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Calculating Standard Enthalpy Change for Reaction
Reactions can be written reverse. Equation- Sum * moles * times each product- Sum * Moles * each reactant
Nature of Light
Light behaves as both wave and particle and depends on how you are measuring it.
Speed of Light (c)
3.00 x 10^8 m/s. Light travels faster than sound (lightening/thunder).
Amplitude and wavelength
different wavelengths, different colors. Different amplitudes, different brightness.
Characterizing Waves
Long wavelength: Low frequency, low energy. Short Wavelength: High frequency and high energy.
Number of crests of waves of same wavelength that pass by a point in one second, same amount of time.
Equation for frequency (V)
V= c λ
one m (distance)
10^-9 nm
What determines color?
Frequency and wavelength. White mixture of all wavelengths in the visible region.
Longest wavelength, low frequency, low energy
Shortest wavelength, high frequency, high energy
How can you see color?
Wavelengths that are not absorbed by object.
Bees can see shorter wavelengths than humans can. What radiation can bees see?
UV- 10^-7
Interaction of waves Waves in phase: Constructive(bright spots) Waves out of phase: Destructive(dark spots)
the bending of a wave as it moves around an obstacle or passes through a narrow opening
Particle Nature of Light
Hertz- light shines onto metal surface causing electrons to be emitted from metal.
Photoelectric Effect
Wave theory predicts that use dim light to eject electrons but had to be exposing for a long time. electrons need to be absorb to be ejected.
Photoelectric Effect Wave Theory
Shorter wavelength light would eject more electrons. Lower frequency and long time= no electrons
Einstein's explaination
Albert Einstein: light energy must come in packets. Energy Photons depend on frequency Photon (quantum of light) = smallest packet (particle) of light Photon energy = proportional to its frequency (v) Planck's Constant (h) = 6.626 x 10-34 J • s J = kg • m2/s2 E = hv = h • c / λ
Shower of particles. E= hv
Ejected Electrons
Photon of higher energy give electrons too much energy.
Law of Photoelectric Effect
KE=Ephoton-Ebinding= Hv-ψ
Wave Particle Duality of Light
The study of the photoelectric effect led to important steps in understanding the quantum nature of light and electrons and influenced the formation of the concept of wave–particle duality.
1 mJ
10^-3 J
Photons finding Energy
Etotal= Ephoton X number of photons
Atomic Spectroscopy
Study of electromagnetic radiation that is absorbed and/or emitted by atoms. Demonstrates particle wave nature of light and identifies element (unique).
Absorption Spectroscopy
Molecules can absorb light and re-emit light.
Emission Spectrum
When that emitted light is passed through a prism, a pattern of particular wavelengths of light is seen that is unique to that type of atom or molecule. Can identify element.
White light Spectrum
Continuous (no interruptions in the intensity as a function of wavelength).
Rydberg's Spectrum Analysis
Rydberg analyzed the emission spectrum of hydrogen. • Found that wavelengths could be described with an equation that involved an inverse square of integers Problem is that it doesn’t explain why atomic spectra were composed of discrete lines or why this equation even worked.
What is rydberg's equation?
1/λ=R(1/nf^2 - 1/ni^2) R= 1.097*10^7
Rutherford's Nuclear Model
The nucleus is essentially the entire mass of the atom. The atom contains a tiny dense center called the nucleus • The nucleus is positively charged • The electrons move around in the empty space of the atom surrounding the nucleus
Problems in Rutherford's model
Electrons are moving charged particles • According to classical physics, moving charged particles give off energy – Therefore electrons should constantly be giving off energy The electrons should lose energy, crash into the nucleus, and the atom should collapse!! – but it doesn’t!
Bohr Model of Atom
The electrons travel in circular orbits that are at a fixed distance from the nucleus. – The energy of each orbit was fixed, or “quantized” – Therefore, the energy of the electron was proportional to the distance the orbit was from the nucleus
Bohr's model and Emission Spectra
Electrons absorbing photon goes up energy level. Electron emitting goes down
When is spectral line formed?
when an e- falls from one stable orbit to another of lower energy
When does electrons emit light?
when it "jumps" from an orbit with higher energy down an orbit with lower energy – the emitted radiation was a photon of light – the distance between the orbits determined the energy of the photon of light produced
de Broglie Wavelength equation
λ=h/mv. Particles behave like waves. Present interference pattern.
Uncertainty Principle
An e- that passes through the laser will produce a flash (a photon is scattered) • The flash originates behind one slit, never both at the same time and you get no interference pattern. • No matter how hard we try, we cannot see the interference pattern and observe which slit the electr…
Wave and Particle Properties
Wave= Interference Particle=2 lines Can observe wave nature not particle nature.
States that it is impossible to determine simultaneously both the position and velocity of an electron or any other particle. He concluded that it is impossible to make any measurements on an object without disturbing the object.
What is the equation for the uncertainty principle?
Δx X Δv > h/m (the error in the measurement of an object's position times the error in that object's velocity must be greater than Planck's constant divided by the object's mass)
Do not have accuracy and can't predict. Probability
Electron Energy
Schrödinger's equation
Ηψ=ξΨ Probability of finding electron with specific energy at same location
What are the quantum numbers? (3)
n-size ℓ-shape mℓ-orientation
Principle Quantum number (n)
energy of electron in orbital Higher n=higher E (opposite for negatives)
Angular Momentum Quantum Number, l
The angular momentum quantum number (l) determines the shape of the orbital • l can have integer values from 0 to (n – 1) – n = 1 : l = 0. n = 2 : l = 0 and 1 . n = 3:  l = 0, 1, 2
Shape l
l=0 (s) l=1 (p) l=2 (d) l=3 (f)
Magnetic Quantum Number, Ml
• The magnetic quantum number is an integer that specifies the orientation of the orbital – the direction in space the orbital is aligned relative to the other orbitals • Values are integers from −l to +l including zero – When l = 2  ml are −2, −1, 0, +1, +2; – That means there are …
Describe Orbital
• Each set of n, l, and ml describes one orbital • Orbitals with the same value of n are in the same principal energy level (or shell) • Orbitals with the same values of n and l are said to be in the same sublevel (or subshell) – Orbital with n = 1, l = 0, and ml = 0 is known as the 1s…
Energy Shells
• The number of sub levels in any level is equal to n • The number of orbitals in any sub level is equal to 2l + 1 • The number of orbitals in a level is equal to n^2
Electrons Transition
• To transition to a higher energy state, the electron must gain the correct amount of energy corresponding to the difference in energy between the final and initial states • Electrons in high energy states are unstable and tend to lose energy and transition to lower energy states – Eac…
Which Transition has shortest wavelength?
n=3 to n=2
The ability to do work
Force acting over Distance
First law of Thermodynamics
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Total amount of energy in Universe is constant. Can track energy by defining system and surroundings.
Energy Flow
Surrounding gain exact amount of energy lost by surroundings. ΔEuni.= ΔEsys-ΔEsurr.
State Function
Change in altitude depends only on difference between initial and final values, not path taken.
Changes in Internal Energy
ΔE=Efinal-Einitial Only depends on how much energy you started with and how much left in system ΔErxn= Epro.-Ereact.
Products are greater than reactants. -ΔEsys.(gain)=ΔEsurr.(lose) Product on left side of reaction.
ΔΕ- energy released
Reactants on left side and greater than products. Releases energy. ΔEsys.(lose)= -ΔEsurr.(gain)
Heat and Work
ΔΕ= Q+W Heat and work NOT state functions but energy is.
Exchange of thermal energy between system and surroundings.
Measure of amount of thermal energy
heat exchange
Only go from high temperature to low.
Heat capacity
Measure of ability to absorb thermal energy without large ΔT
Factors affect Heat capacity
1.Depend on amount of matter 2. Depend on type of matter
Specific heat capacity
Intrinsic ability of matter to absorb heat energy. Cs.
Specific heat of water
• The rather high specific heat of water allows water to absorb a lot of heat energy without a large increase in its temperature • Water is commonly used as a coolant because it can absorb a lot of heat and remove it from the important mechanical parts to keep them from overheating
Heat energy
Heat= mass X Cs (SPC) X Temp. Change ΔT
Heat transfer/Final temperature
• When two objects at different temperatures are in contact, heat flows from the material at the higher temperature to one at the lower temperature – Heat flows until both materials reach the same final temperature • The amount of heat energy lost by the hot material equals the amount…
Pressure-Volume Work
• PV work is work caused by a volume change against an external pressure • When gases expand, DV is positive, but the system is doing work on the surroundings, so wgas is negative W=‾PΔV 1 atm*L= 101.3 J
amount of heat a substance will hold at a given temperature. Mass(g) to Moles to KJ.
Measure ΔΗ
Find Joules by Mass*Cs*ΔT then find moles then Joules divide moles to find ΔΗreaction. qrxn.= -qsol.
Relationships involving ΔΗ
1. When reaction is multiplied by a factor, Hrxn is also multiplied by that factor because Hrxn is an extensive property. 2. If a reaction is reversed, then the sign of H is changed
Hess's Law
If a reaction can be expressed as a series of steps, then the Hrxn for the overall reaction is the sum of the heats of reaction for each step. • We can do this because enthalpy is a state function and both reactions share the same intermediate (C). – It is only dependent on the initial…

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