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What are Managers responsible for?
the performance and effectiveness of the teams, divisions, or companies that they head
process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organizations financial, physical, human, and information resources to achieve its goals
Planning as three components. What are they?
*Determine Goals *Develop a comprehensive strategy for achieving those goals *Design tactical and operational plans for implementing the strategy
Determining the best way to arrange a business's resources and activities into a coherent structure
Manager works to guide and motivate employees to meet the firm's objectives
Process of monitoring a firm's performance to make sure that it meets it's goals
Top managers are responsible for?
a firm's overall performance and effectiveness
Middle managers are responsible for?
implement the strategies and working toward the goals set by top managers
First-line managers are responsible for?
supervising the work of the employees
Human Resource Management does?
hiring and training of employees, evaluates performance, and determines compensation
Operations of Management responsible for?
production, inventory, and quality control
Marketing Managers responsible for?
getting products from producers to the consumer
Marketing Manager
development, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods and services
Information managers do?
design and implement systems to gather, organize, and distribute information
Financial Manager responsible for?
planning and overseeing its accounting functions and financial resources
Effective managers must develop?
technical, human relations, conceptual, decision-making, and time management skills
Technical skills
skills needed to perform specialized tasks
Human relations skills
allow managers to understand and communicate with other people
Conceptual skills
refer to a person's ability to think in the abstract, to diagnose and analyze different situations, and to see beyond the present situation
Decision-making skills
ability to define problems and to select the best course of action
Time management skills
the productive use that managers make of their time
Four leading causes of wasted time are?
*Paperwork *Telephone Calls *Meetings *E-mail
Strategic management
the process of helping an organization maintain an effective alignment with its environment
Starting point in effective strategic management is?
setting goals
objectives that a business hopes and plans to achieve
broad set of organizational plans for implementing the decisions made for achieving organizational goals
4 main purposes for organizational goal setting?
*Provides direction and guidance for managers at all levels *Helps firms allocate resources *Helps to define corporate culture *Helps managers assess performance
Mission statement
statement of how they will achieve their purposes in the environments in which they conduct their business
Long term goals
relate to extended periods of time (usually more than 5 years)
Short term goals
set for perhaps one year or less and are developed for several different areas
Intermediate Goals
set for a period of 1 to 5 years
3 types of strategies usually considered by a company?
*corporate strategy *business (or competitive) strategy *functional strategy
Corporate strategy
determine what business or businesses a company will own and operate
Business (or competitive) strategy
takes place at the level of the business unit or product line and focuses on improving a company's competitive position
Functional strategy
managers in specific areas such as; marketing, finance, and operations decide how best to achieve corporate goals by performing their functional activities most effectively
identification and analysis of organizational strengths and weaknesses and environmental opportunities and threats as part of strategy formulation
Contingency planning
seeks to identify in advance important aspects of a business or its market that might change. a "What If" plan
Crisis management
involves and organization's methods for dealing with emergencies
Every company has a unique identity, this is known as a?
corporate culture
Corporate Culture
the shared experiences, stories, beliefs, and norms that characterize an organization

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