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TELE 3010: Test 3
What years was Modernity in America
What happened in the 1960s in relation to Modernity?
Transition to Post-Modernity
ex. Civil Rights Movement, Women's rights, Early Globalization, Cold War
What was a key year in the transition to Post-Modernity? What happened?
Student Protests in Paris and USA, Nixon elected, Tet offensive in vietnam, Assassination of Robert Kennedy and MLK
What years was Late Modernity/Early Post Modernity?
Key years in Late Modernity? What happened
Berlin Wall, Collapse of Soviet Union
Media: Neuromancer, First Mac, Live Aid, We Are the World
Years of Post Modernity
aka Contemporary
The Media in Modernity
Mass Media
The word media is from medium- which is a means of communication
Mass media communicates to mass society
Marshall McLuhan
"The medium is the message"
the visual form of the media is part of the message
What are examples of medium?
Book, Artwork, Post-it, TV, Photograph
What is "Television as Flow"? Who's concept is it?
TV is experienced as a flow and is a social activity. It exists in tune with the rhythm of modern life
Raymond Williams
What is the concept of "Broadcasting"
The distribution of media from a centralized mass distribution source such as a TV Network
Triumph of Will
Directed by: Leni Riefenstahl
Produced by: Hitler
nazi propoganda
Hypodermic Needle
Modern media "injects" ideas about consumption of good about self image
Modern Media are a tool of cultural imperialism
Jurgen HAbermas
Public Sphere- media is a place for free discussion
"participatory democracy"
Nancy Fraser
Countersphere- women, subordinate to public sphere
Michael Warner
Counterpublics- Minorities, "alternative protocols"
Postmodern Values
Skepticism of "Master Narratives" like religion, science, patriarchy
ex. pink panther and poe
Apolitical- rejection of political correctness
Anthony Giddens
Globalizaion- concrete structure as the world as one place
replaced nationalization
Henry Jenkins
Convergence- merging of media forms
Jean Baudlliard
When images become more real than real, create a hyperreality
the random unpredictable media forms that bombard us in every day society
self awareness of ones place in act of representation
google chrome
we perform our identities rather than they are fixed within us
Nikki Lee
a visual culture of imitation
a reflexive engagement with the past
Cindy Sherman art
Youtube and Henry Jenkins
Participatory Culture
Participatory culture is about creating, sharing, collective engagement (positive or negative) and community
Youtube and Jean Burgess
Vernacular Creativity, everyday creative practices
Youtube and Axel Bruns
Combo of producer and user
Youtube and Kavoori
Network of networks created by practices of participation
Youtube Genres
Relatively stable forms of storytelling on youtube
The Phenom
A youtube video focused on an individual that has a vast viral impact.
in personal faves, ongoing narrative, part of a mediated experience
ex. Numa Numa, Leave Brittany Alone, Free Hugs
The Mirror
The posing, placements, and recording of the self over time with the central idea of keeping a public memory of personal change available
ex. girl takes picture of herself every day for 3 years
The Witness
the recording of public experience. They are explicitly experiential.
ex. taser incedent