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Chemical that is secreted by an endocrine gland and is conveyed by the blood to other organs whose activities it influences 
Steroid Hormone
Sex hormones Androgens include Testosterone Estrogens include estradiol Both sexes have both, matter in amounts
Organizing and activiting effects
Organizing occur well before birth in humans and determines brain and body to develop make or female characteristics. Activating occurs later in life like puberty.
Mullerian and Wolffian ducts
males Y chromosome contain SRY gene SRY gene cause primitive sex organs into testes & secret testosterone test. cause Wolffian ducts into seminal vesicles & vas deferens Also see MIH which causes degeneration of Mullerian ducts (females)
Sexually dimorphic nucleus
Hypothalamus area larger in males testosterone alone can change the brain in animals enters the cell & converts into estrodial protein called Alpha-Fetoprotein prevents estradiol from entering the cell (keeps females, females)
Gender Identity 
related to gender role which is a behavior we expect from a particular sex & defined by culture & environment most individs require gender identity that match their external appearance
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
Born w/ abnormalities XY, Y has mutated SRY gene in females, CAH, the end result is excessive amounts of testosterone is secreted & leads to male external genitalia any individ w/ between male & female is called Intersex 1 out of 2000 have this
Androgen insensitivity 
some XY individs are insensitive to all androgens including testosterone outwardly have female appearances puberty, see breasts but no menstruation b/c they have internal testes most have female gender identity
Anterior Commisure
larger in hetero females & homosexual males than in hetero males
in homo males & hetero females is shaped differently than hetero males
Interstitial Nucleus 3
is smaller in gay males & hetero females than hetero males
Emotional arousal is concerned, Limbic system is critical some cortical areas in frontal and temporal that are also important for experiencing emotions
Insular Cortex
only place where disgust is localized
Allows us to read other people's emotions temporal lobe epilepsy will exhibit intermittant explosive disorder have sezuire & try to kill someone Amygdala priming aggression if someone makes you mad, more likely to get even more angry 20 mins later
Testosterone and Aggression
weak correlation b/w these men fight more, arrested more behaviors are worse b/w ages 15-25 when testosterone levels are at highest females can be just as aggressive when protecting offspring
Serotonin (5 HT)
low 5HT turnover has been correlated w/ violent crime & suicide suicide rates highest in spring when serotonin levels are low
Neurons synthesize 5HT from tryptophan. Tryp. needs to cross over BBB & shares transportation w/ Phenylalanine. If you eat a lot of something w/ Pheny. should bascially more aggressive. Enzyme that converts tryp. into 5HT called T. Hydroxylase.
Rare genetic d/o amygdala wastes away people have difficulty recognizing emotion in others, esp. fear
NT in Amygdala
CCK & GABA CCK is excititory GABA is inhibitory
Drugs that block anxiety
In 1950s, these were used but were strongly habit forming & easily overdosed
minor tranquilizers prescribed in minor pathology sedative, hypnotic drugs alcohol is also a sedative & works the same in amygdala work on GABA allows GABA to bind more effectively 4 binding sites (GABA on 1 & benzo's on other 3)
Allosteric Modulators
Benzo's are called this
Endogenous bind to benzo receptors Ex: DBI glial cells produce endoz not neurons have opposite effect than benzo's makes us more anxious
SAM Response (1 of 2 parts of flight or fight response)
2 components neural response neuroendo When something scares you, immediate recognition in brain, info sent to spinal cord, raises BP, raises HR, sweat (sympathetic arousal) end result, 2 NT EPI & NE released on all internal organs
SAM response contin.
After neural response begins, neuroendological kicks in this result in more EPI & NE being released hormonally from adrenals end result, prolongs sympathetic response Prepares body to fight or run
Polygraph Test
Measures sympathetic arousal theses tests don't work if you're nervous, you must be lying (not true) if you're lying, you must be nervous (not true)
Voo Doo Death
in order for a curse to kill you, you have to believe you are going to die one theory, involves SAM response everyone is so terrified & incredibly aroused so hyperaroused, the parasympathetic response comes in to slow down so much it stops heart
HPA Axis (2nd part of fight or fligh)
Kicks in after SAM end result is cortisol & endorphins in a short run, it mobilizes glucose, supplies nrg endorphins are bodies natural pain killers over time, cortisol switches to immune suppressing
Tend & Befriend
When stressed, females want to be with other people, opposite with males. Initial stress response is the same in both but in females, hormone coming in & change response
Immune system
PNI role of sys. is to differentiate b/w self from non-self
Could be a virus, bacteria, someone else's kidney, etc
anything foreign will cause an immune response
Some immune responses are specific bit by a dog w/ rabies immune sys will produce antibodies for rabies then scrape against rusty nail antibodies for rabies won't help at all
1st time you are exposed to a virus, going to make antibodies takes 7-8 days to overcome if re-exposed to same virus, next response will be faster and stronger how vaccines work
T Cells
helping other cells produce antibodies help checking own cells for cancer or other viruses HIV wipes out T Cells
B Cells
Eventually produce antibodies
attack anything foreign & kill it when they kill something, they are killed in process type of WBC what pus is, dead neutrophils usually on the skin
Humoral Response
antibody production
Cell-Mediated Response
Important for immune sys to check to make sure your own body doesn't have cancer or a virus
Intersection of stress & immune system Entire field came from the work of psychologist doing work in taste adversion
Robert Ader
CS = sugar water US = Cytoxan interested in extinguishing taste adversion after a while, animals in experimental grp were dying found cytoxan is a chemotheraputic drug & suppresses immune sys Sys is also remembering the immuno-suppressing drug
Nick Cohen
Ader explained this to Cohen & tested it for him and he was conditioning the immune sys His idea was that the immune sys & brain where talking to each other
Research has shown the neural innervation of immune tissue
Body has several immune organs (spleen, lymph nodes) see nerves/neurons going into immune organs under microscope, see neurons synapsing on immune cells
The NT that is released, the immune cell must have receptors
see receptors for those NT & hormones some of those receptors are for EPI, NE, Cortisol These are consequence of the stress response if corisol is continuously released when are you chronically stressed & see a suppressed immune sys
Psychosocial events matter
Ex: Animal Study 3 grps of rats before study, rats injected w/ tumor cell line, 50 % would get cancer 1st grp was control 2nd grp placed in shock box, get shock, when press lever shock stopped 3rd was yoked w/ 2nd grp. couldn't control the shock
Results of animal study
1st grp 50 % got cancer 2nd grp 63% rejected the tumors; 37 % got cancer 3rd grp 73 % got cancer; 27% rejected cancer Those in control benefit physiologically
Brain can physically change from learning. People trying to find it
Law of Mass Action
the more cortex, the better
Law of Equipotentiality
all parts of the cortex contribute equally to learning
Short-term memory STM
memories for events that have just occurred
Long-term memory LTM
memories for events from previous times
STM is about 7 +/- 2 different things ( phone numbers) LTM is infinite
Need for rehearsal
required for STM (repeat numbers over and over) LTM not required to repeat to be stored
once you forgotten something in STM, it's gone. Not for LTM
Working Memory
temporary storage of memories while we are working with them or attending them
Phonological Loop
part of brain that stores any sounds/words involved in that memory
Visuospatial Sketchpad
stores any sight/written words that are associated w/ that memory
Central Executive
directs your brain to appropriate stimulus to be stored in working memory not the same for everyone (visual learners, sound for learning)
Implicit Memories
Involved the influence of memory on a behavior w/o realizing your using a memory ex: procedural memory (riding a bike, tie your shoe)
Explicit Memories
deliberate recall of info you know as memory declarative memory is ability to state a memory episodic memory: memory of personal experiences semantic memory: textbook kinds of facts
something in LTM and recalling it
Anterograde Amnesia
loss of memories following some event (brain injury). can't form new memories
Retrograde Amnesia
forget things that happen before an event. can form new memories
Delayed Matched Sample Task DMTS
Animal shown a sample (light up triangle) wait certain period of time then give 2 choices (circle or triangle) if chose correct, get fed, incorrect not fed
Delayed-nonmatched sample
same as DMTS non-mathced; circle would be reinforced, triangle not suppose to be good measures of working memory
Morris Water Tank
Spatial memory is key put a platform under cloudy water put animal in water to swim around to find platform
Pre-frontal cortex
important for working memory
Hypocampus (HA)
important for declarative memory
Basal Ganglia
important for procedural memories
Korsakoff Syndrome
brain damage caused by a thiamine or vitamin B deficiency occurs in alcoholics damage in several areas including prefrontal cortex implicit better than explicit retrograde & antrograde amnesia Confabulation ask question, make up answer & believe it
Alzheimer's Disease 
severe memory loss chromosome 21 carries disease plaques is a build up of protein Amyloid Beta Tangles are build up of protien TAU ACh containing neurons are damaged by clumps
Semantic Dementia
Damage to particular areas of temporal cortex these people lose memory of book kinds of facts
Infant Amnesia
dont know why one theory deals with HA, immature at birth until about 2 years another is a result of a lack of language
Long Term Potentiation
HANDOUT!!!!! AMPA & NMDA receptors are important Activation of NMDA receptors leads to changes in AMPA receptors All changes of NMDA makes it more likely to stimulate AMPA Once change happens, don't need NMDA block LTP, block learning
Contralateral Control
left side of brain controls right side and vice versa
Control the same side, taste and smell
Corpus Callosum
The 2 hemispheres talk to each other thru corpus callosum Anterior & HA commisures also help in communicating Left side knows what right is doing in about 7 milliseconds
Division of labor
Split Brained Patients
Corpus Callosum cut b/c of severe epliletic seizures most do well 2 hemispheres often do function independently, sometimes it's a problem right hem. can take over some language
Planum Temporale
Contains areas important for language larger in most people (larger in left than right)
female chimp who was a Bonogo had 2 babies while being trained kids did very well and formed orginal senses and would chat they would explain the past best example
William's Syndrome
Chromosome 7 abnormality severe MR trouble w/ hygiene, require a lot of care ability to read faces is not effected do great in language articulate expressive language
Language Acquisition
we are hard wired to have language
Poverty of the Stimulus Argument
Children produce grammar that they never heard before
Broca's Aphasia
Difficulty in language production/written can't sign telegraphic speech can't read "too be or not to be" can read "two bee oar knot two bee" difficult w/ phonetics better language comprehension then production
Wernicke's Area
they can prodice language but don't understand written or verbal communication of others. so they speak nonsense
difficulty in recalling the names of objects
difficulty in reading when visual & academic skills are adaquate see auditory problems dysphonetic: trouble sounding out words dyseidetic: sound out parts of words but difficulty recognizing sounds as a whole word no one knows the cause
Inattentional Blindness
not consciously aware of stuff going on around you in visual field but not aware
Affective Disorder
Depression and mania
less severe form more chronic less debilitating characterized as sad
Borna Virus
cause hyper/hypo mania in horses tested 100's of people w/ antibodies only 12 were positive w/ exposure all 12 had depression
Amine Theory of Depression
Low levels of NE & Serotonin cause depression NE is a catecholamine 5HT is a indolamine most antidepressants are amine agonists
inhibitors, block MAO MAO is an enzyme that metabolizes catecholamines & 5HT blocking causes catecholamines & 5HT to stay in the synapse longer last class of drug to be offered, severe side effects "Cheese effect": eat cheese, cause rise in BP
Prevents reuptake of catecholamines & serotonin, nonspecific
act only on serotonin blocks reuptake of serotonin preferred b/c it is specific one side effect, produces anxiousness/nervousness not good for someone w/ anxiety problems
A Typical Antidepressants
NE reuptake inhibitors Wellbutrin DA & NE
BDNF (chemical)
some meds cause production of a chemical that leads neurons to grow in HA
Cognitive Psychotherapy 
Cognitive Psychotherapy 
shock therapy works faster 80% respond sometimes memory loss, antrograde amnesia
Adjustment in Sleep Patterns
some individs, their sleep in off, enter REM too fast. send to bed early or keep them up all night (quick fix)
a part of bipolar Type 1 or type 2
Type 1 Mania
bouts of depression and full blown mania
Type 2 Mania
more depression mania is more anxiety, not full blown
drug of choice mood stabilizer had to be monitored closely works best if given in manic phase
Other meds for Mania
valproate & carbamzepine anticonvulsive meds block arachidonic acid this acid is produced during inflammation
Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Psychotic Cluster hallucinations delusions hallucinations tend to be auditory Disorganized cluster incoherent speech, bizarre behaviors, inappropriate behaviors & thought behaviors tend to be very literal
Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
affect, speech, memory problems tend to be more stable over time less responsive to medication
Disorganized Type
tend to see confused behavior inappropriate emotion, incoherent speech
Catatonic Type
Lack of movement remain very still have "waxy behaviors"
Paranoid Type
highlighted by delusions and hallucinations delusions of control, grandeur, persecution only time they are dangerous if they think your the one persecuting them
Prodromal Phase
see beginning of social withdrawl
Active Phase
see acute symptoms like hallucinations, delusions
Residual Phase
see some recovery of function
Differential Diagnosis
a lot of other things mimic schizophrenia, have to rule them out
Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis
argues that schizo is due to abnormalities w/ either pre or neonatal development of the nervous sys lots of support environmental factors don't cause symptoms see abnormal brain anatomy or behaviors
Antipsychotics/ neuroleptics
early antipsychotics had 2 categories Phenothiazines Butyprophenones
DA Theory
Schizo was caused by over active DA
Glutamate Theory
DA & glutamate oppose each other  under activity of glutamate
PCP inhibits glutamate PCP causes both positive and negative symptoms PCP has very little effect in pre-adolescence
Early Drugs and Side effects 
acted on receptors in basal ganglia side effect was Tardive Dyskinesia walk in slow deliberate manner, Thorazine shuffle

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