TAMU COMM 335 - Language
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Bounded vs Dominant normative identities II Religious identity III Class identity IV Personal Identity V Minority Identity Development VI Majority Identity Development Outline of Current Lecture I World Languages II Languages III Language and perception IV Vocabulary V Grammar and syntax VI Arabic and Arabian culture VII Cultural variations in language VIII Communication styles IX Contextual Rules X Third culture style XI Discourse Current Lecture I World Languages a About 6 000 languages in the world These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Half of the world s population 3 5 billion speaks ten languages II Languages a A set of symbols shared by a community to communicate meaning and experiences b Language has a direct relationship to culture c Bonds people together and reflect what those people saw ate and thought d Continuously changing III Language and perception a Labels impact perception b Language we speak determines our perception c Sapir Whorf hypothesis i The world as you know it is largely predetermined by the language of your culture ii The structure of a culture s language shapes what people think and do iii More accurate to view language as tool rather than a mirror of perception IV Language provides the conceptual categories that influence how its speaker s perceptions are encoded and stored V Vocabulary rich vocabulary to express a thing or activity probably indicates the importance of that thing or activity in the culture VI Grammar and syntax the structure of sentences and the emphasis placed on subject vs object seem to express the nature of the culture VII Arabic and Arabian culture a Koran is the ultimate standard for Arabic style and grammar Islam has had major effects on both written Arabic and the spoken language b Skillful command of the language commands prestige c Rhetoric of confrontation VIII Cultural variations in language a Speech is highly valued U S b Listening is less important U S c Silence view negatively U S embarrassing isolating express lack of knowledge d Relation between writing and speaking varies e Silence valued Native American Amish Japanese etc IX Communication styles a High context vs low context i High context know as much as you can about the person before you communicate External information ii Low context Use internal information b Direct vs Indirect high context is direct and low context is indirect c Elaborate vs Understated Elaborate is expressive and understated is not expressive X Contextual Rules a Avoid stereotyping b Style may vary from context to context c Code switching audience dependent growing up in a household that values silence then when you get to college you move into a dorm or a house with friends XI Third culture style both parties try to adapt to each other s style XII Discourse Language and power a All language is social and powerful b Co cultural groups not dominant in society i Social positions ii Function in communication systems that do not represent their lived experiences

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TAMU COMM 335 - Language

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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