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GEO 211: TEST 2
Adiabatic process
A process in which a system (parcel of air) does not exchange heat with its surroundings.
Rising Air Parcel
Expansion and cooling occurs because there is less air pressure
Expansion |
causes rising air to cool in temperature
cooling of air
takes place within the air parcel, without loosing its heat energy to the surroundings
Descending air parcel
-compression causes warming of the descending air
warming of air
takes place within the parcel without drawing heat energy from its surroundings
Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate
-rate of temperature in a rising or descending unsaturated air parcel
(5.5 degrees F / 1,000 ft)
Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate
-rate of change of temperature in a rising or descending saturated air parcel
-rate varies, always less than
(5.5 degrees F / 1,000 ft)
-heat added during condensation offsets some of the cooling due to expansion, the air no longer cools at the dry adiabatic rate but at a lesser rate
Other rates
(not Adiabatic rates)
Environmental Lapse Rate
-rate of decrease of air temperature (static air) with elevation
(3.5 degrees F / 1,000)
Dew Point Lapse Rate
-rate of change of dew point temperature
(1 degree F / 1,000 ft)
Lapse Rate
air temperature that changes with altitude
Environmental lapse rate
-rate at which the air temperature surrounding us will be changing if we were to climb upward into the atmosphere
Absolutely stable
the atmosphere is always absolutely stable when the environmental lapse rate is less than the moist adiabatic rate
Subsidence inversions
-atmospheric condition where air becomes warmer with inversions that form as air slowly sinks over a large rate
Neutral Stability
-if the lapse rate is exactly equal to the dry adiabatic rate, rising or sinking unsaturated air will cool or warm at the same rate as the air around it.
Absolutely unstable
when both air parcels rise, they will continue to rise on their own because the rising air parcels are warmer and less dense than the air around them
Absolute instability
results when the environmental lapse rate is greater than the dry adiabatic rate
Conditionally unstable
once the parcel is pushed upward, it will tend to move in that direction, the atmosphere is unstable for the saturated parcel
Conditional instability
occurs whenever the environmental lapse rate is between the moist adiabatic rate and the dry adiabatic rate. The atmosphere is ordinary at this state
Causes of instability
-the atmosphere becomes more unstable as the environmental lapse rate steepens. As the air temperature drops rapidly with increasing height. This may be brought on by either air aloft becoming colder or the surface air becomes warmer
Cooling of air aloft due to:
winds bringing in colder air (cold advection)
clouds (or air) emitting infrared radiation to space (radiational cooling)
warming of surface air due to:
daytime solar heating of the surface
an influx of warm air brought in by the wind (warm advection)
air moving over a warm surface
Typical Cloud droplet
20 um in diameter
Typical rain drop
-2000 um (100 times larger than droplet)
-a million cloud drops from a raindrop
Condensation Nucleus
-0.2 um
Precipitation Process
1. collision- coalescence process
2. Ice-crystal (Bergeron) process- snow, hail, sleet
Collision- coalescence process
-droplet growth in warm clouds
-larger droplets accelerated downward by gravity, collide and merge with smaller droplets
Terminal Velocity
-constant speed obtained when upward air resistance balances with downward force of gravity
Formation of raindrops in a warm cloud depends on
1. liquid water content (major factor)
2. range of cloud droplet sizes
3. Cloud thickness
4. Electric charges and fields that bind droplets
5. Updrafts in the cloud
The nimbostratus clouds have
-weak updrafts
-thus: light showers
Thick cumulonimbus have
-strong updrafts
-thus heavy showers
Ice-crystals (Bergeron process)
Droplet growth in cold cloud with temperatures below 32 degrees F.
cloud droplets freeze at what temperature?
-40 degrees C
Supercooled water
-liquid water that exists when its temperature is below freezing
-freezes when it impacts an object
e.g. freezing rain
cloud top with only ice-crystals
ice-crystal process
growth of droplets and ice-crystals
growth by accretion
-"falling ice-crystals collide with supercooled cloud droplets and freeze on contact"
Growth by aggregation
-"falling ice-crystals collide and stick to other ice-crystals"
-this produces snowflakes
if a snowflake melts
it continues its fall as raindrop
rain in cold clouds begin as
Rain |
-falling drops must have diameter of .5mm (0.02") or greater, to be considered rain.
-less than 0.5 mm is drizzle
virga |
-rain that evaporates before it reaches the surface
-observed as streaks of falling precipitation
-snowflakes that will reach the surface
-temperature profile underneath a cloud should be below freezing
-rain begins as snowflakes in cold clouds
Freezing level
-is above 12,000 ft in summer when snowflakes melt before reaching the ground
-much lower in winter
-translucent balls of ice or frozen raindrops
-occur when sub freezing layer is cold enough to freeze raindrops
Freezing rain
-supercooled rain that freezes on contact with exposed objects
-also called glaze or "icing storm" when coating of ice creates shimmering landscapes
Snow Pellets
-small round ice particles formed in a cloud mainly by accretion
-remain frozen particles and reach the surface as snow pellets (also called groupel)
-groupel can easily be crushed unlike hailstone
growth of precipitation particle by the collision of an ice crystal with a supercooled cloud droplet that freezes upon impact
-forms in cumulonimbus clouds where updrafts can reach 100 mph
-occur in clouds with abundant supply of supercooled water
Measuring precipitation
Standard instruments
1. standard rain gauge
2. recording gauges
-weighing gauge
Standard rain gauge
-routinely used
-measuring amount =0.01" or greater
-less than 0.01"=reported as trace
Tipping-Bucket gauge
-consists of two buckets
-each time a bucket fills up with 0.01" of rain, it tips, sending an electric signal to the remote recorder
Weighing gauge
-collects rainfall in a cylinder that rests on a sensitive weighing platfrom
-when cylinder fills up, electric impose is transmitted to a pen that records data
measuring snowfall
1.depth (with calibrated stick)
2.Water equivalent (general ratio is 10:1)
eg. 10" deep= 1 inch of rainfall
Cloud seeding
-silver iodide and dry ice are injected is a cloud to act as condensation nuclei
-works better in cold clouds with supercooled water
Saturation Vapor
total number of vapor molecules around the droplet remains fairly constant and defines the droplet
Curvature effect
smaller cloud droplets exhibit a greater curvature, which causes a more rapid rate of evaporation
Solute effect
this condition reduces the equilibrium vapor pressure
Fall streaks
ice-crystals and snowflakes fall from high cirrus clouds
snow squall
more intense snow shower
snow grains
small, opaque grains of ice, equivalent of drizzle