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MANA 3319: Exam 3

Khalsa Communications uses its human resources information database to analyze its past rates of turnover, terminations, and retirements. The company is looking at its external labor supply.
Applications and résumés are the most popular selection tools
Content validity refers to the degree that a test actually predicts or correlates with job performance.
When companies invest a great deal to hire, train, and keep the best and the brightest employees, they are focusing on which strategic impact criterion for human resources?
Is Rare
When managers and executives describe the strategic value of skills and knowledge of employees, they use the term:
Human Capital
The human resources planning process has these three stages
Planning, Programming, Evaluating
To develop the Chevy Volt, General Motors had to determine how many engineers and designers it needed to ensure that such a complex product was ready for a December 2010 U.S. launch. According to the text, this is an example of GM's :
Demand Forecast
A significant advantage associated with external recruiting is that it:
A significant advantage associated with external recruiting is that it:
The selection technique that involves asking all applicants the same questions and comparing their responses to a standardized set of answers is a(n) is called:
structured interview
Personality tests are
Employers have been hesitant to use personality tests for employee selection, largely because they are hard to defend in court.
Pierson University requires all applicants to their Masters of Business Administration Program to take the GMAT exam. This exam measures the test taker's aptitude for management by measuring things like verbal comprehension, mathematical calculations, and other necessary management skills. This type of test is considered a(n):
Cognitive Ability Test
KFAB Channel 9 wanted to hire a new morning news anchor. As part of the interview process, candidates were asked to read several impromptu news stories from the teleprompter. This requirement is:
performance test
A group of candidates participating in a variety of exercises, both in groups and individually, to identify management potential is known as a(n):
Assessment Center
Max applied for a part-time job at a sunglasses store in the mall. Following his interview he was asked to take a test on paper. One of the questions asked what he would do if he were to find a wallet full of money in the restroom. This type of test would be described as a(n):
integrity test
Adverse impact refers to the disproportionately negative effect of:
an employment practice upon a protected group
According to the Age Discrimination Act, discrimination is prohibited against people aged:
40 and over
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 prohibits unequal pay based on:
Training should consist of four distinct stages or decisions, which are:
needs assessment, designs, method determination, evaluation of results.
Behavioral appraisals are superior to trait appraisals because behavioral appraisals
are less ambiguous
Which of the following statements about a 360-degree appraisal is true?
Often the person being rated can select the appraisers.
Which of the following is an external factor that affects the wage mix?
Legal Requirements
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 states that pregnancy is a:
The legislation that requires employers to pursue workplace safety is the:
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 did what?
declared unions legal
A collective bargaining agreement commonly establishes member rights in terms of
• Wages, hours and working conditions • A grievance procedure • Order of layoffs • Job bidding
Understanding and appreciating employee differences to build a more effective and profitable organization is known as
managing diversity
Two out of three companies said they had broadened their diversity programs recently as a result of
increasing globalization
Women currently make up about _____ percent of the workforce?
46.9 percent
Rosalina has recently been passed over for a promotion. This is the third time it has happened despite excellent performance reviews. Her manager assures her that she was qualified for the promotion but that "that's just the way things go." After this last disappointment, Rosalina discovered that no women or minority candidates have been promoted to upper management positions at the company. Rosalina appears to have
hit the glass ceiling
Conduct of a sexual nature that has negative consequences for employment is known as
sexual harassment
Amanda's manager offered to double her annual raise in exchange for a dinner date with him. She was upset because she had no interest in dating him, yet she really wanted the larger raise. Which category of harassment is this?
Quid pro quo
When unwelcome sexual conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating or offensive working environment, it is known as
hostile environment
Which of the following would be needed for an effective sexual harassment policy?
i. Develop an organization-wide policy on sexual harassment ii. Conduct sexual harassment training sessions iii. Establish a formal complaint procedure iv. Act immediately when employees complain of sexual harassment
Work-related issues for LGBT employees often include avoiding harassment and
obtaining benefits for a spouse or domestic partner.
Black, Asian, and Hispanic workers hold approximately what percentage of jobs in the United States?
According to the text, the fastest-growing segments of the workforce in the United States are
Hispanics and Asians
This group represents 10 percent of the working-age population but have significantly higher levels of unemployment than the general population, despite new assistive technologies.
People with disabilities
Which of the following is considered a disability under ADA?
Future trends in the labor force include a
smaller labor force
Which of the following is one of the top five approaches for more fully utilizing older employees?
- Benefit packages targeted to older employees - Part-time work arrangements - Skill training for older employees - Educating managers in ways to utilize older workers
Special effort to recruit and hire qualified members of groups that have been discriminated against in the past is called
affirmative action
Which of the following is a way in which diversity helps an organization to attain competitive advantage?
i. Promoting better perspective on a differentiated market ii. Helping attract and retain motivated employees iii. Increasing ability to leverage creativity and innovation iv. Enhancing organizational flexibility
Which of the following is a challenge faced by organizations when managing a diverse workforce?
To become effective managers of the diverse organization, we first have to identify and overcome a number of challenges. These include unexamined assumptions, lower cohesiveness, communication problems, mistrust and tension, and stereotyping.
Oxana was recently passed up for promotion. She was told that management was looking for someone who was more aggressive to fill the position. Oxana's coworkers were surprised because she has a reputation for getting things done. She later overheard one of the managers saying that he did not believe she was committed to her career since "she, like most women, is probably going to quit her job as soon as she gets married." It might appear that Oxana's employer has made a mistake regarding
The assumption that there is "only one way" and that no other way of living should be recognized illustrates which diversity assumption?
The assumption that "we are all the same," otherwise known as the melting pot myth, illustrates which diversity assumption?
A more appropriate assumption than ethnocentrism, which instead states that "our way is one possible way," is
culture contingency
An organization that has very little cultural integration of diverse workers
is a monolithic organization
An organization that has a relatively diverse employee population and makes an effort to involve employees from different gender, racial, or cultural backgrounds is a
pluralistic organization
An organization that fully integrates minority group members, both formally and informally, is called a(n)
multicultural organization
Integrating diversity into a corporate mission statement, providing adequate funding for diversity efforts, and establishing corporate positions responsible for the management of diversity are all efforts that demonstrate
top management commitment toward managing diversity
Typically the two components of diversity training are
awareness building and skill building
When Kiara was recently hired at Burgess International, she was encouraged to attend a meeting of other minority employees to discuss the challenges and opportunities at the company. Kiara found the group helpful because other members coached her about the norms and culture of the organization. This in turn enabled her to adjust more quickly and effectively. This program might be considered
a type of employee support group
Higher-level managers who help ensure that high-potential people are introduced to top management and socialized into the norms and values of the organization are called
Giving exposure and experience in line jobs to a wide range of employees in order to make senior management positions more available to them is an important aspect of
career development
Recognizing religious holidays, differing modes of dress, and dietary restrictions, as well as allowing flexible scheduling, are all ways to improve employee retention that may appeal to diverse employees. These types of efforts are referred to as
systems accommodations
Based on the in-class video, which type of leader behavior does the CEO of Japan Airlines focus on?
Group Maintenance
A leader is:
someone who influences others to attain goals
Supervisory leadership is behavior that provides:
support and corrective feedback
Strategic leadership is characterized by:
purpose and meaning for the organization
What kind of power is dominant when subordinates are obliged to comply by virtue of a boss's authority?
legitimate power
Camden Tile managers determined that there would be no end-of-year bonuses due to predicted leveling of sales. Perry, a department manager, let his staff know that even high-performing employees would not get bonuses this year. This change limited what type of power for Perry?
A hotel has a sign in each room that says "75% of people who have stayed in this room reused their towels. Please consider doing so as well." The hotel is trying to use which one of Dr. Robert Cialdini's principles of influence?
Which power is dominant when a leader is followed due to his or her charisma?
referent power
Which type of power is dominant when a leader is respected for his knowledge?
Expert Power
A leadership perspective that focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics that leaders share is referred to as the
trait approach
The leadership trait known as drive includes a
high need for achievement and ambition
Integrity as an identified leadership trait refers to
honesty and credibility
A leadership perspective that attempts to identify what effective leaders do and the behaviors they exhibit is referred to as the
behavioral approach
Leaders who emphasize quality, accuracy, quantity of output, and following the rules are
Actions taken to ensure the satisfaction of group members, develop and maintain harmonious work relationships, and preserve the social stability of the group are referred to as
group maintenance behaviors
Leader-member exchange theory refers to
the importance of leader behaviors on both a group and personal basis.
A form of leadership in which the leader solicits input from subordinates is referred to as
democratic leadership
Which of the following statements is true regarding decision styles?
Democratic style results in positive attitudes
Leticia has again found herself frustrated at work. Her manager, for whatever reason, never makes a decision. If anything is to get done, Leticia and her coworkers simply do what they think is best. Leticia's boss has a decision style that should be labeled
Whether a decision should be made autocratically or democratically depends on the characteristics of
the situation
A situational model of leadership that focuses on how leaders go about making decisions using factors like decision significance, leader's expertise, and group support for objectives is referred to as
Vroom model of leadership
In Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, an employee's self-confidence and self-respect are called
psychological maturity
The theory that examines follower and environmental characteristics such as locus of control, ability, and formal authority system is the
Path-goal theory
Factors in the workplace that can exert the same influence on employees as leaders would provide are known as
substitutes for leadership
A person who is dominant, self-confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of his or her beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers is known as a(n)
charismatic leader
A leader who motivates others to transcend their personal interests for the good of the group is referred to as a
transformational leader
A leader who manages through connections, using legitimate, reward, and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered, is referred to as a
transactional leader
Leaders who develop their repertoire by living, working, or traveling in other cultures, and therefore are able to help disparate groups reconcile conflicting value systems, are known as
bridge leaders
Matt, Renee, and Anders were on a team together at their engineering company. Though Matt had the most experience of the three, he did not always assume the leadership role. Some projects fell into the specialized areas of the others, so he moved the leadership around the group as appropriate. Matt's style would be classified as
shared leadership
Which of the following is an act of leadership courage?
-create a vision of greatness -reasonable risk
Which of the following are effective developmental experiences for leaders?
The most effective developmental experiences have three components: assessment, challenge, and support.
6 key tactics used by all of the teams that were able to keep interpersonal conflict to a minimum.
-focus on data -generate multiple alternatives -create common goals -use humor -balance the power structure -seek consensus with qualification
General Mills uses a team approach to make decisions about the packaging for its products, including ways to reduce waste and work more efficiently with suppliers, thanks to which contribution from teams?
Thanks to teams enhancing speed and be powerful forces for innovation and change.
A real team differs from a working group in terms of the
achievement of significant performance improvements
A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable is referred to as a
working group
Teams that make or do things like manufacture, assemble, sell, or provide service are known as
work teams
Which of the following describes a project and development team?
They work on long-term projects.
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