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Psychology Notes

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What is Psychology?
-Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. -Scientific:Answering questions objectively based on observable facts, data, and established methods -Behavior:Observable, need to be operationally defined(measurable); behavior is anything an organism does -Mental Processes: The internal, subjective experiences, we infer from behavior-thoughts, feelings, sensations, perceptions, motivations, dreams, subjective experiences
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History of Psychology-Prior to 300 BCE
-Plato:Tripartite soul: intellect, spiritual/emotional, desires -Aristotle: theorized about learning & memory, motivation & emotion, perception & personality, knowledge is acquired through experience -Nativism:or the idea that certain kinds of knowledge are inborn or innate
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The History of Psychology: The Influence of Physiology & Anatomy
-Physiology: The branch of biology that studies the functions & parts of living organisms -In the 1600s: brain & its relation to behavior -By the 1700s: Specific bodily functions can be traced to specific brain areas -Some early ideas, such as phrenology(Franz Joseph Gall), did not stand the test of time
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The Birth of Psychology: Foundations as a Scientific Discipline
-1879 Wundt established 1st psychology laboratory University of Leipzig, marking the formal beginnings of the study of human behavior, emotions, & cognition. -Utilizes scientific methods to study psychological processes
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Edward Titchener
-Structuralism -Goal was to discover the mind's "structure" by means of introspection( sensation, feelings) -Why did this method prove unreliable?
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-William James: 1842-1910 -Advocated by William James & influenced by Darwin, focuses on how behaviors & mental processes function to allow people & animals to adapt to their environment rather than focusing on self-reported thoughts & feelings, etc -What evolutionary function do these serve?
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-Early 1900s : Psychology redefined as the scientific study only of observable behavior;dismissed introspection in favor of measuring only that which, is observable & quantifiable. -Suggest that the environment is much more influential on behavior than genetics. -John B. Watson: "Little Albert Experiment" -B.F.Skinner: radical behaviorism
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Psychoanalytic Theory
-Sigmund Freud(1856-1939) -Unconscious mental processes shape feelings, thoughts, and behaviors -The unconscious is the part of the mind that separates outside of conscious awareness -Unconscious conflicts determines behavior and personality
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