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the giving of less than fairly due while expecting the same reward as those who gave what was due
Business Ethics
the study of how to properly use one's economic and professional power with integrity
Ethics is about.. Mature Behavior
Self Discipline
The 3 Entities of Business Ethics
1) the self (me as a mind, person, or soul)
2) Humanity (social structures)
3) The World (everything not human)
What is the SELF?
the Existential Question
The philosophical study of self existence, especially with respect to one's inner tension between a desire to serve responsibility and a desire to be free
the Sociological Question
of or pertaining to the dynamics of informal and formal human institutions
Families - Schools - Communities - religions - clubs
What is the WORLD?
the Ontological question
the study of being
- what it means to say something exists or is real
The Scientific Perspective
the world is distance, time, and mass and things that can be empirically described
Ex. How many things are in the box?
that which is known to the senses
the view that only the mind's reconstruction of the world creates objects
How would the SELF relate to the SELF
the Anxiological question
Anxiology "Value Theory"
the study of values and how value judgements are made
dressing (decorating the self) and behaving in the way expected by others
How should the SELF relate to HUMANITY
the Ethical question
Love of humanity
Filo + Anthropes
How should the SELF relate to the WORLD
the Teleological question
the study of purpose in life
How should HUMANITY relate to the SELF
the Justice question
How should HUMANITY relate to HUMANITY
the Political question
- the self perspective
How should Humanity relate to the WORLD
the Environmental question
Environmental: Self Perspective
I need to restructure my environment in ways that serve my needs
Environmental: Social Perspective
I need to restructure my environment in ways that serve my company's wants
Environmental: Philosophical Perspective
Everyone is best served when nature is preserved, as much as possible, in accord with its own history
The Sustainability Approach
came about in the 1980s incorporating financial opportunities with environmental and ethical responsibilities
The THREE Pillars of Sustainability
1) Economic
2) Environmental
3) Ethical Sustainability
the ability to meet a present need without compromising an ability to meet a future need
Goals within the THREE Pillars
1) Efficiency ------> Economic Goal
2) Preservation ------> Environmental Goal
3) Fairness ------> Humanitarian Goal
the view that all actions should be directed toward serving basic human needs
Value Chain
the key functional inputs that an organization provides in the transformation of raw materials into a delivered product or service
Value Added Tax
a tax on each key functional input that an organization provides in the transformation of raw materials into a delivered product or service
- R&D -----> Quality
- Manufacturing ----> Production
- Marketing (& Advertising)
- Sales (HR ethics)
- Customer Service ( Finance and Accoun…
Double Bottom Line
this suggests that entrepreneurship not only offers financial rewards but self-fulfillment as well
Triple Bottom Line
this concept suggests that sustainability offers financial rewards, self-fulfillment rewards, and rewards to the larger society
Attitudes toward nature
- the Antropocentric
- the Ecocentric
- Brownfield
- Biomimicry
the Antropocentric
nature is to be reshaped so to fully accommodate human activities
the Ecocoentric
as much as possible, nature is to be preserved as it is
a piece of land so polluted that it is unusable
refers to using natural processes for waste management and recycling
Generation Fairness
this relates to the use of resources that are infinite supply and cannot be replaced
Ethical Relativism
fundamental challenge to ethics, the view that only personal opinion, the traditions of one's society and the circumstances of the present moment define one's ethical principles
a statement or set of statements, that can be held as INCONTESTABLY VALID
E.O. Watson Sociological Thesis
ethics has its roots in nature
Conformity Expectations
these are governed by the unwritten rules of decorum and ethos
Two kinds of certain knowledge
- a Posteriori
- a Priori
a Posteriori
that which is known with certainty by senses
- knowledge gained "from AFTER" birth
a Priori
that which is known with certainty by inference
- knowledge gained "from BEFORE" birth
- innate common sense
a Posteriori Knowledge
objective sense knowledge only exists when all observers experience the same
IF - THEN Conditions
- Immanuel Kant argued that this proves all of us have the same mental framework
IF - THEN Conditions require?
a Casual World
Ontological Structure of a case is different from the ontological structure of an effect
a Priori Knowledge
Understanding and Ground
- this relates to those things we can known with certainty when we have no casual influence affecting our senses (innate common sense)
- that which is known with certainty by inference
The belief the universe is expanding is neither an a posteriori truth nor an a priori inference, it is:
an Analogical inference, hence a theory
Analogical Inference
the justification of a claim based upon a comparison of traits or circumstances
the study of appearances of the mind
the object as it appears to the mind
- Phenomena is Plural
the study of knowledge and the use of LOGIC to achieve certainty
the view that religious and metaphysical knowledge is always tentative (subject to change)
Plato's Euthyphro
the oldest recorded case of whistleblowing
Moral Intellectualism
morality is inherently rational and objective
(the Skeptical View) is conditional and subjective
Plato's Euthyphro