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Basic Research
A study that leads to a greater understanding of how the natural world operates
Applied Research
research designed to gather knowledge that can be used learned to create some sort of change
translational research
research that uses knowledge derived from basic research to develop and test solutions to real-world problems
peer review
the process by which scientific papers are evaluated and critiqued by experts before they are published
an additional variable varies systematically with the IV or with the DV
a fast, positive force in decision making that is utilized at a a level below consciousness and involves learned patterns of information
Scientific Reasoning
Cognitive processes central to conducting scientific research and interpreting findings appropriately
types of scientific sources
Empirical Article Review Article Chapter Meta-Analysis
empirical article
have one or a series of specific experiments and include intro, methods, results, and discussion sections
Meta Analysis
A systematic method of evaluating statistical data based on results of several independent studies of the same problem.
Frequency Claims
describe a rate, level or percentage of some variable
association claims
correlate, relate (variables measured, not manipulated)
Causal Claims
suggest one variable causes another
The Three Rules for Causation
- Covariance: the variables are associated with one another (as A changes, B changes) - Temporal precedence: that a comes first in time, before B - Internal validity: that there are no alt. explanations for the change in B; A is the only thing that changed
Independent Variable
The cause/manipulates stimulus (controller)
Dependent Variable:
measured outcome of the experiment
Construct - refers to the adequacy of the operational definitions of variables Internal - refers to our ability to accurately draw conclusions about causal relationships. External - is the extent to which results of a study can be generalized to other populations and settings.
Research misconduct
Fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that deviate from those that are commonly accepted without the scientific community for conducting or reporting research
Informed Consent
Permission to proceed with a (typically) diagnostic, evaluative, or therapeutic service on the basis of knowledge about the service and its risks and potential benefits.
Self-Report measurement method
useful when measuring one's psychological characteristics and assessing own behavior -- DRAWBACKS: unable to answer, recall issues or carelessness, provide socially desirable answers, demand characteristics (answer questions based off of what they think the researchers expect)
observational measurements
research involving direct observation of human/non human behavior; in person or via recordings
Physiological Measurements
Assess physiological responses (e.g. hormones, heart rate)
Test Retest
Test is given again with same results
Internal Reliability
whether a test is consistent with itself
Interrater Reliability
• A measure of the degree to which different observers rate behaviors in similar ways
face validity (content validity)
extent to which a test seems on its surface to be measuring what it purports to measure
predictive/ concurrent validity
Evaluates whether the measure is related to a concrete outcome that ir should be related to, according to the theory being tested.
convergent/divergent validity
does it correlate (or not) with the things it should (or shouldn't)
Longitudinal design
a research design in which participants are assessed at least two times and often more over a certain time interval.
patterns of cross-lag study
-variable 1 leads to variable 2 -variable 2 leads to variable 1 -both correlations are significant-> mutually reinforcing
third variables
unmeasured factors that produce apparent but spurious associations between two variables ice cream sales and shark attacks.... nope, it's summer
variable affects strength/nature of the relationship between two other variables
part of a casual pathway between an independent variable and the dependent variable. (explains the relationship between two variables)
Beta interpretation
Denote strength and direction of some relationship Indicate significance or lack of significance of a relationship
Experimental designs
- random assignment of participants to conditions - manipulation of an independent variable - high in internal validity - can be low in external validity
maturation threat
change in the expirmanetal group emerged more or less spontaneously over time
history threat
something happens in external environments that influence results
Regression threat
situational occurrences that may cause a diversion from the mean
Null effects
No significant differences of covariance between the IV and DV
Floor effects/Ceiling effects
Occur when almost everyone in a sample responds at the same low/high level on a question.
Factorial design
An experimental design in which more than one independent variable is manipulated.
-In many cases, a researcher does not have the control over the situation needed to run a true experiment. -Quasi-experiments involve comparison of pre-existing groups, where random assignment of participants to groups is not possible. -The unit of analysis might be the group or org…

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