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Dr Peter Wipf 624 8606 CHEMISTRY 0310 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 9 30 10 45 AM T H CHVRN 12 Recitations Mondays 4 00 4 50 PM CHVRN 12 Scheduled so there should not be any overlap with your other classes and highly recommended Starts on 1 12 04 Ofc Hrs Tuesdays 4 00 5 50 PM CHVRN 1301A Office hours might be canceled when I am traveling out of town on these occasions you can arrange for a separate meeting by contacting me by e mail at pwipf pitt edu Text Organic Chemistry 4t h Ed 2003 by K P C Vollhardt N E Schore Also recommended is Pushing Electrons A Guide for Students of Organic Chemistry 3rd Ed 1998 by D P Weeks International Thomson Publishing ISBN 0030206936 Models Darling flexible model kit Z10 800 6 49 20 page T497 in the 2003 Aldrich catalog is highly recommended Exams Midterms February 12 March 30 200 points each Cumulative Final Tuesday April 400 points 20 10 00 11 50 AM In addition to the midterms and the cumulative final exam 2 lightening quizzes covering recent topics will be given during the term Each quiz counts for 100 points There will be no makeup exams or quizzes You will have one 1 week from the time your quizzes or exams are handed back to submit them for regrade or comments if you feel it is necessary the test may be reconsidered in its entirety Clearly mark what should be regraded it is not allowed to make changes or additions on the exam if you intend to submit it for regrading Cheating in any form during or after an exam or quiz will result in a zero 0 score and if repeated in an F grade for the course Picture IDs will be examined occasionally during the hourly exams and thoroughly at the final Results for exams and quizzes as well as copies of handouts and slides and other course related information will be posted at http ccc chem pitt edu wipf Courses 0310 04 2 html Please check the exam scores for accuracy I will use the last four digits of your social security number as identification if you object to this please let me know There will be no sample exams available but I will generally circulate handouts with typical problems during the recitations Solutions to homework problems that are not part of the textbook collection will be posted at our course web site see above Attending classes and recitations solving homework problems and regularly reviewing lecture notes will be the best preparation for exams quizzes and the final exam Schedule of Topics We need to cover material at a pace of about one chapter a week The schedule below is a rough outline of the topics I would like to cover in this course However your understanding of the basic principles of organic chemistry and their impact on today s science is much more important for me than a comprehensive coverage of the textbook material I will also provide you with a short summary of important highlights at the end of each section or chapter Week of Topics Chapters January 5 Structure Bonding 1 January 12 Structure Reactivity 2 January 19 Reactions of Alkanes 3 January 26 Cyclic Alkanes 4 February 2 Stereoisomers 5 February 9 Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution 6 February 16 Unimolecular Substitution Elimination 7 February 23 Alcohols 8 March 1 Alcohols Ethers 9 March 15 NMR 10 March 22 Alkenes IR 11 March 29 Reactions of Alkenes 12 April 5 Reactions of Alkenes 12 April 12 Alkynes 13 April 20 Final Exam 10 11 50 AM 1 13

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