WFSC 403 6th Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Basic Concepts a K Selection b Niche Segregation Differentiation c Resource Competition d Interference Competition II Theory a Phase Planes Isoclines b L V model c Tilman Model Outline of Current Lecture I Basic Concepts a BP II Theory a Equations b Alpha c Beta d Phase planes e Isoclines i Tilman s Model III Lab Studies IV Field Studies a Paradox of plankton Current Lecture BP Big Picture o Competition occur when resources are limited o Fundamental niche is larger when resources are used in absence of competition Competition exclusion can be excluded by competition in certain conditions Partitioning segregated resources o INTER specific competition Another name for resource competition o Scramble LV o N1 K1 equilibrium species These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Isoline 0 isocline Two species have 3 outcomes according to text but the figure says there are 4 outcomes o If asked on test depends on what is being asked 1 goes extinct Equilibrium Other extinct Unstable equilibrium Could be asked to draw these Big deal Tilman Model not enough to know just carrying capacity need to know rate of resource utilization o Page 169 Other questions that could be asked o Which species would win given a graph o What extra information is needed to know for Tilman Model Page 171 alcohol example o Produce most competitive advantage Flower beetle o Temperature could change outcome by changing environmental condition Page 172 o Slight difference in manner consume resource Paradox of plankton What does it have to do with Gause o Multispecies community photosynthetic o Why doesn t competition theory exclude the paradox Have lots of resources Environment fluctuates never comes to equilibrium Reverse before excludes
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