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Scientific study of: society social behavior human groups
knowlegde obtained by methods of systematic observation
Social behavior
attitudes emotions health decision
Sociological imagination
awareness of the relationship b/w individual and wider society; today and past
Human Groups
sex race social class age sexuality
Natural science
study of physical features of nature and how interact and change
Social sciences 
study of various aspects of human society sociology anthropology economics
Scientific method
using objective systematic observation to test theories
idea that one can apply scientific method to social world
Independent variable
causes or influence another
Major research design
detailed or method for obtaining data scientifically
measuring by quantity of something rathe than quality
Dependent variable
depends on the influence of independent variable 
statement about relationship b/w 2 or more variable or factors
measuring by quality of something rather than its quantity
quality of being logically or factually sound.
small part of quantity intended to show what the whole is like.
degree to watch assessment tool produces stable and consistent results
system of meaning, behavior and objects that defines way of life for given group 
group of ppl who share culture and territory. 
Social logical perspective
ability to see societal patterns that influence individual and group life
Cultural relativism
ability to respect other cultures even when they're different
we view our culture as superior to other
privately felt problems that spring from events in personal life
affect large amount of ppl
What is theory
statements that seek to explain problems or behaviors
Scientific theory
capable of predicting future observation or & testable through experiments
The big 4 in sociology
karl marx max weber emile durkheim w.e.b. du bois
father of sociology
Auguste comete coined the word sociology
Herbert spencer
combined darwins origin of species to society how societies change over time survival of fittest
Anna julia cooper
feminist mother of black feminism education of blacks would improve standings of US blacks 4th woman to get phD
Max weber
person defined by hierarchies class status power
W.E.B. Du Bois
1st black to graduate harvard with PhD no correlation b/w blacks and disease but poverty and disease
society is held together by consensus b/w members each aspect of society is independent(school,family,health)
Emile Durkheim
father of functionalism social change critiques
Social change
society slowly gradually for equilibrium when disorganization
social stability ignores both conflict and power
Conflict perspective
society characterized by conflict classes, gender, race
Karl Marx
father of conflict theory interest in class struggle bourgeoise and proleteriat conflict necessary
face to face interaction are core of society symbolic interaction = flags, wedding band
part of society that shares values that differ from larger society
subculture that purposely goes against larger culture. 
Socialization process
ppl learn expectations and norms from society funnel of everything around us
Charles h cooley
looking glass self self image is product of social interactions w/ others
George h mead
stages of self Preparatory play game
Preparatory stage 
kids imitate ppl around them
play stage
kids develop communicating skills through symbols and role taking
game stage
kids, 8 or 9, do several task and relationships simultaneously.
presentation of self impression management
impression management
learn to slant presentation of self to create distinctive appearance for others
peter berge
"not only do ppl live in society, society lives in ppl"
process which cultural item spreads from group to group
Durkheim view on deviance
he's functionalist affirms cultural norms & boundaries heightens group solidarity encourages social change
Labelling theory
Howard Becker most ppl commit criminal acts but labeling makes them think of themselves as criminals
Differential association
edwin sutherland crime is learned by hanging around other criminals
Victimless crime
willing exchanged among adults of widely desired but illegal. (drugs, underage drinking)
Professional crime
person who pursues crime as day to day occupation. (cons, thieves)
Organized crime
work of group that regulates relations b/w various criminal enterprises involved in various illegal actives (smuggling)
White collar
illegal acts committed in course of business activities (computer crimes, embezzlement)

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