MSU HNF 461 - Dietary Fats

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HNF 461 Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Postabsorptive Fuel Sources II Lipolysis III Fatty Acid Oxidation in the Muscle IV Beta Oxidation V Hepatic Fatty Acid Oxidation VI Ketogenesis VII Ketones as a Source of Energy VIII Ketosis IX Ketoacidosis Outline of Current Lecture I Dietary Guidelines II Functions of Lipids III Categorization IV Triglycerides a Most common fatty acids V Nomenclature a Naming Systems Current Lecture Dietary Fats 1 Dietary Guidelines a 20 35 of total energy intake b 10 saturated fatty acids c No more than 10 polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFA d Keep trans fat intake as low as possible e Eat monounsaturated fatty acids for remainder of intake These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute f 300 mg cholesterol 2 Functions of Lipids a Energy 9 kcal g b Palatability and Satiety c Essential fatty acids some FAs cannot be made by the body but are essential for bodily functions d Carry fat soluble vitamins absorption of fat soluble vitamins relies on the correct amount of fat in the body 3 Categorization a Simple Lipids fatty acids triglycerides diglycerides monoglycerides cholesterol and cholesterol esters b Compound Lipids phospholipids glycolipids and lipoproteins 4 Triglycerides a 95 of dietary fat intake b Major storage form in the body stored in adipocytes c Most common fatty acids palmitic stearic oleic and linoleic acids 5 Nomenclature a Carbon Number b Degree of saturation c Designation of unsaturated fatty acids d Naming Systems i Omega System counting of carbons starting on the methyl end ii Delta System counting of carbons starting on the carboxyl end

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MSU HNF 461 - Dietary Fats

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