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MCB 150: Exam 3

Nuclear Import Steps
1. Present NLS signal on cargo protein 2. Importin recognizes NLS and binds to cargo protein 3. Nuclear Pore complex recognizes importin and allows it to pass through with its cargo 4. Importin lets go of cargo protein when Ran-GTP binds to importin 5. Importin, bounded to Ran-GTP leaves the nuclease through the NPC 6. GAP, another protein, hydrolyzes the GTP attached to Ran-GTP, turning it into Ran-GDP, and releasing the importin into the cytoplasm 7. Ran-GDP is transported into the nuclease and GEF (Guanine-nucleotide Exchange Factor) removes the GDP and replaces it with a GTP
Nuclear Export Steps
1. Cargo protein presents NES signal 2. Ran-GTP binds to exportin, causing the cargo protein to also bind to exportin 3. Entire complex crosses NPC into cytoplasm 4. GAP hydrolyzes Ran-GTP to Ran-GDP which releases exportin, causing the cargo protein to also separate 5. Exportin and Ran-GDP go back to the nuclease 6. GEF removes the GDP and replaces it with GTP making Ran-GTP
Endosymbiotic Theory of Mitochondria
o 16.5kb in human o 13 protein coding genes o Can form special mitochondrial ribosomes § 2 rRNA genes (1 per subunit) · 12S: small subunit · 16S: large subunit o 22 tRNA o ori in D-loop (stretch of gene-less DNA)
Mitochondrial Import
1. Chaperone proteins keep cargo protein with transit sequence from folding (for ease of transport through pore (translocon)) 2. Receptor protein of the TOM (Translocon of Outer Membrane) recognizes transit sequence 3. TOM and TIM are brought closer together and open up 4. As protein goes through (due to electrochemical attraction of positive transit sequence to negative matrix, therefore does not require ATP), transit sequence first, chaperone molecules are peeled off in the cytoplasm by hydrolyzing ATP 5. Once in the matrix, the transit sequence is cleaved off by Transit peptidase (AKA Mitochondrial Processing Peptidase [MPP]) 6. TIM has special chaperone proteins that help pull protein through 7. New chaperone proteins help cargo protein to fold and then are peeled off in an ATP dependent manner 8. Chaperonin Complexes can also take in the cargo protein and aid in its folding
- DNA Polymerase is wrong 1 in 100,00bp - DNA Polymerase III can act as an 3'-5' exonuclease and is done by it's epsilon unit
Mismatch Repair
1) MutS scans for incorrect base 2) MutH binds to Adenine of 5'-GATC-3' and cuts the non-methylated strand 3) DNA Polymerase III and Ligase replace the bases *MutL holds MutS and MutH together
Nucleotide Excision Repair
Fixes dimers or "kinks" caused by UV radiation which create covalent bonds between pyrimadines of the same strand
Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP)
Sensitivity to UV light due to inability to repair UV damage on DNA
Tandem Arrays
- 45S gene arrays (will be processed into 5.8S, 18S, and 28S segments that make up rRNA) - Found on human chromosome 13-15, 21, and 22 - Chromosome 1 has 5S arrays - Nucleolus forms around the 45S arrays, forming Nuclear Organizing Regions, or NOR
Christmas Tree Formation
- Formation that exists during transcription of rRNA genes. - Very active and efficiently initiated when needed - Looks like sideways Christmas trees threaded along a string - “Ornaments” are Ribosomal subunits and sNoRPs
3 Sub-Regions of the Nucleolus
- Fibrillar region o Lighter region inside circular dense fibrilar region o DNA - Dense fibrilar region o Exists as dark rings o All work is done here; sNoRPs Ribosomal proteins - Granular region o Looks like sand o Pre-ribosomal particles
Types of Base Substitution Mutations
o Transition- Mutation where purine switches with another purine/pyrimidine switches with another pyrimidine o Transversion- Purine switches with pyrimidine, vice-versa
Sickle-Cell Anemia
Defective Beta-globin subunit of red blood cell which changes the charge of the protein unit, making oxygen transport difficult - Due to single-base pair substitution - 1 in 600 blacks have it - 1 in 12 are carries `
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- Newborns are screened for it and can be avoided with proper diet - Caused by an amino acid change in a 451 amino acid enzyme - Neurotoxic phenylalanine levels build inhibiting thyroxine and melanine
Nonsense mutation
Cystic Fibrosis
- Faulty CFTR protein - In frame deletion of Phe at 508 of 1400 - Cl- cannot pass into mucus, causing mucus to dry, and creating an osmotic imbalance
Types of Chromosomal-Level Mutations
o Insertion o Duplication o Inversion § Genes switch order on chromosome o Translocation § Genes from sister chromatids switch between chromatids § “Crossing-over”
Lymphomas and Leukemia
Caused by translocations
Oncogenes turning cancerous
Fragile X Syndrom
Duplication of short repeated sequences
Huntington's Disease
Duplication of short, repeated sequences
Can be caused by inversions
Hemophilia A
- Loss of clotting factor VIII - Caused by insertions
Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy
Insertion of Soluble Proteins
o S sequence is folded and threaded into the nuclear pore complex (N-terminus first) o Signal sequence is cleaved off
( 1 of 25 )
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