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social stratification
system which society ranks people in hierarchies. 
dimensions of social inequality
income wealth power job prestige school
earnings from work
total value of money and all assets, minus debt
factors of social class
ancestry race gender
single parent homes led by woman
X2 likely to be poor
4 principles of stratification
trait of society carries over from generation to generation universal but variable involves not just inequality but beliefs.
social mobility
Possible but hard to move social class been high in past century
merit(ie: edu) necessary but not sufficient to get ahead. need class background, edu, networks, race.
Max weber & stratification
3 dimensions class - economic position status - social prestige power - political
Conspicuous consumption
buying products bc of the statement they make about social positions. 
Intergenerational social mobility 
change in social position during lifetime or from parents position
relative poverty
lack of resources of some ppl vs others with more
absolute poverty 
lack of resources that is life threatening
male v. female income 
women earn .77 to the mans dollar
formation of racial identity  civil rights movement race riots
3 wealthiest ppl
bill gates warren buffet carlos slim helu
number of billionaire
incresed in lat few years
richest 5th of population holds?
85% of nations wealth
Ascribed status
social status assigned at birth
achieved status
social position attained by person by effort
peasants work leased land in exchange for services
Socioeconomic status
measure social class based on income, edu, occupation
Karl Marx Perspective
survival depends on producing mode of production with ownership = control bourgeoisie v proletariate
Mode of production
society organizes self to produce and distribute rewards.  to produce whats needed
Marx Class consciousness
awareness of common vested interest to bring change workers see themselves as unit, together could revolt and change
False consciousness
inaccurately reflects objective position workers see selves as "I" exploited by boss no revolt to end capitalism with this ideal
Max Weber
no single characteristic defines person position class, status, and power
Functionalist theory
differential system of rewards and punishments necessary for society to fill important positions
conflict perspective
competition for scarce resources harmful to society.
Majority of the poor age group?
40% of US poor are?
children and elderly
poverty concentrated in?
the south and rural areas bc lack of diversity
Mark Rank on word poverty
Conjure images of unwed moms, black men, high school drop outs. being poor and using welfare outside american dream.
Poor americans on tv black?
how much of public says most poor are black
How much of public says most poor are white
How much of US poor actually black
Racial identity with programs Why americans hate welfare.
Poverty by the age of 75?
59% spent at least year below poverty 68% faced at least a year near poverty
Social Security
Largest entitlement program Need low income, few resources, 65 older, blind or disabled. myth that most used by blacks, mostly white actually.
Why risk of poverty so high in US?
US devotes little to assisting poor. too few jobs that pay enough to live not poor other countries provide programs to keep families from poverty cash to families with kids job support

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