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The bond between what is deep and profound
the historical world
Documentary adds a new dimension to what?
popular memory and social history
Documentary engages with the world by
Representing it
Documentaries offer us a likeness or depiction of the world that...
Bears a recognizable familiarity
Documentaries stand for or represent?
the interests of others
Documentaries may represent the world in the same way as?
the lawyer may represent the client's interests(they make a case for a particular interpretation of the evidence before us to win consent of influence opinion.)
Ethics exists for what?
to govern the conduct of groups regarding matters for which hard and fast rules, or laws, will not suffice.
What kind of method does documentaries use?
informed consent
Documentaries are formulations of the relationship between?
filmmaker social actors and audience
the most classic formulations of documentaries?
1. I speak about them to you 2. It speaks about them(or it) to us 3. I(or we) speak about us to you
I speak them to you...
filmmaker takes on a personal persona or filmmaker speaks to the camera (Fahrenheit 9/11, Gasland)
It speaks them(or it) to us
betrays a sense of separation between speaker and audience-(Inside Job, The Corporation)
I (or we) speak us to you
moves from a position of separation to one of commonality-anthropological auto-ethnography (indigenous peoples filming themselves)

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