Kin 351 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Units 1 3 1 Sociology Society and Physical Activity 2 Social Class and Physical Activity 3 Race Ethnicity and Physical Activity Unit 1 You should be able to Describe national and state prevalence of physical in activity Worldwide 31 of adults over 15 were physically inactive in 2008 Nationally 13 5 of adults are inactive Describe general disparities in PA related to sociological factors Income wealth environment age gender disability can all be social factors Explain what it means to look at PA from a sociocultural perspective Ethnicity religion and different ideologies can play a huge role in physical activity levels Explain cultural competence and social justice approaches Cultural Competence assigned meaning based on behavior assigned by society if someone functions effectively as an individual Social Justice the goal is to have an absence of health disparities because of fair and equal opportunities for everyone to be healthy You should be able to answer the following questions Why is physical activity important Healthy People 2020 Guidelines 1 Attain high quality longer lives free of preventable disease disability injury and premature death 2 Achieve health equity eliminate disparities and improve the health of all groups 3 Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all 4 Promote quality of life healthy development and healthy behaviors across all life stages What are the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans adult and children Adults 150 min week and strength 2x week Children 60 minutes day and strength 3x week How does WI compare to US average for meeting PA recommendations About 55 meet the recommended guidelines 36 do not and 8 3 are inactive What is sociology View and study of social structures family schools ethnicities What are the main foci of Functionalist Conflict Interactionist and Feminist theories Structural Functionist society is an organism each necessary for survival no chance for the sake of change Conflict conflict and tension between groups will occur emphasizes inequality between groups Interactionist reality is created through social connections and meanings for interaction in everyday life Feminist gender as central role between interactions and inequalities What are cultural ideologies Interrelated ideas people use to give meaning to the world and make sense of it they re NOT static What is culture Beliefs arts customs of a certain society What micro and macro level factors influence health and physical activity Macro and discrimination that might go on and government organizational policies Micro are peoples day to day lives at home school and work Unit 2 You should be able to Define social class social stratification and life chances social exclusion and social gradient Social Class categories of people that share similar economic positions in society based income wealth education Social Stratification divisions in society that arrange people into groups that equate into hierarchy this influences where what people work eat sleep Life Choices opportunities available to achieve economic success and gain economic Social Exclusion process of marginalization reflecting unequal power relations unequal to social cultural and economic resources Explain the idea of meritocracy The idea that people deserve their social class based on their attributes behaviors and class logic varies by geographic location Explain socioeconomic status as a social determinant of health Your status can determine what resources are available to you and your family to maintain a healthy lifestyle food gym transportation on their a social power access beliefs You should be able to answer the following questions How are social stratification and life chances interconnected If you are lower on the social hierarchy you may not have the same access to healthy resources that others who are higher do It can affect your quality of life What is the dominant cultural ideology when it comes to social class That social stratification is natural How is the dominant cultural ideology of social class used to justify inequality Rich and powerful then poor and powerless What is the dominant belief about the cause of poverty in the US How does it compare to other parts of the world U S People are lazy and that s why they re poor World Social injustice causes poverty Mexico Sweden Australia and Germany What health disparities are associated with social class Lower social classes tend to have more issues with diabetes obesity asthma What is meant by the social gradient Graded association between indicators of socioeconomic status and the population your position reflects your access to resources ladder What are the possible mechanisms underlying the relationships between social class and health Lower socioeconomic status may experience more stress and increased cortisol levels and rates of depression as well as a limited access to health resources that exacerbates the problem What are the possible mechanisms underlying the relationships between social class and physical activity Income inequalities can cause a chain of events that lead to the choice of environment food activity levels and so on A poor environment can cause safety issues as well as transportation issues Unit 3 You should be able to Define race ethnicity racism bias discrimination Race population believed to be naturally or biologically distinct Ethnicity groups that share cultural heritage religion dress food socially distinct based on way of life Discrimination acting on beliefs unequal treatment because of their social group Explain the phrase race is not biologically real but is socially real The measured amount of variation among humans is SO small that fruit flies have more than 10x greater variation Socially race is something that can be seen and so people group others based on what they can see Describe dominant racial ideology and race logic White versus everyone else that white is the dominant and superior intelligence athletics race Describe racial disparities in physical activity behaviors Certain races may be a minority so they can experience less access to economic and political resources Also discrimination is a large issue still You should be able to answer the following questions How do racism bias and discrimination relate to social stratification These things can create a social hierarchy where people are categorized into classes that can
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