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Societal level functions
1. US federal government is responsible for defense of the country. Which one of the following three levels of functions best describes this?
In the long run such societies are in a danger of disappearance |
1. It was suggested in our lectures that Australia has a negative population growth. According to the functional perspective, it is not good. Why not?
Society has life
1. August Comte said that society was an organic whole. What does it mean?
Social integration in a society |
According to Structural Functional Perspective, legitimization of social, economic, and political structure leads to?
Societies should give dreams and aspiration to their people |
Which one of the following statements relates to Parson’s concept of goal attainment?
A. Create a society based on equal access to valuable things B. Create a society based on equal rights to possess valuable things C. Both A and B |
You have been hired by United Nations to work as an advisor to a developing country to eliminate gender inequality. Which one of the following should be part of your plan?
A. Urban to rural B. Industrial to agricultural
According to Herbert Spencer, societies change. Which one of the following change is not one those changes?
A. Age B. Race C. Gender D. All of the above
In our class, which one of the following was used as an example of biological social difference?
God created individuals that are not equal |
The story of creation in Hindu mythology is based on the belief that?
This guy won't touch the glass of milk touched by his customers |
In one of my visits to India, I saw a vender who was selling milk in the streets of Delhi. What was so unique about it?
Middle class in the USA has been shrinking |
Which one of the following statements best describes our discussion on middle class in the USA?
A. Functional significance is a cultural phenomenon B. Social stratification leads to status-quo in society C. Social stratification leads to conflict D. All of the above |
Followers of conflict perspective have criticized Davis and Moore’s theory on social inequality. Which one of the following is one of their criticisms?
Feudalism |
After the fall of Roman Empire, which system dominated Europe?
A. Stratification is functional necessity B. Certain positions are more important and require special talent, skills, and training C. Social systems develop means to assign occupational positions D. All of the above |
According to Davis and Moore social inequality is good for a society. Which one of the following reasons was given by them to support their argument?
Anomie |
It was suggested in our lectures that social norms breakdown in wars and natural disasters. Which term was used by Durkheim for such situations?
Simple division of labor |
Native Indians used to live in simple, rural, and traditional tribes. Based on our discussion on Durkheim, what type of division of labor was there?
Bureaucracy has clear division of labor
Max Weber was a big proponent of bureaucracy. Which one of the following was one of the reasons given by him to support bureaucracy?
A. Restricted patterns of social interaction B. Sharing the benefits within the group C. Status conventions and traditions D. All of the above |
In our discussion on status, we used the examples of Bohemian Club, National Rifle Association, and American Medical Association. Which one of the following statements on status given by Max Weber relates to these associations?
Darwin’s concept of survival of the fittest |
According to Herbert Spencer and many other structural functionalists, the individuals who are competent, hardworking, and the best are the one who succeed. This illustration was influenced by?
Elites |
According to Gaetano, Pareto, and C.W. Mills societies all over the world are ruled by a small group of people known as?
Internal inequality |
As discussed in our lectures, higher status and prosperity of Bill Gates is a good example of:
Charistmatic authority |
Which one of the following concepts best reflects Martin Luthar King?
Status |
Social estimation of honor is the definition of:
Organic solidarity
Complex division of labor, higher interdependence, and increased individualism are some of the characteristics of societies that are based on:
hutning and gathering societies
In our lecture on conflict perspective, we presented a number of evolutionary stages of society. In which one of the following stages, inequality was relatively lot less?
rural proletariat |
Which term was used by Karl Marx for serfs during Feudalism?
manufacturing capitalism |
In old days, shoemakers used to make shoes using simple tools. They sold it and made some profit for themselves. What type of capitalism was it?
A. Labor B. The raw material C. Money, machines, and infrastructure D. All of the above |
Karl Marx lists a number of things under forces of production. Which one of the following is one of them?
alienation from work |
In capitalists society workers can be hired and fired. Which one of the following concepts best describes this situation?
hunting gathering societies |
According to Karl Marx, which one of the following societies was based on ‘Natural Socialism’?
exploitation of workers |
According to Karl Marx, what is the main reason of growth of capital in capitalist society?
Religion is used as opium by the Bourgeoisie to exploit people |
What is Marxist’s point of view on religion?
A. Societies are not always under conflict B. Social conflict is rarely bipolarized C. Power is not always associated with property ownership D. All of the above
Which one of the following is one of the criticisms on conflict perspective?
socialization |
As you know children learn the language, religion, values, and culture of their parents. Which one of the following concepts best explains this process?
economic |
According to our discussion, all social institutions play a very significant role in the life of individuals. However, one of those was singled out as the most important by conflict perspective. Which one?
Europe |
Which continent tends to have very high Life Expectancy?
niger |
Which one of the following four nations has the highest fertility rate?
developed nations
Which nations tend to have very low infant mortality rates?
afghanistan |
Which of the following four nations has the highest infant mortality rate?
infant mortality |
Death of a child before reaching age one is?
description |
The author suggests that description, explanation, and prescription are three levels of analysis of inequality. In the USA, we pay 79 cents compared to a dollar paid to a man for the same job and experience. What level of knowledge is reflected in this statement?
A. Class B. Race and ethnicity C. Gender D. All of the above |
According to the author, which one of the following is one of the forms of stratification?
Theoretical framework that revisits Marxian theories and updates it for modern complex capitalism |
what is neo-marxism
Change in the mode of production |
In our lectures, we talked about Karl Marx and his theory on evolution of society. According to the author, this evolution was a consequence of?
socialization |
As you know children learn the language, religion, values, and culture of their parents. Which one of the following concepts best explains this process?
economic |
According to our discussion, all social institutions play a very significant role in the life of individuals. However, one of those was singled out as the most important by conflict perspective. Which one?
europe |
Which continent tends to have very high Life Expectancy?
niger |
Which one of the following four nations has the highest fertility rate?
developed nations |
Which nations tend to have very low infant mortality rates?
afghanistan |
Which of the following four nations has the highest infant mortality rate?
infant mortality |
Death of a child before reaching age one is?
description |
The author suggests that description, explanation, and prescription are three levels of analysis of inequality. In the USA, we pay 79 cents compared to a dollar paid to a man for the same job and experience. What level of knowledge is reflected in this statement?
A. Class B. Race and ethnicity C. Gender D. All of the above |
According to the author, which one of the following is one of the forms of stratification?
... |
what is neo-mar