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financial vs managerial
1. manage: internal, whatever management needs, no rules, future, part of company, everyone 2. finance: external, financial statements, GAAP, historical for company as whole, accountants
competence, confidentiality, integrity, and credibility 
meeting the needs of the present without sacrificing the needs of the future 
ppl care about sustainability
triple bottom line: -look at profit -how decisions affect other people -taking care of the planet
service companies
no tangible project they are offering, no inventory 
value chain
expense is always a cost but a cost is not always an expense
value chain process
1. research: innovation, thinking about improvement 2. design: coming up with plan/recipe 3. production/purchase: NOT service company. PRODUCT. 4. marketing: how you sell it 5. distribution: deliver 6. customer service
period cost
not ever in inventory, expensed in period which they are incurred. -never placed on balance sheet as asset. expensed on income statement as op expenses
cost object
thing we want to assign cost to. -direct product: easy & convenient to trace to object.
3 types of product cost
1. DM 2. DL 3. MOH - indirect
NEED COST OBJECT TO DETERMINE DIRECT OR INDIRECT SHIP IN - PERIOD SHIP OUT - PRODUCT Income statement for merchandiser and manufacturer 
IDENTICAL sales -COGS = GP -op exp = NI
cost assigned to unites completed
COGS schedule does NOT include
period cost. only op income includes period cost. 
job costing
unique, customizable products in small batches -manufactures but also some service companies.
budgeted MOH / budgeted allocation base 
MOH during year 
allocate MOH to each job by: POHR * actual activity level of allocation for job
places greater focus on identifying the activity and related cost drivers that cause a company to generate MOH. -better job of product costing than any other cost system
cost of adopting ABC
-low when company has accounting and info tech expertise -understanding cost is extremely important in competitive markets and in company with high risk of cost distortion
process costing
large batches of identical units of product. inefficient to trace product cost to individual jobs. RM, WIP, FG, COGS
determine the cost of a unit of product
equiv units
used in process costing to enable fair assignment of costs to a completed unit and to a partially completed unity -REPRESENT TOTAL AMOUNT OF UNITS THAT COULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETED GIVEN PRODUCT COSTS
more accurate when product cost part drastically from period to period
weighted average
combines physical flow and cost of units beginning inv and of units started during the period
beginning % complete is irrelevant for current period calculations. 
relevant for prior period calc 

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