40 Cards in this Set
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What is a Tariff?
A tax on goods entering a country
5 Stage Process of Purchasing Decision
1) Problem Recognition
2)Information Search
3)Alternative Evaluation
4)Purchase Decision-whom and when to buy
5)Post Purchase Behavior- satisfied or unsatisfied
What are the Socio-culural Influences?
What are the Socio-culural Influences?
What are the 5 situational influences?
1)Purchase task (reason for buying)
2)Social Surroundings (friends)
3)Physical Surroundings (decor, crowds)
4)Temporal Effects (time of day/amount of time)
5)Antecedent states (consumer mood/money)
What is Selective Exposure?
pay attention to messages that are consistent with their attitude and beliefs, ignore inconsistencies (post-purchase)
What is Selective Comprehension?
interpreting info so it’s consistent with attitude/beliefs (ex. Snow Pup=toy and less sales/Snow Master=more sales)
What is Selective Retention?
consumers do not remember all the info they see, hear, or read (ex- reason for take home brochures)
What is Subliminal Perception?
see or hear messages without being aware of them
see or hear messages without being aware of them
· ccc consumer believes in negative consequences due to the purchase
What is Stimulus Generalization?
response elicited by 1 stimulus is generalized to another stimulus 9 (same brand name for different products)
What is Response Discrimination?
perceive differences in stimuli
What is Cognitive Learning?
thinking, reasoning, and problem solving
“Ad advil is a pain reliever” (link brand with an idea)
What is Brand Loyalty?
· fa favorable attitude/consistent purchase of a brand
What is Attitude?
- learned predisposition to respond to an object or class of objects
What is Belief?
What is Belief?
What are the 3 ways marketers try to change consumer attitudes?
Changing beliefs about the brand’s certain attributes
- Mayo=high omega 3, makes mothers think its healthy for their children
Changing the perceived importance of attributes
-Pepsi made freshness dates an important attribute
Adding new attributes to the product
-Colgate toothpaste a…
What is Protectionism?
- shshielding 1 or more industries within a country’s economy from foreign competition through tariffs or quotas
What is a Quota?
· - restriction placed on the amount of a product allowed to enter/leave the country
What is the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
What is the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
What is NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)?
- lifted many trade barriers between Canada, Mexico, and the U.S (Wal-mart, Target)
What is the European Union?
· )- 27 countries that have eliminated most barriers to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor across their borders (Colgate toothpaste, Michelin Tires)
What is an International Firm?
· - engages in trade and marketing in different countries as an extension of the marketing strategy in its home country
What is a muti-national firm?
· M multidomestic marketing strategy
o They have as many different product variation, brand names, and advertising programs as countries in which they do business
What is a Transnational Firm?
views world as 1 market and emphasizes cultural similarities across countries or universal consumer needs (uses Global Market Strategy)
What is a global brand?
· - brand marketed under the same name in multiple countries
What is economic infrastructure?
- country’s communications, transportation, financial, and distribution systems
What is consumer income and purchasing power?
- household income among country’s consumers and how the income is distributed to determine purchase power
What is currency exchange rate?
- price of one country’s currency expressed in terms of another country’s currency
What is indirect exporting?
when a firm sells its domestically produced goods in a foreign country through an intermediary (least amount of risk and profit)
What is direct exporting?
- when a firm sells its domestically produced goods in a foreign country without intermediaries (more risk, still low profit)
What is licensing?
company offers the right to a trademark, patent, trade secret in return for a royalty or a fee
What is a joint venture?
when a foreign company and a local firm invest together to create a local business
What is a direct investment?
· ininvesting in and owning a foreign subsidiary or division
What is a market segment?
homogenous groups of prospective buyers that result from a market segmentation process
What is market segmentation?
aggregating prospective buyers into groups that have common needs and will respond similarly to a marketing action
What is product differentiation?
using different marketing mix activities (features and advertising) to help consumers perceive the product as being different and better than competing products
What is product positioning?
place a product occupies in consumer’s minds based on features relative to competitive products
What is product repositioning?
· Cchanging the place a product occupies in consumer’s minds
What are the steps in segmenting and target marketing?
o 1) Group Potential Buyers into Segments
o 2) Group Products to be Sold into Categories
o 3) Develop a Market-Product Grid and Estimate the size of Markets
o 4) Select Target Markets
o 5) Take Marketing Actions to Reach Target Markets
What are the steps in a perceptual map?
o Identify the important attributes for a product or brand
o Discover how target consumers rate competing products or brands with respect to these attributes
o Discover where the company’s product or brand is on these attributes in the minds of potential customers
o Reposition …