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JOURN 1100: Exam 2

contextualize/the fact and make sense of it. “The function of truth is to bring to light the hidden facts, to set them into relation with each other, and make a picture of reality upon which men act. “ Lippmann 1922
The correspondence theory of truth states that the truth or falsity of a statement is determined only by how it relates to the world, and whether it accurately describes (i.e., corresponds with) that world. Factual truth
The sorting out process
Accuracy is the foundation, but it can only get you so far. Practical truth builds over time. (builds over time) The search for truth is a process, a conversation, an interaction among the public, newsmakers and journalists.
Journalism of Affirmation
Affirming the presumptions rather than verifying the facts. (Rush Limbaugh) Customers tell you what they believe and value and you write a story to cater to those believes.
Journalism of Aggregation
Delivering all the information without any differentiation about what is true and not true and what is significant to them. No distinction between truth and fact (blog) Take what other news sources have already published and reporting them.
Fairness and Balance
May substitute truth. Danger of false equivalence, distortion. Devices for getting to the truth not a substitute for it.
Why is fairness and balance not a good substitute for truth?
It is to broad fairness is to abstract (fair to whom?) balance is to subjective
Threats of verification
Discipline of verification
• What differentiate media reported truth and other truth? • Consistency in testing information • Transparency of finding the evidence.
Parent article: Journalism ethics and standards o As a method, similar to the scientific approach • Not meant to apply to journalists or media
Threats of Journalistic Truth
1. Journalism of Affirmation 2. Journalism of Aggregation 3. Journalism of Assertion **Objective, but is it truth (CNN, 24 Hour News)
Journalism of Assertion
repeating what people say, **Objective, but is it truth (CNN, 24 Hour News)
What is the difference, according to the book, between truth and facts or accuracy?
Truth (journalistic) is the sorting out process that takes place between the initial story and the interaction among the public, newsmakers and journalists Accuracy: getting the facts straight Pentagon papers v. McNamara's Press conference
Why do people worry about the of anonymous sources
anonymous sources can have too much power over the voice of the story, no verification or accountability. If the quote or information is wrong all of the blame falls on the lap of the journalist.
How should a journalist get closer to the truth?
1. Let community react 2. Let sorting out process ensue 3. Stip information of any attached misinformation, disinformation or self-promotion bias
Spirit of Transparency
The process of revealing as much as possible about our sources and methods. How do you know what you know? Who are your sources? It is the most important single element in creating a better discipline of verification.
Why it is important for journalists to be transparent?
shows that journalist's respect for the audience. Allows the audience to judge the validity of the information. Being transparent helps establish that the journalist has a public interest motive which is a key to credibility.
Elements of transparency
1. Journalists asking what does my audience need to know to evaluate this information for itself? 2. "Is there anything that in our treatment of this that requires explanation, including any controversial decisions made about leaving something in or taking something out?" 3. Involves something that runs contrary to what most journalists do by acknowledging the questions their stories are not answering.
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