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The Communication Question
Who conveys what message to whom through what channel to what effect?
Models of Communication
a source sends a message, through a channel, to receiver(s), producing some effect
Types of Communication
intrapersonal interpersonal mass
Interpersonal vs Mass Communications
Interpersonal: source is one person; receiver is one person Mass: source is an organization; receiver is a large audience
Interpersonal Communication
-constant feedback -2-way comm -personalization
We communicate successfully only when meaning is shared
Mediated Communication
messages conveyed through a a medium rather than face-to-face
Mediated interpersonal communication
-sharing of personal message through form of interposed device -not face-to-face
Mediated Interpersonal communication differs from mass comm
-messages don't go through large audience -not produced by professionals -allows some amount of interaction and feedback
the merging of technologies, industries, and content
Media Ownership-major companies
Time Warner Viacom/CBS Disney News Corp. NBC-Universal
Media Ownership
-profit media -globalization of values/culture -gatekeepers
Impact issues
deal with how the media affect society and how they affect individuals within society
Legal issues
deal with media practices that are governed by law such a libel, invasion of privacy and antitrust actions
Ethical issues
deal with the idea of whether certain media practices are right or wrong from a moral point view
Impact, legal, and ethical issues are related
Cultural Studies
analysis of media and the understanding of meaning -gender -race-political/economic
only proves that two things occurred at the same time, not that one thing caused the other
Correlation doesn't equal
The Payne Fund Studies (1929)
explored the influence of movies on children. concerned children were "modeling" antisocial behaviors in movies *Bullet Theory
Bulletin Theory
Direct effect
The People's Choice Study (1940)
-selective exposure caused Republicans to avoid messages that seemed to support Roosevelt, while Democrats would seek out these messages -Two-step Flow
Two-Step Flow
Mass Media | Opinion Leaders | Follower
Social Learning Theory
based on the assumption that people learn how to behave by observing others. The "Bobo Doll" experiments (Bandura, 1961)
Individual Differences Theory
mass media will affect users in different ways
Cultivation Theory
the media will shape and distort how people view the world
Agenda-Setting Theory
the mass media influence what you think about and your perception of what is important
there is either a right or wrong response for every ethical decision. -religious ideals, rigidly enforced
Situational ethics
ethical choices can made rationally without a rigid adherence to a predetermined set of rules. "Relativistic"
Truthfulness Authenticity Respect Equity Social Responsibility
Ethical Enforcement
Gatekeepers, Standards/practices, Ombudsman, Professional societies
Standards and practices
TV & Film
What was the first newspaper in America?
Publick Occurrences both Foreign & Domestick -published by Benjamnin Harris
Seditious libel
illegal to print derogatory or potentially inflammorty remarks about the government or its members
The Zenger Case (1735)
established that Newspapers had the right to print the truth about government actions
Partisan Press
newspapers owned or supported by political party
The Penny Press
appeared in 1830s Industrial Rev era of inexpensive, advertiser supported newspapers *brought newspapers to the masses
The New York Sun
first penny press
Ethical Issues
yelllow journalism
The Quality Press
dawn of the 20th century: NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor -American Society of Newspaper editors was formed in 1923
Inverted Pyramid
who, what, when, where, why, how -Most important info -supporting data & examples -least important info
Johannes Gutenberg
came up with idea of moveable metal type
First U.S. printing press
1683 Cambridge, MA (Harvard) -Bay Psalm Book
Industrial Rev
mass production of books 1914-"book rate"
Printing changed the world from one of….
Oral Culture to Literature culture
Banned Books
James Joyce's Ulysses Tarzan Heather has Two Mommies Cather in the Rye
Body Dissatisfaction
by 17 yrs old, 78% of women say they hate their bodies 90% of high school girls think they're overweight
Social Comparison Theory
we compare ourselves with others (naturally) we tend to compare ourselves with imagined ideal selves
Stages of Media Development
1. Elite stage 2. Popular Stage 3. Specialized stage
Elite Stage
only the richest & best-educated member of society make use of them
Popular stage
a truly mass audience takes advantage of them
Specialized stage
media tend to break up into segments for audience members with diverse and specialized interests
Newsweek: reported that a Koran had been flushed down the toliet by guard at the US military prison in Cuba
a camera to take motion pictures
a device to show motion pictures
The Trust
primary patent holders and film produces of the US and France- movie film could only be sold to them
1920s -silent era -block booking
The Golden Age
1930s -development of sound and color -first full-length sound feature (Warner Brother's The Jazz Singer)
Film Noir
1940s & 1950s -film industry reacts to tv -est rating system -teen audience
1970s-Directors Decade
the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives
is a paid, mass-mediated attempt to persuade
specific messages designed to persuade an audience
Advertising Campaign
an integrated series of ads and promotions that communicate a central theme or idea
Integrated Brand Promotion/Integrated Marketing Campaigns
coordinating promotional tools with advertising to build and maintain brand awareness, identify and preference
Marketing Mix: the 4 Ps
Product Place Promotion Price --Perceived Value
IBP starts and ends with…
the consumer
Health Communication
Encompasses that study and use of communication strategies to inform and influence individual and community decisions that enhance health
Basic Campaign Design
Target Audience Objectives/Goals Strategy Evaluation
Health Communications Strategies
Social Marketing Health Marketing
Social Marketing
Social marketing is the use of marketing principles to influence human behavior in order to improve health or benefit society *Behavior Change*
Health Marketing
Campaigns that focus on better health
Public Relations
the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics on whom its success and failure depends
Social Media
describes technologies that people use to share content, opinions, insights, experiences, and perspectives by interacting with each other in an environment
obtaining services through work that comes from an undefined public
Two Types of Crowsourcing
Implicit Explicit
Scholarly Research
formal, scientific, systematic
Propriety research
commissioned for private use
Goffman -any event can be described in terms of a focus
"Three Fathers" of modern Radio
Geulielmo Macronia Reginal Fessenden Lee De Forest
War of the Wolrds
widespread panic through newspaper and radio ads
Pay for Play -radio programing TV infomercial
Contemporary radio
news/talk, adult contemporary, top 40, country, urban, spanish
Nonprofit Radio
25% of studio is set aside for _____ (1934 Communications Act)
Telecommunications Act of 1996
removed most the restrictions in ownership, encouraging consolidation in the industry
major recording labels
universal sony EMI warner
Health Communication Key exampls:
VERB program Go Red for Women
Key feature of Nonprofits
1. Voluntary, non-coercive 2. No profits to distribute to stakeholders 3. Operate without simple, clear lines of ownership and accountability
Explicit Crowdsourcing
lets users work together on specific taks
Implicit crowdsourcing
users are solving a problem as a side effect of some other activity
Open Source
the creative practice of appropriation and free sharing of found and created content
Consumers proactively engaged in finishing the production of special goods or services, and are necessary for companies interested in mass pro ducting highly customized products
a theory that viewing violence actually reduces violent behavior

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