UW-Madison CS 513 - Assignment #2

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CS513 Spring 14 Prof Ron Assignment 2 Due Feb 25 2014 1 You are given the matrix A 1 2 1 2 a Find the spectrum and the spectral radius of this matrix show your work Use then Matlab s eig and abs routines to check your answers Note with A the spectrum of the square matrix A the spectral radius A is defined by A max A b Compute the 1 2 and norms of A above show your work Use then Matlab s norm routine to check your answers c Find the left singular vectors right singular vectors and the singular values of A Check that A as well as A map right left singular vectors to left right singular vectors Based on your findings above write the SVD of A and compare it with Matlab s command svd 2 Let A be a symmetric matrix a For a 4 4 A of your choice use Matlab in order to find the spectrum and eigenvectors of A and the spectrum and eigenvectors of A A A2 your matrix A must be non singular and cannot have any zero entry Based on that example conjecture a general connection between the spectrum and the eigenvectors of symmetric A and the spectrum and eigenvectors of A A You will need to assume that if is an e value of A then is not so you will not cover in your conjecture every symmetric matrix The conjecture should be of the form v is an eigenpair of A A if and only if is an eigenpair of A If you do not find any reasonable conjecture to make run more examples However turn in the Matlab output of one of your tests only b Prove your conjecture from a Note that there are two parts in the proof the if part and the only if part c In view of the above state a theorem that derives the 2 norm of a symmetric A from its spectrum Check your theorem against the matrix 92 144 144 8 d Show that your theorem in c does not hold in general for matrices that are not symmetric for that you simply need to provide an example e What can you thus say about the singular values of a symmetric matrix Remember singular values are the squareroots of the e values of A A 3 Let A be an invertible matrix a Prove that v is eigenpair of A if and only if 1 v is an eigenpair of A 1 check examples first if you feel confused b Use the claim in a in order to find a formula for kA 1 k2 in terms of singular values of A Explain 4 QR factor the matrix Z on page 76 of the book You may use Matlab to this end but must show all the intermediate results of the your work So you cannot use the qr routine of Matlab 5 a Describe an efficient algorithm for computing the product HA with H a Householder matrix and A a general matrix You may assume that H is not given explicitly and that instead the input on H is the corresponding vector w Note Multiplication of two square matrices of size m requires O m3 operations despite of the fact that the number of entries is only 2m2 Your algorithm should compute HA with O m2 operations which is best possible since there are m2 entries in A b Using a above write a short code that efficiently solves a square linear system of equations using QR factorization Guideline never compute any Householder matrix simply save its vector w After all the only time the Householder matrix does anything it is being multiplied by a vector or a matrix c Run your algorithm on two examples of your choice The two matrices you choose should have at least order 5 each and should be invertible d Estimate the complexity of your algorithm i e the number of operations it uses as a function of the order of the system Note if your algorithm is designed correctly the complexity is determined by the QR factorization itself and not by the subsequent need to solve the system

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UW-Madison CS 513 - Assignment #2

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