Logistic Regression Bret Larget Departments of Botany and of Statistics University of Wisconsin Madison February 14 2008 1 15 The Big Picture In all of the linear models we have seen so far this semester the response variable has been modeled as a normal random variable response fixed parameters normal random effects and error For many data sets this model is inadequate For example if the response variable is categorical with two possible responses it makes no sense to model the outcome as normal Also if the response is always a small positive integer its distribution is also not well described by a normal distribution Generalized linear models GLMs are an extension of linear models to model non normal response variables We will study logistic regression for binary response variables and additional models in Chapter 6 The Big Picture 2 15 Generalized Linear Models A standard linear model has the following form y 1 1 2 x2 k xk e ei N 0 2 The mean of expected value of the response is written this way E y 1 1 2 x2 k xk We will use the notation 1 1 1 x1 k xk to represent the linear combination of explanatory variables In a standard linear model E y In a GLM there is a link function g between and the mean of the response variable g E y For standard linear models the link function is the identity function g y y Generalized Linear Models Model Components 3 15 Link Functions It is usually more clear to consider the inverse of the link function E y g 1 The mean of a distribution is usually either a parameter of a distribution or is a function of parameters of a distribution which is what the this inverse function shows When the response variable is binary with values coded as 0 or 1 the mean is simply E y P y 1 A useful function for this case is E y P y 1 e 1 e Notice that the parameter is always between 0 and 1 The corresponding link function is called the logit function g x log x 1 x and regression under this model is called logistic regression Generalized Linear Models Link Functions 4 15 Deviance In standard linear models we estimate the parameters by minimizing the sum of the squared residuals This is equivalent to finding parameters that maximize the likelihood In a GLM we also fit parameters by maximizing the likelihood The deviance is equal to twice the log likelihood up to an additive constant Estimation is equivalent to finding parameter values that minimize the deviance Generalized Linear Models Deviance 5 15 Logistic Regression Logistic regression is a natural choice when the response variable is categorical with two possible outcomes Pick one outcome to be a success where y 1 We desire a model to estimate the probability of success as a function of the explanatory variables Using the inverse logit function the probability of success has the form e P y 1 1 e We estimate the parameters so that this probability is high for cases where y 1 and low for cases where y 0 Logistic Regression 6 15 Example In surgery it is desirable to give enough anesthetic so that patients do not move when an incision is made It is also desirable not to use much more anesthetic than necessary In an experiment patients are given different concentrations of anesthetic The response variable is whether or not they move at the time of incision 15 minutes after receiving the drug Logistic Regression Example 7 15 Data Move No move Total Proportion 0 8 6 1 7 0 17 1 0 4 1 5 0 20 Concentration 1 2 1 4 1 6 2 2 0 4 4 4 6 6 4 0 67 0 67 1 00 2 5 0 2 2 1 00 Analyze in R with glm twice once using raw data and once using summarized counts Logistic Regression Example 8 15 Binomial Distribution Logistic regression is related to the binomial distribution If there are several observations with the same explanatory variable values then the individual responses can be added up and the sum has a binomial distribution Recall for the binomial distribution that the parameters are n and p and the moments are np and 2 np 1 p The probability distribution is n x P X x p 1 p n x x Logistic regression is in the binomial family of GLMs Logistic Regression Binomial Distribution 9 15 R with Raw Data ane read table anesthetic txt header T str ane data frame movement conc nomove 30 obs of 3 variables Factor w 2 levels move noMove 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 num 1 1 2 1 4 1 4 1 2 2 5 1 6 0 8 1 6 1 4 int 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 aneRaw glm glm nomove conc data ane family binomial link logit Logistic Regression Binomial Distribution 10 15 R with Raw Data library arm arm Version 1 1 1 built 2008 1 13 Working directory is Users bret Desktop s572 Spring2008 Notes options digits 2 display aneRaw glm digits 3 glm formula nomove conc family binomial link logit data ane coef est coef se Intercept 6 469 2 418 conc 5 567 2 044 n 30 k 2 residual deviance 27 8 null deviance 41 5 difference 13 7 Logistic Regression Binomial Distribution 11 15 Fitted Model The fitted model is the following 6 469 5 567 concentration and P No move Logistic Regression Binomial Distribution e 1 e 12 15 Plot of Relationship 1 0 Probability no move 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 Concentration Logistic Regression Binomial Distribution 13 15 Second Analysis noCounts c 1 1 4 4 4 2 total c 7 5 6 6 4 2 prop noCounts total concLevels c 0 8 1 1 2 1 4 1 6 2 5 ane2 data frame noCounts total prop concLevels aneTot glm glm prop concLevels data ane2 family binomial weights total Logistic Regression Binomial Distribution 14 15 Second Analysis display aneTot glm glm formula prop concLevels family binomial data ane2 weights total coef est coef se Intercept 6 47 2 42 concLevels 5 57 2 04 n 6 k 2 residual deviance 1 7 null deviance 15 4 difference 13 7 Logistic Regression Binomial Distribution 15 15
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