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ANSC 107: EXAM 1
Ad Libitum |
allowing animals to eat all they want at all times |
Compensatory Growth |
increased growth rate in response to previous undernourishment |
Concentrate |
A feed that is high in energy, low in fiber content, and highly digestible. |
Horses act of parturition |
-foaling |
Goats act of parturition |
kidding |
Swine act of parturition |
farrowing |
Sheep act of parturiton |
lambing |
Dogs act of parturition |
whelping |
Cat act of Parturition |
-littering |
Poultry act of mating |
mating |
Breed |
animals of common origin having characteristics that distinguish them other groups the same species |
Breed Environmental Contraints |
climate, forage supply, specific production goals |
Sire breeds |
fast growing, muscular, late maturing, low milking (slaughter) |
Maternal breeds |
early maturing sexually, inherently fertile, moderate to heavy milking, small to moderate size. (Reproduce) |
Sire Breeds |
Hampshire(swine) |
Heterosis (hybrid vigor) |
ability of offspring to out perform the average of the parents breed |
Angus Cattle (Scotland) |
-excellent marbling
-Largest number of annual registrations in the U.S.
- market at a premium higher than any other CAB |
Hereford Cattle (England) |
-Red with white face, also white on underline, switch, etc.
-2nd largest annual registrations
-don't have the natural ability to marble
-very little pigmentation
-high propensity for cancer eye |
Brahman Cattle (India) |
-bred to live in very hot climates, gray hump, floppy ears |
Brangus Cattle (US) |
-black and naturally polled
-most "widespread" composite in the U.S.
-high tempered levels |
Beefmaster Cattle (US) |
-developed by Tom Lasater in the 1930s in Falurias, TX
-About 50% Brahman, 25% Shorthorn, and 25% Herefor, composite breed
6 essentails of BeefMaster |
-milking ability
Chianina Cattle (Italy) |
-off-white hair coat with black skin pigmentation
-has had a tremendous impact on the "show steer" industry
-One of the oldest breeds in the world
Texas Longhorn Cattle (Texas, were of Spain origin) |
-Long distinctive horns
-Hobby breed- hides, horns, pets
-very hardy
-very skinny
Brown Swiss Dairy Cattle (Switzerland) |
-large docile breed from the Swiss Alps known for its strength and vigor
-muzzle is very light and often a light colored dorsal
--average lactation (305 days) of 16,135 pounds of milk |
Holestein- Friesian Dairy Cattle (Netherlands) |
-black and white color
- fluid milk production |
Jersey Cattle (Isle of Jersey) |
-vary from light tan to dark fawn with darker shadings around the head and lower legs
- highest percentage of butterfat |
Swine Breeds |
-Seedstock Producers
-Commercial Producers
-Corporate Production Units
Landrace Pig (Denmark) |
-white in color with huge drooping ears
- the most prolific swine breed that is longer than other breeds because of an extra vertabrae |
Duroc Pig (US) |
-average carcass merit, tend to be fatter than Hampshire sired pigs. |
Hampshire Pig (US) |
-black with a white belt around shoulders, erect ears |
Pietrain Pig (Belgium) |
-normally stressed positive |
Merino Sheep (spain) |
-most dominant breed in the world wide sheep industry |
Hampshire Sheep (England) |
-Hampshire are dark brown to black and the sheep should have a wool cap on the head |
Southdown Sheep (England) |
-One of the oldest sheep breeds
-stubborn |
Suffolk Sheep (England) |
-black head and legs |
Goat Breeds |
-less than 1 pound of lamb is eaten by the average US citizen in 1 year |
South African Boer Goat (south africa) |
-a hardy, fast growing meat-type goat |
Spanish Goat (Spain) |
-refer to goats of mixed breed origin
-before boer goat
-they breed with anything |
Nubian Goat (Africa) |
-most popular breed of registered dairy goat in the US |
Horse Breeds |
-horses are measured in hands
-1 hand = 4 inches |
Arabian Horse (Arabia) |
-the head and neck of the ideal Arabian are distinctive, with relatively small, dished, triangular shaped head and a long, highly arched neck that is set in the shoulder.
American Paint Horse (US) |
-Two basis color patterns: Tobiano(white over dark color; white crosses back)
Overo- dark over white; no white crosses back.
Thoroughbred (england) |
-famous stallions include Secretarist, Northern Dancer and Bold Ruler |
American Quarter Horse (US) |
-work cattle
-rodeo horse |
Belgian Horse (Belgium) |
-predominant color is light sorrel with flaxen mane and tail |
Clydesdale Horse (Scotland) |
-the "Budweiser Hitch" is made up of Clydesdale |
Leghorn Poultry |
-from the Mediterranean |
White Cornish Poultry |
- England |
Broad Breasted White Turkey |
-Thanksgivng turkey |
Cow-Calf |
-300-700# sold at 6-10 months old
-retain replacement females
-90% use bulls instead of A.I.
-Efficiency is based on pounds of product produced per cow
Cow-Calf selection goals |
-Weaning weight
-Cow efficiency
-Quality products produce |
Feedlot |
-high energy(concentrate) diet |
Slaughter facilities purchase cattle by: |
pen |
Beef industry is NOT vertically Inegrated |
Vertically Integrated: one company owns everything of that animal |
Dairy |
-most highly specialized industry |
Texas |
-7th in Dairy production
-6th in dairy cow numbers
Cow Health Issues |
-Milk Fever
Mastitis |
-inflamation of the udder caused by bacterial infection |
Ketosis |
- Energy shortage due to metabolic problems (not enough energy)
-normally seen 4-6 weeks after parturition |
Milk Fever |
-low blood calcium causing muscle weakness at/or near calving |
Parturition |
-the act of giving birth to young; childbirth |
T.D.N. |
Total Digestible Nutrients |
Roughage |
a feed that is high in fiber, low in digestible nutrients, and low in energy..
Hay, straw, silage, and pasture
Feeder |
animals which need no further feeding prior to slaughter |
Fill |
the contents of the digestive tract |
Carcass Merit |
the value of a carcass for consumption |
Dark Cutter |
color of the lean in the carcass.
Has a dark appearance usually caused by stress to the animal prior to slaughter.
Contemporary Group |
a set of animals of the same sex and breed that have been raised under similar enviromental and management conditions. |
Fertility |
the capacity to initiate, sustain, and support reproduction. |
Haploid |
Half the normal number of chromosomes.
Found in sperm and ova |
Cull |
to eliminate from the breeding population |
Libido |
sex drive of the male |
A.I. |
Artificial Insemination |
E.T. |
Embryo Transfer |
Estrus or Heat |
the period of mating activity in the female |
Estrus Synchronization |
controlling the estrous cycle so that a high percentage of the females in the herd express estrus at the same time. |
Clone |
an individual grown from a single somatic cell of its paren |
Estrous |
an adjective meaning "heat" that modifies such words as "cycle". Estrous cycle is the hear cycle or time from one heat period to the next |
Dystocia |
difficult birth |
Lactation Period |
period that female produces milk |
Weaning |
Taking a young animal from its dam (mother) |
Colostrum |
the first milk given by the female following delivery of her young |
Dry |
non-lactating female (mare,cow,ewe,sow) |
Anestrous Period |
the time when a female is not in estrus. The non-breeding season |
Open |
non-pregnant females |
Scurs |
small hornlike tissue attached to the skin of polled or dehorned animals |
Spaying |
the removal of the ovaries from the female reproductive tract (most often done in cats and dogs) |
Dairy Herd Improvment Association |
Castration |
removing the testicles |
Bovine |
cattle |
Equine |
Horses |
Porcine |
Swine |
Caprine |
Goats |
Ovine |
Sheep |
"There is more variation within breed than there is between breeds" |
is a quote we often hear. While this is generally true, some breeds have distinct advantages in specific traits that set them apart from the others. |
Feedlot Factors Influencing |
-dressing %
Seedstock |
Specialized cow-calf system-cows develop to breeding age |
California |
leading state in dairy production |
Dairy |
most highly specialized industry |
What Improved? |
-Management |
Stocker |
-Roughage based diet
-lightweight, thin cattle
-selection factors: price, growth potential, health |