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A dynamic steady state results when...
...the rate of synthesis or intake of a molecule equals the rate of its breakdown, consumption, or conversion into some other product
An open system is one...
...that exchanges matter and energy with its surroundings
What is true about the energy from sunlight?
Photosynthetic cells absorb light energy and use it to drive electrons from water to carbon dioxide to form energy-rich products such as glucose, starch, and sucrose.
What is true about carbon bonding?
Carbon atoms have four unpaired electrons and therefore can share electron pairs (covalent bonds) with up to four other atoms. In addition to forming single covalent bonds with four atoms, carbon can form two single and one double bond, etc.
The difference between phototrophs and chemotrophs is...
...their energy source. Phototrophs obtain energy from sunlight and chemotrophs obtain their energy from chemical compounds.
Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells possess what?
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells both have a plasma membrane that encloses the cytoplasm.
Exergonic and endergonic reactions differ in that...
...Exergonic reactions produce products with less free energy than the reactants; endergonic reactions produce products with more free energy than the reactants. Because the products of an exergonic reaction have less free energy than the reactants, the reaction releases free energy that …
The three-dimensional structure (native conformation) of proteins is determined primarily by...
...its amino acid sequence.
What is true of metabolism?
Anabolic reactions include the synthesis of complex molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.
How can thermodynamically unfavorable reactions, such as the synthesis of DNA and protein polymers, occur in cells?
Cells couple thermodynamically unfavorable reactions to the hydrolysis of ATP.
Under what conditions is a carbon atom a chiral center?
...if it has four different substituent groups A carbon atom with four different substituent groups is said to be asymmetric, and asymmetric carbons are called chiral centers.
Stereoisomers have...
...different configurations.
Paralogs and orthologs differ in that...
...Paralogs exist in the same species and orthologs exist in different species. If two homologous genes occur in the same species, they are said to be paralogous and their protein products are paralogs. Two homologous genes (or proteins) found in different species are said to be ortho…

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