TAMU COMM 335 - semiotics and nonverbal communication
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I What nonverbal behavior communicates II Universality of nonverbal behaviors III Nonverbal message codes IV Proxemics V Eye contact VI Facial expressions VII Chronemics VIII Two cultural orientations to time IX Silence X Cultural variation or stereotype Outline of Current Lecture I Semiotics and nonverbal communication II Cultural spaces III Cultural identity and space IV Changing cultural spaces Current Lecture I II Semiotics and nonverbal communication a Study of signs and symbols of communication and their meanings b Useful to understand meanings in advertisement clothing tattoos and other cultural practices c Semioticians study the context of the message to understand what meaning they communicate d Cultural contexts are dynamic and fleeting to understand them think about how they change and in whose interests they change Cultural spaces a Cultural space is the particular configuration of communication discourse that constructs meanings of various places These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV b Is not yet a location that has culturally constructed meanings it can be also a metaphorical place from which we communicate c They influence how we think about ourselves and others Cultural identity and space a Home Appearance of home signals social class status Place of identification we model our lives on the patterns of out childhood homes Place of safety and security Home is not the same as the building physical location it occupies b Neighborhood Ethnic racial neighborhood emerged in late 19th and early 20th centuries Political pressures power relations and historical forces caused the development of these segregated areas c Regionalism Regional conflicts exemplify struggles to determine who gets to define whom People may identify strongly with a particular region Expressed from symbolic expressions to armed conflict National borders often conceal conflicting regional identities Changing cultural spaces a Traveling might transform the traveler b Migration cultural space changes when we relocate Adjustment might be difficult

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TAMU COMM 335 - semiotics and nonverbal communication

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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