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CAS 301 Developmental Inquiry and Methodology Correlation Exercises Practice Recognizing Correlation Coefficients Identify which of the following correlations match these correlation coefficients A 80 B 30 C 30 D 00 E 70 F 90 1 2 CAS 301 Developmental Inquiry and Methodology Correlation Exercises Practice Interpreting Correlations Many people have suggested that family income is linked to children s academic and cognitive functioning The 2002 Conditions of Children in Orange County Report examined the relation between the percent of elementary school students who receive a free or reduced lunch i e having a low enough family income to quality for state subsidized lunch and students performance on the Stanford 9 test The following graph available with the rest of the report as well as more recent years at http www ochealthinfo com cscc report shows the relationship between these two variables for Orange County Public Schools Relation Between the Percent of Students Receiving Free Reduced Fee Lunch and Average Stanford 9 Scores Identify the following in this example Variable Conceptual Definition Operational Definition Predictor Criterion This graph depicts a relation between and We would expect a school where 80 of the children receive free or reduced cost lunches to have an average Stanford 9 Reading Score of about 3 CAS 301 Developmental Inquiry and Methodology Correlation Exercises Putting it all Together The growth rate of children follows a fairly straight line from early childhood through adolescence Here are the data for one girl Sarah from the age of 3 years to the age of 5 years Age Months Height centimeters 36 86 48 90 51 91 54 93 57 94 60 95 Height Create a scatterplot for this data and draw your best estimate of the line of best fit Age Is this relationship positive or negative Does your graph show a weak moderate or strong correlation How tall would we expect Sarah to be when she is 66 months old Describe the relationship between age and height in words

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CSUF CAS 301 - Practice Recognizing Correlation Coefficients

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