Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - Lecture Notes

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CS 161 Computer Security Fall 2008 Dawn Song Notes 7 Common implementation flaws We will discuss several classes of common implementation flaws 1 Buffer overruns C is essentially a portable kind of assembler in many ways the programmer is exposed to the bare machine In particular C does not provide any sort of automatic bounds checking for array or pointer accesses In the case of a buffer overrun vulnerability sometimes also called a buffer overflow out of bounds memory accesses are used to corrupt the intended behavior of the program and cause it to run amok Let us start with a simple example char buf 80 void vulnerable gets buf In this example gets reads as many bytes of input as are available on standard input and stores them into buf If the input contains more than 80 bytes of data then gets will write past the end of buf overwriting some other part of memory This is a bug Obviously this bug might cause the program to crash or core dump if we are unlucky but what might be less obvious is that the consequences can be far worse than that To illustrate some of the dangers we modify the example slightly char buf 80 int authenticated 0 void vulnerable gets buf Imagine that elsewhere in the code is a login routine that sets the authenticated flag only if the user proves knowledge of a super secret password and other parts of the code test this flag to provide special access to such users We can see the risk An attacker who can control the input to this program can cause buf to be overrun so that data is written after the end of buf Assuming the compiler stores the authenticated variable in memory immediately after buf then the authenticated flag will be overwritten by this data Consequently the attacker can arrange to make the authenticated flag become true by supplying say 81 bytes of input where the 81st byte takes on any non zero value This would give the attacker special access even though the attacker doesn t know the secret password a security breach We could conjecture a more serious version of this exploit Suppose the code looked something like this CS 161 Fall 2008 Notes 7 1 char buf 80 int fnptr Here we have a function pointer fnptr which we assume is invoked somewhere else in the program Then the attacker could cause more serious harm he could overwrite fnptr with any address of his choosing and thereby cause program execution to be re directed to any desired memory address A crafty attacker might first arrange to introduce a malicious sequence of machine instructions somewhere in the machine s address space and then use the buffer overrun to write into fnptr the address of the malicious code so that when fnptr is next invoked the flow of control is re directed to the malicious code Introduction of malicious code isn t very hard if the attacker controls the inputs to the program since those inputs are likely stored into buffers as they are read in the attacker could send the malicious code as data in any part of the input and then arrange for fnptr to point to the appropriate input buffer This is a malicious code injection attack This demonstrates that in some cases an adversary may be able to take advantage of a buffer overrun bug to seize control of the program This is very bad For instance consider a web server that receives requests from clients across the network and processes them If the web server contains a buffer overrun in the code that processes such requests a malicious client would be able to seize control of the web server process If the web server is running as root the attacker has gained access to a root account on the system and the attacker can leave a backdoor to regain access later the system has been owned It is no surprise that such buffer overrun vulnerabilities and malicious code injection attacks are a favorite method that worm writers like to use to spread infection This illustrates one way that buffer overrun bugs might be used to subvert system security At this point though the skeptical might be inclined to suspect that the conditions required to exploit buffer overruns in this particular way are rare This seems to be more or less true1 However hackers have discovered much more effective methods of malicious code injection which we shall illustrate next First we have to back up and go over some background on how memory is layed out in a typical C program Memory usually contains a the text region executable code of the program to be executed b the heap where dynamically allocated data is stored c the stack where local variables are stored The heap grows and shrinks as objects are allocated and freed the stack grows and shrinks as functions are called and return To allow them to use memory as efficiently as possible they are usually layed out like this text region 0x00 0 heap stack 0xFF F Here the text regions starts at smaller numbered memory addresses e g 0x00 0 and the stack region ends at larger numbered memory addresses 0xFF F When a function is called a new stack frame is pushed onto the program stack This stack frame contains space for all the local variables to be used by that function and anything else the compiler wants to store assorted with this function execution On Intel x86 machines pushing frames on the stack causes the stack to grow down towards smaller memory addresses Usually there is a special register called the stack pointer SP that points to the beginning of the current stack frame Thus the stack extends from the address given in the SP until the end of memory It s also worth saying something about how the CPU executes instructions There is a special register called the instruction pointer IP that points to the next machine instruction to be executed When executing 1 However it is worth noting that the famous Internet worm the first of its kind spread using several attacks one of which used a buffer overrun to overwrite an authenticated flag in in fingerd the network finger daemon CS 161 Fall 2008 Notes 7 2 straight line code the machine reads the instruction pointed to by IP executes that instruction and then increments the IP Jump and procedure call instructions cause the IP to be updated differently A jump instruction causes the IP to be updated to whatever value is specified by the jump instruction A call instruction is special it pushes the current value of IP onto the stack this will be called the return address and then branches to the beginning of the function to be called Usually the compiler inserts a

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