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what occurs in SI?
chem/mech digestion nd absorption of nutrients, vitamins, water
what occurs in large intestine
absorb water electrolytes and vitamins
basic processes of digestion
1. indigestion 2.secretion 3.mixing an propulsion 4.digestion 5.absorption of nutrient 6.defacation
chemical digestion in mouth invovles
salvia---makes bolus
solutes in salvia
salivary amylase, lingual lipase, lysozome, bicarbonate and phosphate, IgA, mucous
salivary amylase
-mouth -activated by Cl
lingual lipase secreted by
glands in tongue. activated in stomach begins breakdown of triglycerides
stomach acid coming up to esophagus if lower esophageal sphincter fails to close -causes heartburn -smoking and ROH make sphincater relax worsening the situation
if lower sphincter fails to open in GERD
distension of esophagus feels lke chest pain/heart attack
to control symptoms of GERD
avoid coffee, chocolate, tomatoes, fatty foods, onions and mint -tums maalox
functions in stomach
continue breakdown of starch begin breakdown of proteins and triglycerides -acts as a reservoir for mixing and holding food -formation of chyme to give to SI
Secretions in gastric glands
1. parietal cells 2. surface mucous and mucous neck cels 3. chief cells 4. g cells
parietal cells
Hcl -intrinsic factor (absorption of vitamin b12, needed for RBC formation)
surface mucous and mucous neck cells
chief cells
pepsingogen gastric lipase
g cells
mechanical digestion waves of stomach
gentle mixing waves (ever 15 to 25 seconds) -turns into chyme more vigorous waves: body to pylroic region intense waves near pylorus: 1-2 teaspoons emptied into duodenum
What chemical digestion occurs in stomach?
protein 2. lipid 3. carb digestion continues**
How does protein digestion begin?
-HCl denatures protein -HCl transforms pepsinogen into pepsin that breaks peptide bonds between AA
What happens in lipid digestion?
-gastric lipase splits the triglycerides in milk fat -lingual lipase splits triglycerides into fatty acids and diglycerides
Carb digestion in stomach
Salivary amylase active when stomach contents not mixed with gastric juice
HCl in chemical digestion
denatures proteins -kills microbes in food -stimulates secretion of hormones that promote flow of bile and pancreatic juice into small intestine
What protects the stomach walls from being digested /
mucous cells
Pancreas role in digestion
-pancreatic juice: buffers acidity of gastric juice in chyme. stops the action of pepsin from stomach -pancreatic enzymes -proteases secreted in inactive form
pancreatic enzymes
1. pancreatic amylase--carb 2. pancreatic lipase--fat 3. trpysin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidases---protein 4. ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease---nucleic acid
trypsinogen-->trypsin chymotrypsinogen-->chymtrypsin procarboxypeptidase-->carboxypeptidase proelastase-->eleastase the second ins the active form in the small intestine
Liver Digestive Functions
-2nd largest organ -detox -energy metabolism -production of bile -storage of vitamins -synthesis of choesterol -synthesis plasma proteins -excretion of bilirubin (RBC breakdown) -synthesis of nile salt -activation of vitamin D -phagocytosis of afed RBC and WBC
Energy and metabolism functions of liver
-gluconeogenesis (from lactate and AA) -glycogenesis -glycolysis -breakdown of AA by deamination -lipogenesis -breakdown of fatty acids -synthesis of lipoproteins
partially digestive secretion and partially excretory product -major pigment: bilirubin -emulsifies and absirption of lipids -neutralize chyme -makes cholesterol solube -STORED in gallbladder--delivers to duodenum -MADE in liver
Small Intestine parts
duodenum jejunum ileum
chemical digestion of carbs, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids -absorption of monosacs, aa, dipeptides, lipids, electrolytes, vitamins, water
villi and crypts found in
small intestine -villi form brush border
epithelial cells of small intestine
-endocrine cells secrete: gastrin, CCK, secretin -columnar cells secrete: CI and bicarbonate ions -Goblet cells: mucous -Paneth Cells: secrete lysozomel capable of phagocytosis
SI -localized mixing contractions ---chyme -mixes chyme with digestive juices -brings food into contact with mucosa for absorption -does not propel contents along GI tract
migrating motility complexes
-type of persistalsis -starts at lower portion of stomach, pushes chyme forward a short stretch before dying out -slowly migrates toward the ileum before beginning agin at the stomach
chemical digestion in small intestin
complete digestion of macronutrients invovled intential juice, pncreatic juice, bile -carb -proteins -lipids -neucleic acids
chemical digestion of carbs
-pancreatic amylase: glycogen and tartch -adeztrinase: smaller starch -sucrase, lactase, maltase: disacs -end produt=monosacs
chemical digestion of proteins
proteases in pancreatic juice -peptidases end product = AA
chemical digestion of lipids
-bile salts -pancreatic lipase -END PRODUCT= fatty acids and monoglyerides
chemical digestion of nucleic acids
pancreatic nucleases -nucleosidases and phosphatases -end product: pentoses, phosphates, nitrogenous bases
Large Intestine mechanical digestion
-gastroileal reflex-->chyme form SI to LI -haustral churning: relaxes while filing, then contracts to send chyme -mass peristalsis: beings at middle transveerse colon drives to rectum
large intestine chemical digestion
-bacterial fermintation of remaining carbs -breakdown AA -bacteria decompose bilirubin -absorption of some vitamins, water, Na , Cl
defecation reflex of large intestine
production of feces -distention of walls-->stretch receptors -PNS stimulates descending colon, rectu, anus. pressure increases from contract--opens of internal sphincter -external sphincter voluntary control -ab and diaphragm aids
Neural Regulation of Digestion
-Under control of the ANS -enteric nervous system (controls smooth muscle, glands, endocrine cells) sym and para have diff effects
Sym effects on digestion
gallbladder: relaxes stomach and intestines: decreased motility and tone, contraction of sphincters -vasoconstrict of gland arterioles (decrease secretion)
parasym effects on digestion
contraction of gallbladder: increased release of bile -increased motitlity and tone of stomach, relaxation of sphincters -dialate glands and arterioles
Hormonal Regulation of Digestion
-Gastrin -CCK -Secretin
-stimulated by distension of stomach, semidigest proteins, caffiene in stomach, high pH of stomach chyme -stimulates HCl secretion, gastric juice secretion, motitlity in the SI and LI, relaxes pyloric, ileocecal sphincter, constricts esophageal sphincter
stimulated by partial digested proteins, trigly, fatty acids in SI -stimulates secretion of pancreatic enzymes and release of the bile induces satiety -inhibits gastric emptying
-stimulated by acidic chyme in SI -stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice, production of bile -inhibits secretion of gastric juice
Phases of Digestion (4)
interdigestive cephalic gastric intestinal
-tract is quiet -low pH in stomach inhibits gastrin secretion and stimulates somatostatin secretion -somatostain inhibits gastrin, secretin, CCK and HCl secretion
Initial influence=neural (ANS) -senses thought actives cerebral cortex, hypothal, medulla -Parasym impulse to GI tract via vagus nerve: secretion of pepsinogen, Hcl into chyme, gastrin into blood, increased stomach motitlty -if increase Sns: inhibit GI activity
intial influence=sensory receptors in stomach: stretch receptors stimulated when sotmach walls are distended -chemoreceptors stim when pH rises -PNS and ENS: increase peristalsis, gastric juice production, secretion of gastrin -increase HCl secretion
gastrin secretion inhibited when
pH, 2.0 stimulated when pH rises
intestinal phase
initial influence:activation of receptors in small intestine: inhibt effect on stomach secretory and motility -slows exist of chyme to prevent verload in duodenum -secretion of secretin and CCK
reg of gastric empyting
reg by nervous system and endocrine system stimulation of empyting: distension of stomach, partially digestion proteins, alcohol, caffience (increased gastrin secretion and PNS ) inhibition: enterogastric reflex-distension of duodenum, fatty acids, glucose, partially digested proteins…
glucose, fructose, galactose
sucrose= glu+fru lactose=glu+galac maltose=glu+glu
glycogen, celuloes, starch
majority of water absorped
small intestine
large intestine absorbs what vitamins
b and k
small intestine absorbs what vitamines
a , d,e k, c, b12
large intestine absorbs what electrolytes
Na Cl
small intestine absorbs what electrolytes
Na, K, bicarbonate, Cl, I, nitrate, Ca, Fe, Mg Phosphate

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