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development milestones
rapid change in: body shape and composition, distribution of tissue, motor skills
proper nutrition is vital
breast freeding recommended for 6mnths to a yr.
no cows milk til 9mnths
solids- 4-6mnths, mushy food like rice cereal
failure to thrive
organic- biological/ medical explanation
non-organic- neglect, abuse, environmental
brain development
researching the brain- EEG
structure of brain
development- nerons (transmit info)
shaken baby syndrome
motor development
2ways: cephalocaudal, proximodistal
progression of development: head control by 1mnth, creeping,crawling, standing, walking
cephalocaudal motor development
growth from top to bottom
proximodistal motor development
growth from inside to outside
obtaining and interpreting information from stimuli (sense)
perceptual development
decrease in an infants attention
visual perception
preferences: complex patterns, human faces(cartoon or real)
depth perception
gibson's walk visual cliff
gibson's walk's visual cliff
6-14mnths, proved babies have depth perception
auditory perception
1mnth- differences between similar speech sounds
3 1/2 mnths- discriminate parent's voice
8mnths- hearing is similar to adults'
cognitive development
accomplishments: object permanence, sense of space, causality, time sequence
the sensorimotor stage
schemes, assimilation, accomidation, 6stages
information processing
infants and attention: selective, active in cognitive processing, limited
infants and memory: repeat action
language development
development process: develop in order, cooing, babbling, 50 words by 18mnths, over 300 words by 2yrs.
milestones of language development
1st word,word spurt, holophrases, 2wrds, telegraphic speech
motherese |
everybody does it, characteristics: slow and high pitched
vygotsky's stages of language development
preintellectual speech, naive psychology, egocentric speech, inner speech
erickison's psychosocial stages
1yr: basic trust vs. mistrust, need responsiveness
2yr: autonomy vs. shame/doubt, need suitable guidance, reasonable choices
first apearance of basic emotions
happiness, anger, fear
self-coscious emotions
emerge middle of second yr., realize seperate and unique, require adult instruction, resort to biting and hitting
bowbly and ainsworth(ethology)
types: protest, despair, detachment
stages: initial pre-attachment, attachment-in-the-making, clear-cut attachment
initial preattachment
intence attachment
results of attachment
seperation anxiety, stranger anxiety, stranger situation test
attachment styles
securely attached, avoidant attachment, ambivalent attachment, disorganized/ disoriented
harlow's classic study
1971, rhesus monkey's 'raised' by 2 types of 'mothers'
biology major contributor to temperment
3types: easy difficult, slow-to-warm-up
child abuse and neglect
3million children a yr are abused, 2/3 are girl, 50-60% are not reported
get educated and know resources
effect of abuse and neglect
long lasting, serve, abused become abuser
causes of abuse and neglect
stress, teen parents, drugs or alcohol