuries ->250,000
why blend genotypes?
greater diversity in the potential of the progeny, and a better chance that some progeny will make it
why aren't all trees eaten up by diseases/mammals?
trees produce compounds that taste bad, are toxic, or interfere with digestion; like limonene and alpha-pinene
the are were seeds were collected; a generic term for the genotype of a population found in a particular area
imagine a bird so common and dominant that there are billions of them across a ___ mi swath of continent; account for ___ to ____% of all bird biomass
2000; 25-45% (passenger pigeon)
prehistoric spp that used to be in CO:
2(+)spp of mammoths, 1 sp of mastodon, short faced bear, dire wolf, pleistocene lion, giant bever, giant ground sloth, 2 sp sabertooth cats, giant armadillos and more
where do we find ponderosa, climatically speaking?
sea level to 3000m elevation (10,000 ft)
ponderosas need
summer precipitation; late summer/autumn drought common -flagstaff and estes park
life history of ponderosa:
-con crops very greatly among years, many animals depend on seeds -seedling establishment best on mineral soil; fire helps seeds germinate -commonly up to 1 m diameter, 30 m height, 200 yr old (up to 600+) -causes of death: logging,lightning/fire,bark beetles,most common=competition
why would there be more growth after a fire?
less competition, fire killed other trees
____ yr return interval of fire
5-25 no fuel accumulation
ponderosa trees often survive fire:
patchy fire pattern; quick, low intensity; fire resistant stems
once a tree gets its ____ scar, much easier to record more scars
why did fires decrease in the 1900s?
fire supression, *cows-eat grass, less fuel
where do we get stories about ancient vegetation patterns?
pollen falls in lakes, sinks and is buried-pollen sandwiches
pollen shapes can identify___ but not always ____
_____ leave middens, help age vegetation
packrats (genus Neotoma)
what are middens?
packrats sample vegetation in the area w/in about 100 m of the nest, it all piles up &their urine cements it; dry conditions and urine keep it from decomposing; younger material sits atop older material; scientists sort than use carbon dating
carbon dating
measuring the amount of carbon 14 remaining in dead material along with the known half-life of carbon 14 we can estimate when an organism lived -not accurate for recent deposits or for deposits over 50,000 yrs old
____ =best guess of ponderosa pine range from 1960's pollen data
20,000yrs ago
where was ponderosa pine to be found?
-only 2 places before 12,000 yrs ago
In forestry, life history is often referred to as ____; in ecology, it may be called _____
silvics; autecology
sprouting is more common with ____ trees
why does cone production vary from year to year?
to keep predators in check
what is a rammit?
root produces multiple trees-identical clones
N. facing slopes in Big Thompson Canyon in CO appear to be wetter&more forested compared to S. facing slopes bc:
less input of solar energy lowers evaporation from trees and soils, sustaining more water-demanding plants like trees
incoming solar radiation:
is absorbed&emitted (shined) by the earth at a longer wavelength
soil in a selection cut forest stayed warmer at night compared to the clear cut bc:
tree canopies absorbed longwave radiation, and re-emitted it back to the ground (& maybe some wind mixing was important too)
fairbanks, alaska, gets the same annual precipitation as Ft. Collins, yet it is surrounded by boreal forests and we're surrounded by short0grass prairie. why?
fairbanks is much cooler (on average) than ft. collins, creating less evaporative demand on plants
valley bottoms cool more quickly than sideslopes in the early evening bc of:
down slope flow of cool air
cloudy nights are warmer than clear sky nights bc:
the cold, high altitude atmosphere radiates very little long-wave radiation down toward the earth w/out clouds (clouds reflect radiation back down, like blanket)
gases such as CO2, N20, and 03:
absorb radiation from the earth that would be returning to space, causing the gases to warm up
soil temps in N. minnesota are cooler under spruce, especially in the spring time and summer bc:
less sunlight reaches the soil surface under spruce, and sunlight is a major source of energy for warming soils
in ex. 1, the spreadsheet showed that the incoming solar radiation did not vary much with the latitude on sept 15, bc:
the autumn equinox is near that date, and all points on earth receive 12 hours of sun on the equinox
summer in ft collins is much warmer than winter. how much more solar energy comes in on a typical summer day than a typical winter day?
more than 4 times more
some trees show large variations in seed production(masting) across years bc:
this is a response to seed-eating animals; years with really high seed production can swamp the ability of seed-eaters to eat them all
based on annual temp and precip numbers, we would expect the savannas in Krueger nat park, south africa to be closed-canopy forests. grassy landscapes w/ widely-spaced trees are found there instead bc:
frequent fires kill tree seedlings and small trees, preventing most trees from reaching the canopy
In 1662, Helmont reported the results of an experiment that sought to determine where the mass of a tree comes from by weighing soil, growing a tree, and determining the net gain in total weight. he concl. the mass of a tree comes mostly from:
the water in the soil
100 to 200 million years ago, dinosaurs walked among forests dominated by:
T/F: The stand of aspen "Pando clone" has about 50,000 trees, all of which a "single clone".
in bright sunlight, a highly shade-tolerant species will be less-competitive than a shade-intolerant species bc:
it has a loser light saturation point
basal area in forestry refers to:
the cross-sectional area of all trees (at about 1.4m height) in an area
as temp of objects decreases, the radiation they emit:
increases in wavelength and decreases in energy
some parts of the world do not have forests bc:
temps are too cold for trees to thrive and not enough water is available for trees to survive
if a large region lost the dominant bird species, the dominant tree species, and the large carnivorous animals, the forests would:
look much like the forests of the eastern us of today, bc these things happened already
the location where seeds were obtained, including genetic implications for local adaptations
one of the adv. to using packrat middens instead of/in addition to cores from lakebed sediments to infer past vegetation pattern is:
plant parts from middens can be identified to species, whereas pollen grains in lakebed cores can only be identified to genus
a strong difference in the evolutionary history of angiosperms and gymnosperms is:
gymnosperms are largely wind-pollinated, angiosperms largely insect-pollinated
homogeneous area
shade tolerance
summarized by supplies of water, light, nutrients, temperature conditions
____is important for identifying the ability of the germinant to survive stressful conditions while becoming established
seed mass
how old are aspen clones
-most close to a century old, maybe a few thousand years -we used to say that they can cover 10 Ha or more, but recent work w/ genetics say that most still have more than one genotype
Duke forest and shade tolerance
dug trenches-cut off comp from other trees for water&nutrients -shade tolerance not always about shade
primary growth
development of a seedling into a large tree (shoot and root extension)
secondary growth
expansion of stem and root diameter
apical meristem
at the tips of roots and shoots
lateral meristems
occur as cylinders of meristematic cells in woody stems and roots
excurrent form
strong apical control with terminal shoot growing faster than the lateral branches; adaptation to ice, snow, wind
decurrent of deliquescent form
fast growth of lateral branches, forking of main stem (loss of apical control)- for spacing out large deciduous leaves, not best for snow
____ interacts with soil microbes and provides nutrients to root
mycorrhizal mantle
the real uptake typically starts with ____, or ____ for most conifers
mycorrhizal fungi, ectomycorrhizae
for many ____ trees, the fungi are _____-actually invading the root cells
angiosperm, arbuscular mycorrhizae
____ grows outward from the _____, ____ grows on the inside
bark; cambium wood -a nail would not grow w/ stem
xylem comes in 3 types:
-gymno. have tracheids, angio. have vessels: 3-5 mm long -diffuse-porous spp, 10-100mm long -ring-porous spp, 100-1000 mm long
_____stomata/mm2 on the underside of leaves= ____ per square inch
200-500 125,000-300,000
with ___ pumped in, guard cells absorb ____, expand, open up; withdraw ___, ____ exits, cells are flaccid and close the opening
K+, water; K+, water
roots comprise ___-___% of tree mass
about 1/3 to 1/2 of a tree's growth is in ____ and _____. acquiring water and nutrients is a huge challenge!
fine roots, mycorrhizal fungi
water enters roots bc roots have:
lower water potentials-more neg. than surrounding soild, water transferred to roots from soil
nutrients enter roots in:
1) the water stream 2)active uptake-more conc. inside root than outside, so roots must invest energy to take up nutrients
fxn of stems:
-conducting system for water -supporting the canopy
leaf fxn
there are ___ molecules of Co2 outside the leaf for every ___ molecule of Co2 inside the leaf
1.5, 1
H20 inside=____ times H20 outside
what options do leaves and trees have for taking in more CO2 and losing less water?
-open stomata when it's cool-cool air has a higher relative humidity than hot air, but CO2 conc. is the same in hot or cool air -improve photosynthesis machiner so teh internal conc. of C02 is lower
things go from ____ potential to ___ potential
higher to lower
boundary layer
a thin layer of air next to leaf surfaces that doesn't move-gases cross mostly by diffusion; wind reduces the thickness of boundary layer increasing the rate of transfer of gases
linear carbon compounds w/ a porphyrin ring (w/iron&magnesium), absorbs red and blue light better than green
linear carbon compounds that absorb light, pass energy to chlorophyll molecules-also protects chlorophyll molecules from getting too much energy. absorption better in blue range, leaving green red &yellow to reflect. provides colors in flowers
flavonoid compounds, absorb yellow&green light, provide color for flowers and fruits(reflecting red, pink, purple, blue), attracting animals. also reflect UV light and may protect leaves from too much UV. color depends on pH
what drives the color change in autumn?
1)genetics 2) day length(shortening days& lengthening nights) 3)temps-warm, sunny days and cool crisp nights enhance color formation 4)wet spring=late leaf color, dry summer=early leaf color
autumn leaf shedding
in response to shortening days, the leaves begin to produce less auxin and more ethylene, which hormonally stimulates the production of an "abscission layer" at the base of the petiole
cold hardiness story
#1 reason that freezing hurts plants: large ice crystals form w/in cells, and destroy their structure (ice expands). rapid freezing may be less harmful than slow freezing, bc ice crystals stay smaller
two stages of cold hardening; #1
in response to shortening days, some chemical moves from the phloem into the overwintering twigs and stems; water is w/drawn from the xylem, sugar accumulates(depressing freezing temp point)
two stages of cold hardening; #2
after freezing has commenced (cold nights) trees go for full hardening
production equation
resource supply * prop. of supply captured + efficiency of using captured resource - respiration/allocation to other tissues
gross primary production-net photosynthesis of the whole ecosystem
Net primary production=GPP- respiration
Net ecosystem production= NPP-what dies and decomposes
Eddy flux measures:
C going in&out of ecosystems- NEP(biomass in soil gives off C too)

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