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Biology 109: Exam 3

The four principal types of tissues are
epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
Which of the following would not be considered a thermoregulatory adaptation in mammals or birds?
Which of the following would increase the rate of heat exchange between an animal and its environment?
wind blowing across the body surface
Which of the following is an important distinction between the measurement of basal metabolic rate (BMR) and standard metabolic rate (SMR)?
SMR must be determined at a specific temperature.
Some nutrients are considered “essential” in the diets of certain animals because
they cannot be synthesized by the organism
This primary responsibility of this segment of the alimentary canal is the recovery of water that has entered the canal as the solvent of digestive juices.
large intestine
Which of the following is a hormone produced by the small intestine, which causes the release of digestive enzymes and bile?
cholecystokinin (CCK)
Which of the following are the only vertebrates in which blood flows directly from respiratory organs to body tissues without first returning to the heart?
Which of the following is true about veins?
veins have valves that serve to maintain a unidirectional flow of blood
During exhalation in humans, air moves from the bronchus into the
Which of the following is not a part of the innate immune system of vertebrates?
B cells
The type of cell that is attacked by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in AIDS victims, is the
helper T cells
The secretion of antibodies by lymphocyte B cells provides
humoral immunity
If two solutions that differ in their osmolarity are separated by a selectively permeable membrane (permeable to water only), the net flow of water is
from hypoosmotic to hyperosmotic solution
Urea is _____
The primary nitrogenous waste product of humans
Environmental influences appear to contribute to cellular mutations that lead to tumor growth. For example, certain diets lead to higher incidence of colon cancers, and overexposure to sunlight leads to higher incidence of skin cancers. The tissues in closest contact with a carcinogen or mutagen (anything that causes genetic mutations) are obviously the ones most likely to develop tumors. Carcinomas and melanomas account for well over half of all cancers. What type of tissue would you guess the term carcinoma and melanoma is most closely associated with?
An evolutionary adaptation that enables animals with more complex body designs to ensure sufficient exchange with their environment
highly folded internal surfaces
Which of the following statements comparing the endocrine system (ES) and nervous system (NS) signaling is true?
The NS transmits a signal to a target cell via a specific pathway.
Which of these conditions would be an example of positive feedback?
Blood pressure decreases greatly; blood flow to the heart is inadequate, and blood pressure decreases.
A countercurrent flow system between substance A and substance B
maximizes the exchange by having A and B flow in opposite directions
A(n) _____________ is an animal that has a relatively variable body temperature, whereas a ___________ is an animal that maintains a relatively stable body temperature
poikilotherm; homeotherm
The minimum metabolic rate of an endotherm that is at rest, has an empty stomach and is not experiencing stress
Compare an animal with a gastrovascular cavity to an animal with a tube-type digestive system. What is/are the major advantage(s) of having a tube?
It allows the animal to consume a second meal while the first is being digested. It permits development of specialized enzymes and concentration of digestive juices in different regions. It permits more time for enzymatic action. Additional physical cutting and grinding of the food bolus is made possible.
The liver produces bile which functions to
help emulsify or break down fats for digestion
Pancreatic secretions contain
hormones enzymes bicarbonate
How does the digestion and absorption of fat differ from that of carbohydrates?
Most absorbed fat first enters the lymphatic system; carbohydrates directly enter the blood.
This structure is an important site for the fermentation of ingested material especially for animals that eat large amounts of plant material.
Which of the following statements concerning an open circulatory system is true?
The circulatory fluid is also the interstitial fluid
If a molecule of CO2 released into the blood in your right toe travels out of your nose it must pass through all of the following structures EXCEPT the
pulmonary vein
1. right 2. left 3. pulmonary artery 4. pulmonary vein 5. aorta Oxygenated blood from the lungs returns to the …(A)…. atrium of the heart in the …(B)….. From there it enters the …(C)…. ventricle and leaves the heart in the …(D)…. to go to the body. From the body, blood returns to the …(E)….atrium, and then leaves the heart in the …(F)… go to the lungs.
2, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3
The graph above shows the pressure changes in the left ventricle and aorta during a single heartbeat. The abrupt changes of pressure in the aorta at points A and C are most likely caused by the
opening and closing of the semilunar valve
The result of the Bohr effect is that
a decrease in pH decreases the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen, enhancing unloading.
The exchange of gases between interstitial fluid and the blood occurs in
During inhalation...
diaphragm and rib muscles contract
A dry mixture of gases has a total pressure of 750 mm Hg, and oxygen comprises 20% of the gas mixture. The partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) is equal to
150 mm Hg
The immune system releases a molecule of _______ that causes the redness, heat, and swelling of the inflammatory response (as well as the itching, sneezing, and runny nose of an allergic reaction)
All of the following are part of our antigen specific defense mechanisms (adaptive immune response) except
acute inflammation
When a B cell or T cell encounters an antigen for which it has an antigen receptor, the B or T cell will divide repeatedly to make copies of itself. This process is called
clonal selection
Which type of surface marker is normally present on every nucleated cell in your body?
Class I MHC
Why are measles vaccinations effective?
They cause an immune response resulting in the production of memory B cells that provide a rapid response if the individual is subsequently infected by the measles virus.
B cells and T cells that do not immediately attack pathogens, but instead remain inactive until a future encounter with the pathogen, are referred to as
memory B and T cells
The term _______ disease refers to any disorder in which an immune system response to antigens is defective or absent.
A human who has no access to fresh water but is forced to drink seawater instead will _____.
excrete more water molecules than taken in, because of the high load of ion ingestion
To maintain homeostasis freshwater fish must _____.
excrete large quantities of water
Among the following choices, the most concentrated urine is excreted by ____
kangaroo rats
Birds secrete uric acid as their nitrogenous waste because uric acid _____.
requires little water for nitrogenous waste disposal, thus reducing body mass
Marine birds eliminate excess salts through their
salt glands in their heads
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