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a _______________ is a set of questions designed to generate the data necessary to accomplish the objectives of the research project; it is a formalized schedule for collecting information from respondents.
a questionnaire standardizes the wording and sequencing of questions and imposes ____________ on the data-gathering process.
interview schedule or survey instrument
a questionnaire can also be called a ____________
the production line of marketing research. it is here that the product is created.
the tool that creates the basic product
survey objectives
the questionnaire must translate the _____ ________ into a form understandable to respondents and "pull" the requisite information from them
1. Does it provide the necessary decision-making information? 2. does it consider the respondent? 2. does it meet editing and coding requirements?
what are the criteria for a good questionnaire?
the ________ role of any questionnaire is to provide the information required for management decision making. Any questionnaire that does not do this should be discarded or revised
interviewing environment
the researcher designing a questionnaire must consider not only the topic and the type of respondent, but the _________ _________ and questionnaire length as well.
the questionnaire designer must strip away any marketing ______ and business terminology that may be misunderstood by the respondent
going through each questionnaire to make certain that skip patterns were followed and the required questions filled out
skip pattern
sequence in which questions are asked based on a respondents answers
takes the participant to a different set of questions based on the answer that is given to a prior question
integrates responses from a question into later questions
Questionnaire design process
1. Objective, resources, constraints 2. data collection method 3. question response format 4. question wording 5. questionnaire flow and layout 6. evaluate the questionnaire 7. obtain approval of relevant parties 8. pretest and revise 9. prepare final copy 10. implement survey
survey objectives
outline of the decision making information sought through the questionnaire
research method
_______ _______ will have an impact on questionnaire desgin
open-ended questions
questions for which participants formulate their own responses
open ended questions
_____ ______ ________ enable respondents to give their general reactions to questions
open ended responses have the advantage of providing the _________ with a rich array of information
the _________ of open ended responses also can serve as a means of interpreting closed-ended questions
an interviewer encourages the respondent to elaborate or continue the discussion
the three probe categories
proactive, reactive, and spontaneous
a spontaneous probe cause also be called a ________ probe
a _______ probe can be planned ahead of time
Reactive probes
-almost like "natural probes" except they are more "knee jerk" -most common include: "What makes you say that?" or "What is the basis for that belief?" - question the baseline thinking of respondent, rather than relying on a report of behavior
“Silent” probe:
This is a nonverbal probe and is characterized by such actions as raised eyebrows or hand gestures such as moving the right hand in a rolling motion that signifies “Tell me more.”
___________ necessitates that the researcher have sufficient familiarity with previous studies of a similar nature to anticipate respondents’ answers.
Open-ended questions may be biased toward the articulate interviewee.
A basic problem with open-ended questions lies in the ___________ ____________ area.
open-ended questions
A final difficulty _______ ________ ________with is their inappropriateness on some self administered questionnaires.
closed-ended questions
______ _____ _________ requires the respondent to make a selection from a list of responses
dichotomous questions
Closed-ended questions that ask the respondents to choose between two answers
Dichotomous questions
__________ ___________ are prone to a large amount of measurement error
A final difficulty with open-ended questions is their ______________ on some self administered questionnaires.
closed-ended questions
Questions that require the respondent to choose from a list of answers.
multiple-choice questions
Closed-ended questions that ask the respondent to choose among several answers; also called multichotomous questions
measurement error
Dichotomous questions are prone to a large amount of __________ ______
dichotomous question
Another problem with the _______ ________ is that responses frequently fail to communicate any intensity of feeling on the part of the respondent
With __________ ________ questions, replies do not have to be coded as they do with open-ended questions, but the amount of information provided is more limited.
First, the researcher must spend time generating the list of possible responses. Second, the researcher must settle on a range of possible answers.
What are the disadvantages to MC questions?
A primary advantage of using _______ _________ questions is that scaling permits measurement of the intensity of respondents’ answers.
many scaled-response forms incorporate __________ that can be used directly as codes.
Once the marketing researcher has decided on the specific types of questions and the response formats, the next task is the actual _______ of the questions.
Four general guidelines about the wording of questions are useful to bear in mind:
(1) The wording must be clear, (2) the wording must not bias the respondent, (3) the respondent must be able to answer the questions, and (4) the respondent must be willing to answer the questions
scaled-response questions
Closed-ended questions in which the response choices are designed to capture the intensity of the respondent’s feeling.
________ should be avoided, and verbiage should be geared to the target audience.
precise meanings, universal usage, and minimal connotative confusion
Words with ________ ________, __________ _______, and __________ _________ __________ should be selected.
wording questions
________ _________ is the need to tailor the language to the target respondent group, whether it is lawyers or construction laborers.
Clarity can be improved by stating the purpose of the survey at the ___________ of the interview.
double-barreled question.
To achieve clarity in wording, the researcher should avoid asking two questions in one, sometimes called a ________ ________ _________.
Sponsor identification early in the interviewing process can _______ answers.
respondent biasing
Leading questions that give away the research goal or sponsor identity
respondent’s question answering ability
Factors affecting this ability include lack of required information, forgetfulness, or incomplete recall ability.
respondent’s willingness to answer
Embarrassing, sensitive, or threatening questions or questions divergent from respondent’s selfimage may cause them to refuse to answer
After introductory comments and screens to find a qualified respondent, the initial questions should be , ______ interesting, and nonthreatening
Once the interview progresses beyond the opening warm-up questions, the questionnaire should proceed in a _______ fashion.
Questions used to identify appropriate respondents.
the __________ of a study sometimes necessitate questions on topics about which respondents may feel uneasy.
all instructions for self-administered questionnaires should be in _________ letters.
Short encouraging statements to rebuild respondent interest.
model opening/intro
Hello, my name is _________ and I’m calling from (company). Today/Tonight we are calling to gather opinions regarding (general subject), and are not selling anything. This study will take approximately (length) and may be monitored (and recorded) for quality purposes. We would apprecia…
model closing
Thank you for your time and cooperation. I hope this experience was a pleasant one and you will participate in other marketing research projects in the future. Please remember that your opinion counts! Have a good day/evening.
necessary questions
Pertain directly to the stated survey objectives or are screeners, interest generators, or required transitions.
Steps to evaluate the questionnaire (step 6)
is the question necessary? is the questionnaire too long? will the questions provide information needed to accomplish the research objectives?
approval by managers
Managerial review approval after questionnaire drafting to prevent false starts and expensive later redrafts.
trial run of a questionnaire
__________ of the questionnaire establishes the basis for obtaining the desired decision-making information from the marketplace.
supervisor’s instructions
Written directions to the field service firm on how to conduct the survey.
field management companies
Firms that provide such support services as questionnaire formatting, screener writing, and coordination of data collection.
field management companies generally do not have ______ and analytical capabilities.
the marketing research client has no questionnaire software to install, and no programming or administration is required.
advantage of the internet with questionnaires
Some of the capabilities of SSI Web
■Easy-to-use, template-based authoring on the researcher’s own PC ■Randomization of pages, questions, and response options ■Data piping ■Constructed (dynamic) lists ■Automatic question response verification. ■Powerful skip logic
Some of the capabilities of SSI Web
■Quota control ■Foreign language character support ■Questionnaire preview and testing on local PC ■Ability to create your own custom questions with HTML and “Free Format” question type
some of the capabilities of SSI Web
■Power users may insert HTML, JavaScript, or Perl ■Respondent restart (without cookies) ■Similar look across different browsers, including Mac and legacy browsers ■Automatic respondent password generation, or import from text file ■Link to/from other online interviewing systems and We…
some of the capabilities of SSI Web
■Online administrative module for real-time reports, download, and data management ■Exports to common formats (including Excel, SPSS), with label 13
questionnaire costs and profitability
Factors affecting costs and profits include overestimating, overbidding, incidence rate, roadblocks to completed interviews, and premature interview terminations.
Process of obtaining information from a subset of a larger group.
The ____________ for sampling is to be able to make these estimates more quickly and at a lower cost than would be possible by any other means.
The key to making accurate predictions about the characteristics or behavior of a large population on the basis of a relatively _______ sample lies in the way in which individuals are selected for the sample.
Entire group of people about whom information is needed; also called universe or population of interest.
Collection of data obtained from or about every member of the population of interest.
Collection of data obtained from or about every member of the population of interest.
Steps to developing a Sampling Plan
Define the Target Population Select the Data collection Method Identify the Sampling Frame(s) needed Select the appropriate sampling method Determine the necessary sample size Create an operating plan for selecting sampling units Execute
sampling frame
List of population elements from which units to be sampled can be selected or a specified procedure for generating such a list.
random-digit dialing
Method of generating lists of telephone numbers at random.
In the case of ___________ samples, researchers tend to rely on such factors as available budget, rules of thumb, and number of subgroups to be analyzed in their determination of sample size.
the ability to make statistical inferences about population values based on sample results is the major advantage of ___________ samples.
nonprobability samples
Samples in which specific elements from the population have been selected in a nonrandom manner.
sample size
The identified and selected population subset for the survey, chosen because it represents the entire group.
probability samples
Samples in which every element of the population has a known, nonzero likelihood of selection
population parameter
A value that accurately portrays or typifies a factor of a complete population, such as average age or income.
measurement error
nonsampling error can also be called ___________ _____
sampling error
Error that occurs because the sample selected is not perfectly representative of the population
nonsampling error
All errors other than sampling error; also called measurement error.
simple random sample
Probability sample selected by assigning a number to every element of the population and then using a table of random numbers to select specific elements for inclusion in the sample
systematic sampling
Probability sampling in which the entire population is numbered and elements are selected using a skip interval.
1. The original, or parent, population is divided into two or more mutually exclusive and exhaustive subsets (for example, male and female). 2. Simple random samples of elements from the two or more subsets are chosen independently of each other.
Stratified samples are probability samples that are distinguished by:
Researchers prefer __________ samples to simple random samples because of their potential for greater statistical efficiency.
stratified sample
Probability sample that is forced to be more representative through simple random sampling of mutually exclusive and exhaustive subsets.
First, the information necessary to properly stratify the sample frequently may not be available. Second, even if the necessary information is available, the potential value of the information may not warrant the time and costs associated with stratification..
If stratified samples are statistically more efficient, why are they not used all the time? There are two reasons:
Three steps involved in implementing a properly stratified sample
1. Identify salient (important) demographic or classification factors 2. Determine what proportions of the population fall into the various subgroups under each stratum 3. Select separate simple random samples from each stratum
proportional allocation
Sampling in which the number of elements selected from a stratum is directly proportional to the size of the stratum relative to the size of the population.
disproportional, or optimal, allocation
Sampling in which the number of elements taken from a given stratum is proportional to the relative size of the stratum and the standard deviation of the characteristic under consideration.
two basic steps in cluster sampling
1. The population of interest is divided into mutually exclusive and exhaustive subsets. 2. A random sample of the subsets is selected.
cluster sample
Probability sample in which the sampling units are selected from a number of small geographic areas to reduce data collection costs.
multistage area sampling
Geographic areas selected for national or regional surveys in progressively smaller population units, such as counties, then residential blocks, then homes.
convenience samples
Nonprobability samples based on using people who are easily accessible.
Nonprobability sampling methods
convenience, quota, judgement, snowball
judgment samples
Nonprobability samples in which the selection criteria are based on the researcher’s judgment about representativeness of the population under study.
quota samples
Nonprobability samples in which quotas, based on demographic or classifi- cation factors selected by the researcher, are established for population subgroups.
snowball samples
Nonprobability samples in which additional respondents are selected based on referrals from initial respondents
The costs of finding members of these rare populations may be so great that the researcher is forced to use a technique such as ________ sampling.
Internet Sampling
■Target respondents can complete the survey at their convenience. ■Data collection is relatively inexpensive ■The interview can be administered under software control. ■The survey can be completed quickly.
all the individuals can be sent invitations to participate and reminders to complete the survey.
one advantage of internet sampling is:
Data Analysis Procedure
Step One. Validation and editing (quality control) Step Two. Coding Step Three. Data entry Step Four. Logical cleaning of data Step Five. Tabulation and statistical analysisinition
involves checking for interviewer and respondent mistakes
Process of ascertaining that questionnaires were filled out properly and completely
Process of grouping and assigning numeric codes to the various responses to a question.
open ended questions create a ______ delimma
Coding process
1. list responses 2. consolidate responses 3. set codes 4. enter codes
data entry
Process of converting information to an electronic format
intelligent data entry
Form of data entry in which the information being entered into the data entry device is checked for internal logic.
Intelligent entry systems
___________ _____ ________ can be programmed to avoid certain types of errors at the point of data entry, such as invalid or wild codes and violation of skip patterns.
scanning technology
Form of data entry in which responses on questionnaires are read in automatically by the data entry device.
computerized error check
Regardless of which computer package is used, it is important to do a final __________ _____ _____ of the data
logical or machine cleaning of data
Final computerized error check of data
error checking routines
Computer programs that accept instructions from the user to check for logical errors in the data
one-way frequency table
Table showing the number of respondents choosing each answer to a survey question
1. total respondents 2. number of people asked the particular question 3. number of people answering the question
An issue that must be dealt with when one-way frequency tables are generated is what base to use for the percentages for each table. There are three options for a base:
Cross tabulations
represent a simple-to understand, yet powerful, analytical tool.
cross tabulation
Examination of the responses to one question relative to the responses to one or more other questions.
column, row, and total percentages
Three different percentages may be calculated for each cell in a cross-tabulation table:
■A common way of setting up cross-tabulation tables is to use _________ to represent factors such as demographics and lifestyle characteristics, which are expected to be predictors of the state of mind, behavior, or intentions data, shown as rows of the table.
Cross tabulations provide a powerful and easily understood approach to the _____________ and analysis of survey research results.
The cross-tabulation plan should be created with the research objectives and __________ in mind.
graphic representations of data
■Quickly produce graphs. ■Display those graphs on the computer screen. ■Make desired changes and redisplay. ■Print final copies on a laser, inkjet, or dot matrix printer
line charts
particularly useful for presenting a given measurement taken at several points over time.
pie charts
appropriate for displaying marketing research results in a wide range of situations.
bar chart
Anything that can be shown in a line graph or a pie chart also can be shown in a ___ _____. In addition, many things that cannot be shown—or effectively shown—in other types of graphs can be readily illustrated in ___ ______
1. plain bar chart 2. clustered bar chart 3. stacked bar chart 4. multiple-row, 3D bar chart
bar chart types
Descriptive statistics
__________ _________ are the most efficient means of summarizing the characteristics of large sets of data.
nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio
there are four basic types of measurement scales:
Sum of the values for all observations of a variable divided by the number of observations.
median can be computed for all types of data except _______ data.
interval or ratio (metric)Term
mean is properly computed only from ________ __ ______ ________ data.
The ____ can be computed for any type of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)
Value below which 50 percent of the observations fall.
Value that occurs most frequently

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