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ADPR 3850: Test 1

Things Covered in PR
- What PR means - Careers - History - Organization and Structure - Ethics
Definitions of PR... No East Task
Defining PR is no easy task... scholars say that PR ranges from... - Strategic management of competition and conflict... for the mutual benefit of the organization and its various stakeholders and publics. Some definitions of PR include... - Strategic management of competition and conflict... for the mutual benefit of the organizations and its various stakeholders and publics. - The management function that identifies, establishes, and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the various publics on whom its success or failure depends. - The management of communication between an organization and its publics.
Who are "Publics?"
- Internal and External Publics - Primary, Secondary, and Marginal - Traditional and Future - Proponents, Opponents, and Uncommited
Internal and External Publics
Based on Organizational Boundaries
Primary, Secondary, and Marginal
Based on influence
Traditional and Future
Based on time
Proponents, Opponents, and Uncommitted
Based on Relationships
Common Components of PR
Counseling/Opinion change  Research Media relations Publicity Employee/member relations Community relations Public affairs (PR aimed at government) New & existing relationships Issue management (e.g., pre-problem PR)  Financial relations  Monitoring environment  Development/Fund-raising  Multicultural relations/workplace diversity Special events Integrated communications Etc.
Skills Needed in PR
Written and interpersonal communication Research Negotiation Creativity Logistics/Management Skills Facilitation Problem Solving
PR in Terms of R.A.C.E
- Research - Action - Communication - Evaluation
Define the Problem Some form of Qualitative and Quantitative Research is needed
Situation Analysis in Research
Includes Client Background Product/Service/Brand Information  Market/Competition Consumer Profile  Brand & Marketing Analysis  S.W.O.T. (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) Analysis Strategic Implications and Recommendations
State's the program's objectives Goals- long term Objectives- specific outcomes (can be informational, attitudinal/motivational, and or/behavioral)
Develop  campaign to meet objectives
Should be done Continuously Did it work?
Differences between PR and Journalists
Scope Objectives Audiences Channels
Journalism- is about producing content Public Relations is much broader
Journalism strives for objectivity in reporting Public Relations has a goal of advocacy
Audiences and Channels
Journalists produce content for the medium they work and for mass audiences Public Relations will tailor materials much more to different segments of the public and go through variety of channels
Differences Between PR and Advertising
Tools Audience Scope/Function Cost
Adv. use paid placements as their primary tool for work Public Relations work in area of "earned" media
Adv are concerned with an external audience Public Relations are concerned with both internal and external audiences
The scope of Adv is much smaller and is viewed as a specialized communication function Public relations is much broader and deals with things as a whole
Adv- Expensive PR- is more cost effective
Differences between PR and Marketing
Audience Focus Language Method
Audience Focus
Market- consumer focus PR- relationships and trust with publics and organizational values
Marketing- utilizes sales oriented language PR- two way communication with publics and stakeholders that aren't solely consumers
Marketing- satisfy economic objectives PR- does its job by raising awareness, educates, or informing and building trusts Currency isn't always economic- but could be these things ^^^^
PR Supports Marketing By
- Develop prospects for new markets as people follow up on news released by PR - Provides third party endorsements via news organizations - Generates sales leads and opportunities for sales calls, typically through articles in the trade press about new products or services - Stretches advertising and promotional dollars via timely press releases, etc. and help sell minor products that may lack significant advertising budget - Provides inexpensive sales literature in the form of news articles and subsequent consumer reviews, etc. - Establishes credibility by making the organization the expert on the product or service
How to Meet Objectives
PR focuses on meeting objectives by Premarket conditioning Long Term Strategy development Generating Word of Mouth Building a brand's reputation Building corporate reputation Overcoming a crisis Etc.
Marketing Prospective on Objectives
Marketing is more effective than PR when it comes to Advertising or Launching a new product or service Promoting a new product or service Acquiring customers Retaining Customers Targeting niche audiences
Advertising is better than PR or Marketing by...
Building Awareness
Integrated Perspective: Strategic Communication
Using a variety of strategies and tactics to convey a consistent message in a variety of forms
Using PR to Created Positive Public Opinion
Includes Hosting events Conducting studies of publics Fund actives Provide information through journalists do good things
Using PR to prevent negative Public Opinion
Have a crisis plan Train people of how to speak to Media  Have open information Policy Don't have indefensible policies
PR Contributes to the Bottom Line by
Building Awareness, Organization Motivation, Issue scanning, Opportunity Identification, Crisis Management, Conseling Executives, Serving as an agent of change, ensuring social responsibility, and influencing public policy
Where do PR positions work?
Corporations (26%) PR Firms/Agencies (20%) Non Profits/Charities (17%)
Six Essential Qualities for Success
Writing Skills Research Skills Planning Expertise Problem-Solving Ability Business/Economics Competence Expertise in Social Media
Number One Quality always Wanted in PR World
Public Relations Positions
Entry-level technician Supervisor Manager Director Executive
Organizational PR Positions Communication Technician Roles
Taking Photos Writing brochures Preparing news releases Organizing events
Supervisor Roles:
Oversee techs Oversee projects Prepare and work with budgets Scheduling Manage day to day activities
Communication Manager Roles
Making communication policy decisions Overseeing multiple communication strategies Supervising employees responsible for tactics
Director roles:
Looks at long-range planning Serves as a liaison between executives and other workers
Executive roles
Shape organization mission, strategy, and policy
The Value of Internships
Win-Win for both students and organizations Many have formal internship programs that are paid. Examples are Edelman (Remember he worked for Edelman)
Between Males and Females who are PR agents
Males get paid higher because
Factors that could lead to gender discrepancies: The number of years in the field Technician duties versus managerial responsibilities The nature of the industry The size of the organization Women’s attempts to balance work and family
Value of PR
Service to Society Informative Relevant Earned influence through managing competition and conflict
History of PR: Ancient Beginnings The Rosetta Stone (196 BC)
Amounts to a press release of pharaoh (Ptolemy V) accomplishments
Julius Caesar (60 BC)
Threw parties as part of a campaign to fulfill political ambitions
The Church (11th Century)
Enlisting followers in the name of penance or forgiveness 
Settlement of the US
Public Relations was used in promoting settlement of the US by promoting the land and country as fertile, plentiful, exc.
Struggle for Independence Boston Tea Party
Known as the greatest PR stunt of all times
Sam Adams
- Recognize power of the pen - Used writing as a means of communicating about the importance of independence, unity, and injustices on the colonies -Recognize power of special events and symbols -Behind the Boston tea party #VALUE! - Used press releases and new leaks - Wrote account of the Boston Tea Party - Paul Revere delivered account - Got news of battles through press leaks
Sam Adams Objectives
Justify the Cause Promote Advantages Arouse the masses Neutralize opponents Phrase issues clearly
The Age of Press Agent (1800s)
Davy Crockett, Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley, P.T. Barnum
P.T. Barnum: Master of the Pseudo Event
Joice Heth Tom Thumb Jenny Lind "Jumbo" circus Elephants
PR as America Grows and the Railroad System
PR was pivotal in the early growth of America in the settling of the west Railroads also used PR to promote new transportation 
PR in Politics Thomas Jefferson and John Beckley
TJ used him to be the "eyes and ears' for public opinion Used him to counter the federalists in the press
PR in Politics Andrew Jackson and Amos Kendall
He was a member of AJ kitchen cabinet Potrayed Jackson as someone who was a rugged frontiersman that worked for the people Spiced up Jackson's diction  Known as Jackson's thinking machine
PR in Politics Teddy Roosevelt
Used informal chats with reporters to get his ideas across Released news on Sundays so it would be in Monday morning papers Created the first White House Press Office  Know the Teddy Bear story 
PR in Politics Woodrow Wilson and George Creel
established the "Committee on Public Information" in 1917 He served on his committee Committee was charged in changing opinion about WWI Became known a stye "Creel Committee"
PR "Creel" Committee and WWI
Mailed out 6,000 news releases generated 20,000 columns of newsprint each week Published an official daily with circulation of 118,000 sent speakers to towns translated foreign newspapers and documents traveled country with exhibits regulated press in coverage of WWI Sold War Bonds Enlisted soldiers Red Cross 
PR in Politics Franklin D. Roosevelt and Louis M. Howe
Used radio speeches to coney warmth, personality, and nonpartisanship introduced "fire side chats" Controlled FDR's image
PR in Politics FDR and Carl Byoir
Infantile FDR paralysis Made fundraising events Used FDR birthday to raise money/awareness for Polio Called all newspapers to ask someone to promote a chairman for the ball United Way continues this practice 
FDR's Birthday Balls
30-Jan-34 "Dance so a child may walk"
PR in Politics: Harry Truman and Arthur Page
HT got the VP of Marketing at ATT to write announcement about the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan
William Laurence
Was originally suppose to announce the dropping of the bombs, but didn't like the way he was doing it.
Arthur Page: Principles of PR Management
Tell the truth Prove it with action Listen to customer Manage for tomorrow Conduct public relations as if the whole company depends on it Realize a company's true character is expressed by its people Remain calm, patient, and good-humored
PR in Politics Jim Hagerty and Dwight Eisenhower
Was DE Press secretary Useful in television ads featured in Q&A sessions Taped separately Used big budget for PR
The Growth of Newspapers and Muckracking Journalists
MJ- named after Teddy Roosevelt for Character in the novel "Pilgrim's Progress" Generated Public Response Created follow-up stories
Ida Tarbell
"The History of the Standard Oil Company"- McClure's Magazine, 1902 Kicked off era of muckraking journalism and used the press to expose wrongdoings Revealed unfair practices of John D. Rockefeller
Henry Ford
Positioning: publicity always goes to those who do something first Accessibility: organizations must always be accessible to the press; no subject was off limits to Henry 
First PR Counselor: Ivy Lee
Georgia Roots Founded Parker and Lee in 1904 "Declaration of Principles" Birth of modern PR Principles that he shared with media to counter hostility toward PR
Ivy Lee's Contributions
1) Promoting the idea that business and industry should align with public interests 2) Ensuring the support of top management 3) Maintaining open communication with journalists 4) Humanizing business and making it relevant to workers, community, consumers
Father of Modern PR Edward L. Bernay
Broadway press agent before WWI Joined the Creel Commission during the war Opened up his agency with is wife in 1919 Nephew of Sigmund Freud- great believer in use of psychology in forming public opinion
Crystallizing Public Opinion
Book written by Edward L. Bernay Laid down the rationale for PR as a function of management and introduced the concept of two-way PR Advocates Research that accepts feedback from target audiences
Examples of Edward Bernay Work
CBS, GM, Westinghouse, Ford, GE Waldrof Astoria Hotel- used news leak of a contract negotiation to dispel rumors that the hotel was in financial troubles
First Public Relations Firm: The Publicity Bureau
Established in 1900 by George Michaelis First client: Harvard University 1906: began work for nation's railroads- opposed government regulation Railroad campaign failed and bureau went out of business 
First In-House PR: Westinghouse
Worked to promote alternative current (AC) over Edison’s direct current (DC) Edison employed scare tactics to direct people away from Westinghouse’s AC Edison published a booklet outlining the dangers of AC and the names of people killed by AC electrocution  Westinghouse disputed such assertions and published a booklet, Safety of the Alternating System of Electrical Distribution in October 1889  Westinghouse system eventually won 
Four Models of PR
Press agentry/publicity Public Information Two-way asymmetric Two-way symmetric
Four Models of PR: Press agentry/publicity
One-way communication Typically through mass media Oftentimes exaggerated or otherwise distorted information for solely advocacy purposes Not research-based P.T. Barnum then Sports, theater, music and film today 
Four Terms of PR: Public Information
One-way communication Typically through mass media Not necessarily advocacy-based, but part of journalistic ideal of accuracy and completeness of information Involves some fact-finding research Ivy Lee then Government and non-profits now 
Four Terms of PR: Two-Way asymmetric
Two-way communication through scientific persuasion techniques Help the communicator better understand the audience for persuasive purposes Research used to plan strategies and evaluate those strategies Edward L. Bernay’s then Marketing and advertising firms today
Four Terms of PR: Two Way Symmetric
Two-way communication for mutual understandings Formative research used to understand public perceptions of the organization Evaluative research to understand how PR tactics impacted audience understanding Edward L. Bernay’s then Educators and professional leaders today
Trends Today in PR
Importance of diversity Professional groups seek to encourage minority practitioners   Transparency Expanded role for PR- seat at the decision making table Increased emphasis on evaluation Investments in Corporate Social Responsibility 
Trends Continued
New direction in mass media- 24/7 news cycle outsourcing to PR firms Importance of lifelong learning
Ethics vs. Values
Ethics- standards of conduct which indicates how one should behave based upon moral duties and virtues rising from principles of right and wrong Values- are central beliefs which determine how we will behave in certain situations
Include things like honesty, loyalty, and integrity We apply our these to access what is right and wrong in a situation
Things are completely right or completely wrong no exaggeration of any sorts
This is a continuum of "rightness" and "wrongness" You can pick your spot on the continuum
The ends justify the means Harm as few as possible and bring joy to most 
Battles with Advocates
Point: “Traditional ethics prohibits a person from taking an advocacy role because that person is ‘biased’ and trying to ‘manipulate’ people”  Counterpoint: People expect PR practitioners to be advocates Advocacy efforts must be truthful
Ethics and Professional Organizations
Strive to educate and preserve the name of the PR firms Gives standards to industry
The Public Relations Society of America
The largest national public relations organization in the world - Public Relations Student Society of America
The International Association of Business Communicators
Second largest organization of communication and public relations professionals
The International Public Relations
A London-based global organization
Codes for Internet Transparency
Typically concerned with disclosure of sources for internet content No paid posts Respect Copyright laws Respectful voice
Video News Release
Attempt to capitalize on third-party credibility to sell a product or service is this ethical?
Financial Information
Response to recent cop corate scandals Must exercise independent and professional judgement keep track of financial law and regulations ensure full fair of disclosures 
Corporate Practice codes
Truth and accuracy in communications Confidentiality rules and practices and safeguarding of client proprietary information Rules about gift giving Abuse of insider information
Practitioners should have:  A sense of independence  A sense of responsibility to society and public interests  Concern for the competence and honor of the profession  A higher loyalty to the profession than to an employer
Advocates  Defines PR, unifies curricula, unifies standards, protects clients, protects practitioners, raises practitioners’ credibility Opponents  Violates 1st amendment, malpractice laws exist, states license but PR works nationally/internationally, ensures only minimum competence/ethics, increased credibility not ensured, expensive
Voluntary process of certification by professional organizations present portfolio of work to demonstrate knowledge through exam PRSA and IABC offer accreditation  Some require continuation of accreditation 
Ethic vs. Law Ethics
Stringent standards for behavior  Purpose is to transform society into ideal  Not always enforced  Prescriptive  Based in ‘oughts’
Ethics vs. Law Law
Minimum standards for behavior Purpose is to maintain stable society Resolve disputes  Protect property  Preserve government Always enforceable  Prohibitory or Mandatory  Based in ‘musts’
Problems with PR and Law Defamation
False statements about a person or organization that have negative impacts on public perceptions such as through print or broadcast person identified or identifiable injury in terms of financial loss, reputation, or mental suffering statement made with malicious or negligent  Celebrities are often excused from this as public figures
Copyright Infringement
Unauthorized use of works protected by copyright One cannot copyright an idea, but can copyright the expression of that idea
Fair Use
Quoting small amounts of text from copyrighted work Quoting information in a news story Parody and Artwork Dumb Starbucks 
Federal Trade Commission
Ensure advertisement are not deceptive Also monitors news releases, brochures, social media posts, etc.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Monitors financial affairs of publicly traded companies Focuses on things like insider trading, releasing misleading financial information, failing to disclose information in a timely manner Often most relevant for those in Investor Relations (IR)
Federal Communications Commission
Ensure public airways are used for public interest Concerns about source attribution for VNRs are purview of FCC Increasingly involved in regulating the internet, including issues of net neutrality
Food and Drug Administration FDA
Has guidelines for communication on health topics  Provide benefit AND risk information for drug treatments  Disclose limitations of the treatment (e.g., pregnant women)  Provide full prescribing information
PR must understand what in planning events?
basic liability laws
PR Practitioners are asked to understand what?
Understand the role of the legal team and to work with the group to avoid legal trouble
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