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Important historical movement laws
Equal pay act (1963)- create equal wages between males and females EEOC (equal employment opportunity commission)- created to enforce ALL
Title VII: Protected Classes
Race Color Religion (reasonable accommodation) Sex (does not apply to preference or identity) National origin (unless job requirement, safety, etc.)
Reverse discrimination
Preferential treatment to members of a protected class = illegal
McDonald vs. Santa Fe Trail
African American employee reprimanded, but kept job, white man was fired. THIS IS ILLEGAL under title VII
Can a company tell employee to not wear religious garments?
Yes and no. If there is a strict dress code or look they can. If NOT they are not allowed to. Sometimes exceptions in extreme cases (safety, etc.)
Can an employer tell a religious worker to work on their religious holiday?
No, but if they can make low cost accommodations to switch then this is an opportunity
Equal employment with global operations
Foreign citizen + foreign company in U.S. = EE laws apply US company + US citizen in foreign country = laws apply US company + another country's citizen in foreign country = NOT APPLY
Pregnancy discrimination
Cannot discriminate against women because of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.
Examples of pregnancy discrimination
Denying a woman a job because she is pregnant Required a women to take a leave, if she can still do work Fringe benefits: such as health insurance, that discourages women of childbearing age from working
2 types of sexual harassment
Quid Pro Quo Hostile environment
Quid Pro Quo
Purpose: To promote, change condition of employment, salary, place on project, etc. *Submission is the basis for the employment decision. Promise of reward or threat of punishment in exchange for sexual favors.
Hostile Environment
Commenting on appearance, discussing sexual activities, unnecessary gestures or language. Displaying sexually suggestive pictures. Trivial instances do not qualify as harassment
Boss's email
Employer is NOT liable for moving someone after they send unwanted email to another female worker
Harris v. Forklift Systems
Woman gets insulted by her manager, who insults her in front of other, makes sexual suggestive comments, talk about sexual themes, etc. She sues, at first courts say there is no sexual harassment. US Supreme Court = employee's psychological well-being is relevant to determine if enviro…
Construction discharge
Self discharge because of what they are doing to you
Oncale vs. Sundowner (reverse and same-sex discrimination)
Man sued because he suffered verbal and physical abuse of sexual nature by other male workers. Same sex harassment is ILLEGAL. "Reasonable person" standard - would they find this hostile and abusive? Rough housing and teasing are not illegal**
Age discrimination: You cannot...
Force retire Require physical exams to older workers for continued employment Indicate age preference in advertising jobs (i.e.: "new grad" or "young" Choose a younger worker because an older one will retire Cut health-care for older workers because eligible for medicaid
Discrimination based on military service
Illegal for an employer to DENY employment, reemployment, retention in employment, promotion, or any benefit of employment. If they get back from war and come back and employer says the position is no longer available = ILLEGAL
Bringing a discrimination charge
What happens after investigation to bring a suit? If no settlement EEOC informs parties result of investigation.
Costco worker sued for getting fired
She was fired because she refused to cover up her tattoos and piercings. She sued for religious discrimination. At first held. However, Costco has the right to have a dress code, and have workers "reasonably professional in appearance" SHE LOST. Outrageous dress code
Lewis v. Heartland Inns of America LLC (secretary job)
Secretary did not have the "look" and had been previously promoted. After the boss saw her, they did a second interview and fired her. Won eventually on sex discrimination and retaliation.
Ellerth vs. Burlington Industries (hostile environment)
Ellerth worked in sales and a manager made sexually offensive remarks, and made threats to deny her her job. She never refused his advances and told nobody. Sued for quid pro quo --> this was hostile environment. She is in trouble because she did not say "no" and she also did not tell …
Effective company policy on protection of discrimination and harassment
To claim that employees failed to take advantage of in-house protections. Must have credible programs implemented. Trust worthy program, secure process, knowledgable person in place.
EEOC vs. Dial Corp.
Process had workers lifting 35lbs. of sausage and had injuries. So they screened a strength ability test to demonstrate they could do it. Women went from 50% to 15% hire. EEOC brought suit. Unintentional but Discriminatory act! Dial lost, did not demonstrate was a "business necessit…
Affirmative action programs
Adopted ONLY on race or sex (not color, religion, age, etc.) Courts may require this as remedy in discrimination case

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