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The process of creating, pricing, distributing and promoting goods, services and ideas to facilitate satisfying exchange relationships with customers in a dynamic environment
AMA's Mark Def
Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders
Goods, service or ideas that satisfy customer needs
Decisions and actions that establish pricing objectives and policies and set product prices
The ready, convenient and timely availability of products
Activities that inform customers about the organization and its products
Marketing Mix
Customer Product Place Price Promotion
Conditions for Exchange
Two or more participants have something of value that the other party desires exchange provides mutual benefit/ satisfaction Each party has confidence in the exchange value of the other party's offering Each party must meet the expectations of the exchange to become trusted by other pa…
Components of Strategic Marketing
Customer product price distribution promotion 1. Economic Forces 2. Political Forces 3. Competitive Forces 4. Socio-Cultural Forces 5. Technological Forces 6. Legal and Regulatory Forces
Product Orientation
Late 19th Century- efficient production of goods allowed firms to meet strong customer demand
Sales Orientation
Mid 20s- early 50s- weakened demand required that products would have to be "sold" (personal selling, advertising and distribution was the focus)
Marketing Orientation
Early 50s- 2000s- adopting a customer focus means a commitment to researching and responding to customer needs
Stakeholder Orientation
2000s-Today- oriented towards stakeholders and their wants
Contact Points
Successful marketing requires managing and coordinating marketing messages at every contact point
Planned Contact
Rude contact employees Antiquated buildings long service delays
Unplanned Messages
Dirty parking lot Poor store hrs unfriendly employee
Core Competencies
Things a firm does extremely well (strengths) which sometimes give it an advantage over its competition Financial and human resources Reputation, goodwill and brand names
Market Opportunity
A combination of circumstances and timing that permits an organization to reach a target market Core competencies are matched to opportunities Strategic windows- temporary periods of optimal fit between the key requirements of a market and the particular capab…
Comparative Advantage
the result of a company's matching a core competency (superior skill or resources) to opportunities in the marketplace Manufacturing skills Technical Skills Marketing Skills
SWOT Analysis
An assessment of the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Strengths- competitive advantages or core competencies Weaknesses- limitations on competitive capability Opportunities- favorable condition in the environment Threats- conditions or barriers to reachi…
Mission Statement
a long-term or vision of what the organization want to become Mission statement answers two questions what are our customers? target market? What are our core competency? Strengths?
Market Objective
a statement of what is to be accomplished through marketing activities to match strengths to opportunities, or to provide for the conversion of weaknesses to strengths should be stated in clear, simple terms should be accurately measurable should specify a time frame for accomplishment…
Market-Growth Market-Share Matix
Strategic planning tool based on the philosophy that a product's market growth rate and market share are important in deterring marketing strategy Factors determining SBU/ product's position within a matrix product-market growth rate Relative market share
High- Product-Market Growth High- Relative market Share
Cash Cow
Low- Production Market Growth High- Relative market Share
Question Mark
High- Product Market Growth Low- Relative Market Share
Low- Product Market Growth Low- Relative Market Share
Target Market Selection
Focusing on specific profitable customer groups/ market segments Recognizing changes occurring in the market
Creating the Marketing Mix
Analyze customer needs, preferences and behavior Have the skills and resources required for product design, pricing, distribution and promotion Maintain strategic consistency and flexibility in marketing mix decisions
Marketing Planning
the process of assessing opportunities and resources, determing objectives, defining strategies and establishing guidelines for implementation and control of the marketing program
Progression of Marketing Strategy
Machiavelli- intimidation and force Fred Taylor (1911)- Piece Rate System; Paid based on items made Gilbreath's- Cut down on time to save $ Hawthorne- subtle changes to environnement Deming- Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM)
a philosophy that uniform commitment to quality in all areas of the organization will promote a culture that meets customers perceptions of quality
Comparing the quality of the firm's goods, services or processes with that of the best-performing competitors
Giving customer-contact employees authority and responsibility to make marketing decisions on their own
TQM 2 Points
Cease dependence/ Reliance mass inspection (each step) End Practice of rewarding of rewarding business on price tag alone (sole sourcing, Find the best & give all business to them, quality driven)
one player Utilities
Few companies with similar products Airlines
Monopolistic Competition
Many players & are differentiated
Pure Competition
Unlimited # of suppliers Hair stylists
Economic Forces
Buying Power total amount of exchanges a consumer can make resources; $, G/S/I that can be traded in an exchange Income Disposable Income- after taxes Discretionary income- after DI & Taxes Credit Wealth
The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
Economic be profitable the foundation upon which all others rest 2. Legal Obey the Law law is society's codification of right and wrong play by the rules of the game 3. Ethical be ethical Obligation to do what is right, just and fair avoid harm 4. Philanthropic be a good corpo…
Social Responsibility Issues
The Natural Environment- Green Consumerism- Raulph Nader (seat belt); JFK (4 rights; safety, informed, choices, heard) Community Relations- Give back
The principles of conduct governing an individual or a group car dealerships
Ethical Issues in Marketing
Product- just noticeable difference Price- collusion (company working together) Place- not setting up correctly Promotion
Government Agencies
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)- controls unfair competition regarding advertising, credit claims, labeling, and packaging
1938- Wheeler-Lea Amendment Gave FTC more power to force an ad to cease & desist 1971- Advertising Substantiation Act Make prof available to consumers endorsers users of product expert
FTC Legal Powers
Created to prohibit unfair methods of competition Advertising's effect on competition
Government Agencies
Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) prohibits obscenity, fraud and lotteries on radio and TV Food and Drug Administration (FDS) Regulates ads of food, drug, cosmetic & medical products Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates advertising of securities
Deception and Unfairness
False testimony- endorsors Bait and Switch "Free Offers" Puffery- bold statements with out justification Misleading demonstrations/ Deceptive Advertising
Deceptive Advertising
Miscomprehension- the meaning conveyed to the hearer (perceived reality) is different from the literal content of the message receiver extracts the incorrect meaning, not companies fault Deceptiveness- conveyed meaning is inconsistent with the facts about the product, regardless of wha…
Consumers deceived by ad when...
the impression left by the claim is false the false claim is believed by consumers
FTC determis deception based on...
Misleading Reasonable Consumer- targeting correct consumer Material- Relevant
Deceptive Advertising
Miscomprehend w/out being deceived- literally falsely not interoperated literally (Red Bull gives you wings) True-But-Deceptive Ads(Induced Miscomprehension)- Literally true but people miscomprehend; (Mouthwash fights germs) Elliptical Causation- Standard of compares w/out substance (B…
Regulation of Direct Marketing & E-Commerce
Privacy Contest & Sweepstakes- no purchase necessary (3X) Telemarketing
Regulation of Sales Promotion
Premium Offers Contests and Sweepstakes

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