KU JOUR 420 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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JOUR 420 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Chapters 1 6 Chapter 1 Public Relations and Marketing 1 Recognize marketing s 4 Ps and their relation to integrated marketing communication IMC Product consumer Price cost Place convenience Promotion communication Integrated Marketing Communication IMC o Consumer Focus o Information Databases o Focused Messages o Interactive Media 2 Understand differences between advertising PR promotion and IMC o o Marketing creates exchanges that have value set up the process that creates the exchange Public Relations builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics o Advertising uses paid media to connect with broad audiences and provide information a paid form of persuasive communication that uses mass and interactive media to reach broad audiences in order to connect an identified sponsor with buyers a target audience provide information about products goods services and ideas and interpret the product features in terms of consumer needs and wants o Advertising must be called an ad and labeled as an ad 3 Understand the importance of Relationships Language o Buyers consumers customers end users o Sellers companies organizations stores o Products things brands causes ideas 7 The Communication Connection o Consumers now control the buying process o Micro Marketing is replacing mass marketing o Consumers aren t the only ones communicating o Integration is better than disintegration o Globalization has made the world smaller 8 Develop a Campaign Strategy 1 Create shared performance measures 2 Understand the issues and stakeholders 3 Identify all contact points 4 Create plans for each local market 5 Create compatible themes tones and quality 6 Work with team players 7 Link IMC with management processes 9 Establish a Plan with Tactics o For example o News releases o VNR s o Blogs websites o Mobile social media o Etc Chapter 2 What is Public Relations 1 Understand what public relations is and does o PR includes o A management function o Two way communication o A planned activity o A research based social science o Socially responsible o PR does o relationship management o contributes to marketplace of ideas o Ex o Tylenol recall 2 Recognize the different theories and models of public relations o o o Heuristic Problem Solving o Learn by experience trial and error o Can be useful and easy o Can be costly and do more harm than good Theoretical Scientific Problem Solving o Based on tried and tested methods verified through research o Fewer axioms less certainty in the social sciences o Can be an educated guess o Planning ahead crisis management Cutlip Center and Broom Models Early 80 s o Each person position has one main role they know really well o Expert prescriber authority o Communications technician write edit o Communications facilitator mediator o Problem solving process facilitator resolves conflicts o Hunt and Grunig Models o Focus on PR s function within organization o Press agentry publicity getting their clients into the media o Public information writing about things going on o Two way asymmetrical research to persuade more powerful entity trying to persuade o Two way symmetrical conflict resolution constant communication o Contingency Theory of Accommodation 90 s o Two way symmetry too simplistic o You have to work with people that may not want to work with you o PR is on a continuum between pure accommodation build trust maintain relationships and pure advocacy argue a position o Reflective Paradigm aka Reflection in US o From new European social research theory o Ignore societal issues o Organizations can achieve only as much as society permits o Roles include counseling coaching conceptualizing executing 3 Understand the role of values and beliefs in an organization s mission statement o Values driven public relations the management of relationships between an organization and the publics that can affect its success o Fundamental beliefs and standards that drive decisions and behavior o Values that are filters through which we see the world Chapter 3 The New World of Marketing Communication 1 Different types of advertising and promotion strategies trial continuity loading Trial trying to get people to do something for the first time o Even places like McDonald s can do a trial strategy for something new o Take someone from a non user to a light user and so on Continuity rewarding people for continuing to do something o Attempt to get you to do something more frequently and more regularly o Ex offering a new collectable glass each week o Ex offering breakfast to increase frequency of customers Loading offering more items to people that are already ordering do you want fries with that o Most profitable things in food industry is alcohol and desserts o Most expensive part of drinks is ice Chapter 4 The Publics in Public Relations 1 Recognize the different kinds of publics and be able to identify the differences o o o Traditional and nontraditional Latent aware and active Intervening o o o o Primary and secondary Internal and external Domestic and international Employees o Older employees value job security o Younger employees value salary benefits security o News Media o Government intervening public 2 Key theories Co orientation areas of agreement disagreement o What is our view of the issue o What do we think the public s view is o Does the public get our view Chapter 5 Segmenting and Targeting the Audience 1 Understand the different ways to segment a market Demographics Psychographics Relationship level Benefits sought 2 Pareto principle Users usage Light medium heavy non Adoption stage bell curve Chapter 6 Communication Theory and Public Opinion 1 Feedback and noise where they come from how they work Communication model before internet o Source message channel receiver feedback loop o Noise can interfere o Clutter o You don t have the channel all to yourself competitors may be sending similar messages to your audience o Messages from competitors 2 Magic Bullet Two Step N Step Diffusion Agenda Setting Uses Gratification Magic Bullet Theory at one time it was thought that if you had the magic bullet you can just repeat it over and over and customers will just follow what you say when you say it it s a done deal o Early days people thought there was a magic bullet for everything not actually common and its pretty obsolete o

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