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Manager roles
Planning & DM Organizing Leading Controlling
Operating in such a way that resources are not wasted
Doing the right things in the right way at the right times
Fundamental Management Skills
Technical Interpersonal Conceptual Diagnostic Communication Decision-making Time-management
The ability to communicate with, undestand, and motivate both individuals and groups
Manager's ability to think in the abstract
Ability to visualize the most appropriate response in a situation (identifying causes/effects)
Ability to both convey ideas and information effectively to others and to receive ideas and information effectively from others
Ability to recognize and define problems and opportunities correctly and then to select an appropriate course of action to solve the problems and capitalize on opportunities
Scientific management
Component of classical management; concerned with improving individual worker efficiency; grew out of labor shortage of the industrial revolution
Administrative management
Focuses on managing the total organization rather than individuals
Behavioral management
Emphasized individual attitudes and behaviors, group processes; also recognized the importance of behavioral processes in the workplace
Hug Munsterberg and roles
Father of industrial psychology, behavior managment Three managerial roles: Interpersonal roles Informational roles Decisional roles
The Hawthorne Studies
Conducted by Elton Mayo at Western Electric ultimately emphasizing importance of human behavior in workplace Illumination study - lighting has no effect Group study - Employees establish informal levels of output
Dimensions for managing SR
Legal compliance Ethical compliance Philanthropic giving Org. leadership and culture Whistle-blowing
Light assembly plants built in Northern Mexico which are given special tax treatment by Mexican gov't Example of Direct Investment
A & D for Imp/Exp
Adv Small cash outlay Little risk No adaptation necessary Dis Tariffs and taxes High transport costs Gov't restrictions
A & D for licensing
A Increased and extended profitability D Inflexibility Competition
A Quick market entry Access to materials & tech D Shared ownership (limits control and profits)
A & D for DI
A Enhanced control Existing infra D Complexity Increased econ & political risk Greater uncertainty
Mission statement
Statement of an org's fundamental purpose
Strategic goals
Set by and for top management of the organization; address broad, general issues
Tactical goals
Set by and for middle managers; focus is how to operationalize actions necessary to achieve strategic goals
Operational goals
Set by and for lower-level managers to address issues associated with tactical goals
Strategy formulation
The set of processes involved in creating or determining the organizations strategies; it focuses on the content of strategies
Strategy implementation
Methods by which strategies are operationalized or executed within the organization; it focuses on the processes through which strategies are achieved
Quantitative management
Focuses on DM, economic effectiveness, mathematical models, and the use of computers to solve quantitative problems Management science Operations management
Systems theory
Management science
Focuses on development of representative mathematical models to assist with decision
Operations management
Practical application of management science to efficiently manage the production and distribution of products and services
When an organizational system declines due to failing to adjust to change in its environment Can be addressed through organizational change and renewal
Frederick Taylor
Pioneer of scientific management Eliminates "soldiering" Believes in developing workers Uses time studies of jobs, piece-work pay systems, etc. to motivate and control employees
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
Develop techniques to eliminate inefficiency Frank - Increases efficiency for bricklaying Lillian - Contributes to ind. psych. and personnel management
Stages of PLC
INtro Growth Maturity Decline
Corporate level strats
Strategic Business Units Diversification Single product strategy

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